英语人>词典>汉英 : 柱状细胞 的英文翻译,例句
柱状细胞 的英文翻译、例句


mast cell · column cells · cylindric cells
更多网络例句与柱状细胞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our results demonstrate: The structures of the organs are normal, and the shapes of cells are clearly visible. There are lots of positive brown granules in Chief cells and Parietal cells in abomasum as well as the mucosa epithelial cells and gland cells of duodenum. Three bands with a molecular mass close to 120KDa、110KD and 98KDa were identified by Western Blot. The Ob-R levels of 120KDa in abomasum were significantly higher than that of in small intestine. The levels of 110KDa were similar in the two organs. The expression of 98KDa Ob-R was weak.

HE染色结果显示,各组织结构正常,细胞形态清晰可见;免疫组织化学SABC染色显示,在皱胃胃体部固有层胃底腺的主细胞和壁细胞及十二指肠黏膜上皮细胞和固有层肠腺的柱状细胞中均可见大小数量不等的棕黄色颗粒;western Blot 实验发现,在胃和小肠均检测到120KDa、110KDa和98KDa三条带。120KDa长型瘦素受体蛋白在胃中表达量显著高于小肠中的表达;110KDa的短型瘦素受体蛋白,在小肠和皱胃中表达量接近。98KDa短型受体蛋白在胃和小肠表达均较弱。

Quantitative chromatics analysis of large bowel tumorous adenoma and adenocarci-noma was made by the methods of computer image processing.


Ciliata consists of two elements, the robust and short filamentous chloronema which is composed of 4~6 oblate cells and the thin and long caulonema like osier on which there are many clavae of 2~5 cells.


P-gp is expressed in normal biliary canaliculi of the liver, the adrenal cortex and proximal tubules of the kidney, and intestinal epithelia including the columnar cells of the large and small intestines; capillary endothelial cells of brain, testis, and placenta; and in the hematopoietic stem cells of bone marrow.


And Fig. 58 126,128. The lining cells include nonciliated mucous columnar cells, goblet cells, absorptive-type cells, cuboidal cells, and Paneth cells.


Results MMP-2 positive cells are localized in peripheral columnar while no positive cells are seen in odontogenic karatocysts and dentigerous cysts.

结果 成釉细胞瘤中MMP-2阳性染色位于肿瘤外周柱状细胞的胞浆中,中心星网状细胞未见表达;角化囊肿和含牙囊肿的上皮细胞中均未见MMP-2的阳性表达。

MUC2 apomucin and its mRNA were mainly located in the peri-and supranuclear area of goblet cells of duodenum and column,but no signal in the columnar-type cells.


MUC3 apomucin and its mRNA were mainly situated in the cytoplasms of goblet cells and columnar-type cells of duodenum and column.But no reactive signal of MUC2 and MUC3 genes' product was found in the mucous droplets.


During the growth of the cells from lenses with milder cataract, morphological manifestations suggesting differentiation might be noted which consisted of elongated rod-shaped cells, stellate-like cells with elongated radiating processes or even thread-shaped, fiberlike cells.


The midgut was histologically similar, and made of columnar cells with striated borders.


更多网络解释与柱状细胞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


随着成釉器的发育,内釉细胞开始分化为成釉细胞(ameloblast),该细胞呈高柱状,高达40um,直径4-5um.细胞与中间层细胞以桥粒相连. 在分泌活动开始前,细胞器重新定位,即细胞核远离基底膜;高尔基复合体体积增大,从细胞的近端向基底膜端移动,

Color blindness:色盲

色盲 (Color Blindness) 或色弱的现象,主要是由於锥状细胞产生病变. 色盲来自遗传,是因锥状和柱状细胞的分布状况与一般正常人不同之故;而色弱是除了色盲遗传外,因生病而变成的色盲状态并非真正的色盲. 遗传性色盲男性多於女性.

ciliated cell:纤毛细胞

纤毛细胞(ciliated cell)呈柱状,游离面有纤毛;核圆形或卵圆形,染色浅,位于细胞中部. 电镜下可见纤毛细胞游离面纤毛密集,纤毛之间可见微绒毛,胞质内线粒体呈杆状,沿细胞长轴排列;粗面内质网较少,散在分布. 纤毛细胞的数量在输卵管各段不同,

Clara cell:克拉拉细胞

腺体和软骨片完全消失,出现完整的环行平滑肌层,黏膜皱襞更明显(图15-8).电镜下,终末细支气管的皮由两种细胞组成,即纤毛细胞和分泌细胞.基中分泌细胞数量多,又称为克拉拉细胞(Clara cell)细胞,细胞呈柱状,游离为呈圆顶状凸向管腔,



Columnar cell:柱状细胞

colorimetry 色度学 | Columnar cell 柱状细胞 | compact fluorescent lamp 紧凑型荧光灯

goblet cell:杯状细胞

在小肠和大肠腔面的单层柱状上皮中,柱状细胞间有许多散在的杯状细胞(goblet cell). 杯状细胞形似高脚酒杯,细胞顶部臌大,充满黏液性分泌颗粒,基底部较强窄. 胞核位于基底部,常为较小的三角形或扁圆形,染色质浓密,着色较深.


1.成牙本质细胞(odontoblast) 位于牙髓周围,呈柱状紧接前期牙本质排列的一层,是呈极性分布的终末分化细胞. 其细胞顶端有一细长的突起伸入牙本质小管内,因此成牙本质细胞层实际上是由成牙本质细胞的胞体构成. 成牙本质细胞排列成栅栏状,

Zona pellucida:明带

卵子的主要结构包括放射冠(Corona radiata)、透明带(Zona pellucida)、卵黄膜(Yolk membrane)及卵黄(Vitellus)等部分. 向卵巢??形成多层园柱状细胞,细胞体积变小,称颗粒细胞. 开始时这些卵泡细胞与卵母细胞的卵泡膜紧紧相连,随着卵泡的生长,

mucous neck cell:颈黏液细胞

颈黏液细胞(mucous neck cell) 细胞数量较少,分布于胃底腺的上部,夹在壁细胞之间. 细胞呈柱状,胞核扁圆形,位于细胞基部,细胞内充满黏原颗粒,能分泌黏液.