英语人>词典>汉英 : 柠檬塔 的英文翻译,例句
柠檬塔 的英文翻译、例句


Lemon meringue pie
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Aging this blend of lemon and orange Virginias, Xanthi and Latakia in cakes develops an extra margin of smoothness and an uncommonly rich flavor that is refined, not heavy.


This was a close encounter with a lemon shark taken in Bora Bora at 20 meters down at the dive site Tapu.


16 And 19 components are identified from three specimens,which accounted for 99.63%, 99.70% and 99.28% of volatile fraction, respectively. The major components are pulegone and menthone, which accounted for 89.02%, 83.51%and 87.11%(Horm rural Buerjin county of Xinjiang). Others are isomenthone, piperitenone,isopulegone and limonene et al.Key words Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. essential oil gas chromatography-mass spectrometry


Vegetarian Greek food relies upon feta cheese (often taken from goat or sheep milk), hummos (garbanzo beans, lemon and garlic blended into a spread), white or lima beans (cooked with tomato sauce and served cold), baba ghanouj (eggplant, garlic, lemon and olive oil blended as a dip), and pita bread.


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angel food cake:蛋糕

橄榄油和大蒜炒义大利面、加了柠檬的鹰嘴豆泥酱和皮塔饼(pita)、加糖的柠檬茶和柠檬/莱姆汽水、蒸蔬菜加磨碎的姜、蒸蔬菜加柠檬、炖豆腐和蔬菜、烩饭(rice pilaf)加柠檬和大蒜、清爽的汤面、咸番茄、天使蛋糕(angel food cake)、酪梨加柠檬、胡萝

limone ripieno:柠檬雪芭

果酱梨蛋糕 Torta di Pere | 柠檬雪芭limone ripieno | 塔图佛蛋酒冰淇淋tartufo bianco

Sables bretons chocolat-framboise:巧克力覆盆子布列塔尼酥餅

et cremeux citron 布列塔尼可可奶油咸酥饼佐柠檬奶油 298 | Sables bretons chocolat-framboise 巧克力覆盆子布列塔尼酥饼 300 | Sables au chocolat 巧克力酥饼 302

Chocolate Tartlets:迷你巧克力塔

16. Pineapple Tarts 黄梨挞 | 17. Chocolate Tartlets 迷你巧克力塔 | 18. Lemon Meringue Tartlets 迷你柠檬蛋白霜塔

thousand island dressing:千島醬

千岛酱(Thousand Island Dressing)是台湾最受欢迎的沙拉酱,因为加入辣椒酱,变成橘黄的颜色,其他利用的食材还有洋葱、甜椒、腌瓜等. 炸鱼时一旁摆著的白色塔塔酱(Tartar sauce)也是美乃滋的变身,酸豆 Capers、橄榄、洋葱、柠檬汁是不可缺少的重要功臣.