英语人>词典>汉英 : 构音障碍 的英文翻译,例句
构音障碍 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anarthria  ·  dysarthria  ·  dysarthrosis

更多网络例句与构音障碍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apraxia of speech and Dysarthria are other speech disorders that may be confused with aphasia.


The quantitative assessment of articulating function is an essential part of intervening speech difficulties in children by language education.


Methods:38 cases of spastic dysarthria in patients with stroke were accepted speech training.


Dysarthria was common speech disturbance, speech training was effectual remedy on spastic dysarthria in patients with stroke.


Language disturbance, classification, aphasia, anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestation, dysarthria.


Bilateral pallidotomy may not have complications of dysarthria and cognitive impairment similarly as thalamotomy, but has a significantly higher risk of hypophonia and swollen difficulty.


Aphasia, dysarthria,delayed language development,hearing disorder,speech disorder of cerebral palsy, stutter can be evaluated ,diagnosed and intevented. The patients can get best hearing aid fitting and intervention here.


They were assessed with dysarthria method from China Rehabilitation Research Center, and speech articulation was evaluated with Chinese Character Scale for Articulation Test edited by Wang Guo-min.


Patients' symptoms were assessed in accordance with Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (partsⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ were respectively used to evaluate mental activity, activities of daily living, motor nerve characteristics, complication therapy), International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (including gait, cooperative ataxia, dysarthrosis, ocular dyscinesia), Activities of Daily Living Scale and mini-mental state examination.


22 Vs TD: 21 70 ? 5 09 p = 0 11 and ball skills subtest of M-ABC (Z =-2 256 p = 021) The correlations of the scores of two motor tests and their subtests were fair to good (r =- 264 ~- 645 ) Conclusion: Children with FAD present similar overall motor performance except of lower scores of fine motor precision and ball skills The correlations of scores of two motor tests are only fair to good Clinical Relevance: Clinical therapists should be cautious that children with FAD may have a comorbid motor problem especially the fine motor precision and ball skills Only fair to good correlations of scores of the two most commonly used clinical tests indicates that it should be cautious when choosing a motor test for certain purpose

能性构音障碍儿童: 59 60 ± 9 16;正常发展儿童: 64 93 ± 8 77 p = 026、精细动作精准分测验(?能性构音障碍儿童: 18 53 ± 4 22;正常发展儿童: 21 70 ± 5 09 p = 0 11)与Movement-ABC的球类技巧分测验(Z =-2 256 p = 021)的表现显著较正常发展儿童差。而两动作测验与其分测验之间分数的相关性仅有中等至良好的相关(r =- 264 ~- 645)。结论:?能性构音障碍儿童在整体动作表现与正常发展儿童类似,但在动作中之精准控制能力较一般儿童差。BOT-2与Movement-ABC两种动作测验与其分测验之间仅有中等到良好的相关,显示两动作测验在本质上仍有不同,并不能互相取代,因此在使用时应考虑受试者的特质与目的等因素,以期使用最合适之评估工具。

更多网络解释与构音障碍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anarchy 无政府状态 | anarthria 构音障碍 | anarthrous 无关节的


cervical spondylosis 颈椎病 | disablement 残疾 | dysarthria 构音障碍

D disablement:残疾

cervical spondylosis 颈椎病 | D disablement 残疾 | dysarthria 构音障碍


亦有学者使用针刺治疗脑中风患者之构音困难(dysarthria)获 得不错的效果[2]. 5.神经性膀胱功能障碍 脊髓损伤之患者常因膀胱功能失常而致生活上不方便和精神上之压力,严重 者引起肾脏功能受损.郑等[3]收集27例此类患者,...




dyskoimesis 睡眠困难 | dyslalia 构音困难 | dyslexia 诵读障碍


言语和语言治疗是对各种言语、语言障碍的评价、治疗和研究[2],其中言语、语言又各有含义. 言语(speech)为口语交流的机械部分,为使口语发音表达清晰,需要相应的神经肌肉活动. 言语障碍可由咽下困难(Dysphagia)、构音障碍(D..




paraglossia 舌下炎 | paralalia 出语障碍,构音倒错 | parotitis 腮腺炎

pseudobulbar