英语人>词典>汉英 : 枯草 的英文翻译,例句
枯草 的英文翻译、例句


withered grass
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The results showed: the Berberis heteropoda pigment could effectively inhibit the growth of theE scherichiac oli, the calyx pigment ofP hysalis alkekengi coulde ffectively inhibit the growth of the Bacterium proteus, the concentrated liquid of Rhodiola sachalinensis could effectively inhibit the growth of the Bac.


Resulls showed that five stored antagonists (Burkholder cepacia, Candida guiliermondii, Kloeckera apiculata, Debaryomyces han-senii, Bacillus subtilis) could effectively inhibit brown rot of sweet cherry fruit, among which Bacillus subtilis and Candida guiliermondii could entirely inhibit the disease.

结果表明,保存的洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌、季也蒙假丝酵母、柠檬形克勒克酵母、汉逊德巴利酵母、枯草芽孢杆菌 B-912等5种拮抗菌对甜樱桃褐腐病都表现出显著的抑制效果,其中枯草芽孢杆菌、季也蒙假丝酵母可完全抑制病害的发生;季也蒙假丝酵母和柠檬形克勒克酵母能有效地防治核果类果实采摘后软腐病。

With metabolic pathway analysis method, the biosynthesis pathway of guanosine by Bacillus subtillis in steady state was analysed in this paper, and three basic models were established, and th.

利用途径分析方法对枯草芽孢杆菌生产鸟苷的途径进行了分析,建立了 3种基础模型,鸟苷理论摩尔产率分别是 0 6 2 5、0 75和 0 6 6 7,确定了枯草芽孢杆菌生产鸟苷的最佳途径的通量分布。

The optimum hydrolytic conditions of razor clam for neutral protease were : enzyme concentration 2.4%, hydrolysis temperature 50癈, substrate concentration 1:3, pH 7 and reaction time 6 hrs with the degree of hydrolysis and extraction rate of total nitrogen 42.46% and 83.04% respectively; and foracid protease they were: en/yme concentration 6.0%, hydrolysis temperature 50癈, substrate concentration 1:4, pH3.5 and reaction time 5 hrs with the degree of hydrolysis and extraction rate of total nitrogen 46.37% and 87.94% respectively, the hydrolysate being clear light yellow. For the combination of two kinds of proteases they were: first hydrolyzing with 2.6% f 1 avouryme for 3 hrs, then hydrolyzing with 2.4% neutral protease for 3 hrs with the degree of hydrolysis and extraction rtiie of total nitrogen 4-1.57% and 86.95% respectively.


ABSTRACT Bacillus subtilis tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase was expressed and purified by the aid of the high-level expr...


According to the identification, Bacillus subtilis CGMCC No.1982 is a typical Bacillus subtilis. Compared with other Bacillus subtilises, Bacillus subtilis CGMCC No.1982 has broad-spectrum antipathogen fungal activity; the fermentation broth and spore have sound effect in preservation of fresh fruits such as peach, grapes, etc, and also have sound antiviral effect in production of cucumber, tomato and other greenhouse vegetables.

经鉴定枯草芽孢杆菌CGMCC No.1982属于典型的枯草芽孢杆菌,与其它枯草芽孢杆菌相比其具有广谱抗病原真菌活性,其发酵液和芽孢对鲜桃、葡萄等水果保鲜效果较好;用于黄瓜、番茄等大棚蔬菜的生产抗病效果较好。

C, 200rpm for 5d then placed statically for more than 7d, and addition more than 0.01% Chitosan to Bacillus subtilis suspension provided significant UV protection. The survival spore rate is 90% about 2-2.5 fold better than control for spore exposed to UV radiation for 30 min. Bioassay in against Glomerella cingulata, and the inhibition activity is still 60%.

枯草杆菌於MIY液态培养基中,30°C,200rpm震荡培养五天后静置培养七天以上,以甲壳素添加浓度大於0.01%作为最适宜的紫外保护剂之作用最好,於UVB灯下暴晒30 min,对枯草杆菌孢子的保护效果最好,存活率达90%以上,抗紫外线活性是不添加紫外线保护剂的CK组的2.5-3倍,对檬果炭疽真菌仍有60%的抑菌活性。

Signal peptide sequence was removed lest it couldnt be recognized by Bacillus subtilis, gene coding for mature peptide was ligated to downstream of sacB signal peptide sequence of pWB980 to form a new ORF and generate pWB980-LipA, gene coding for its chaperone was also amplified and ligated to the downstream of LipA to generate a secretion/expression vector pWB980-LipAB.thechaperone gene was sequenced and analyzed by multiple alignments, resulted showed that there were mutations of nucleotides(1~7) and amino acids (1~2) with the other reported genes.


For example, it is a pathogenic bacterium and has endotoxins; it secretes protein into the periplasm and often into inclusion bodies. Bacillus subtilis is an attractive host for the production of heterologous secretory proteins. Many genes has succeed expressed in Bacillus subtilis, and the plasmid vectors for Bacillus subtilis are now taken from other genus bacterium, such as Staphylococcus aureus or lactococcus lactis and so on. As it is clear to known that these plasmids are far from optimal for Bacillus subtilis, because of low efficiencies of cloning and high levels of replicating instability.


Re-sults:it was shown that Nano MgO had excellent germicidal efficacy to the Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.To such spore as Bacillus subtilis var.niger spore,Nano MgO also produced good germicidal effect.It was proposed that abrasiveness,alka-linity,electrostatic attraction,and oxidizing power of nano MgO all combined to promote these biocidal properties.

结果: ①纳米氧化镁能有效杀灭大肠杆菌,对枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢也有显著的杀灭效果;②纳米氧化镁对金黄色葡萄球菌和枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢有很好的抑菌作用;③纳米氧化物的磨蚀性、碱性、氧化性以及对微生物的静电吸附使它具有抑菌和杀菌作用。

更多网络解释与枯草相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bacillus subtilis:枯草杆菌

0132] 枯草杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)产果胶酶的研究Ⅰ.菌种选育、鉴定及其酶学特征分析-----[工业微生物 2000-01]

Bacillus subtilis:枯草芽孢杆菌

本发明的技术方案是将枯草芽 孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)和胶胨样芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mucilagimosus krassilm)单独发酵生产, 发酵后的菌液分别用草炭吸附,将二种吸附后的单一菌剂按照1∶1.5-3.5的比例混合、粉碎, 得到复合微生物菌剂.

Bacillus subtilis:枯草芽胞杆菌

海奥圣纳豆胶囊拥有了多项核心技术 一.唯一采用HATH2003枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)菌种发酵技术. 并定期提纯、复壮菌种,保持其纯种性和优异性. 所以产品溶栓效果远非普通纳豆所能达到. 答:纳豆(Natto)是日本一种独特的大豆传统食品,

Bacillus subtilis:枯草芽孢杆菌(只限于只限于不产生耐抗菌素的菌株)

5、乳酸片球菌Pediococcus acidilacticii | 6、枯草芽孢杆菌(只限于只限于不产生耐抗菌素的菌株)Bacillus subtilis | 7、纳豆芽孢杆菌Bacillus natto

Bacillus Subtillis:枯草芽孢杆菌

Calpain activator的氨基酸顺序与山羊肝脏蛋白UK114几乎一样;与小鼠HR12蛋白很相似;与流感嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus influenzae)和枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtillis)获得的YjgF和YabJ两种热激蛋白有很大的相似点,

Bacillus Subtillis:枯草芽胞杆菌

Bacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌属 | Bacillus subtillis 枯草芽胞杆菌 | bacitracin 杆菌肽


枯草菌素 (bacitracin)是1945年Johnson等由枯草菌群中之一种Bacillus Subtilis var.Tracy株(1949年Meleney修正其菌名为Bacillus licheniformis var.Trac株).分离而得的一种锁环状多胜体抗生素...早自1948年Bacitracin(枯草菌素)就被美国FDA核准使用.在皮肤科方面多制造成外用药膏的剂型.枯草菌性可干扰C55-异戊二烯焦磷酸(C


bacitracin 杆菌肽素 | bacitracin 枯草杆菌肽 | back-page 登在报纸最后部分的

bacitracin; subtilin:枯草菌素

"bacilysin","杆菌溶素" | "bacitracin; subtilin","枯草菌素" | "back bone","骨干;脊柱"


subtile /敏感的/稀薄的/狡猾的/复杂的/ | subtilin /枯草杆菌素/枯草菌素/ | subtilisin /[生化]枯草杆菌蛋白酶/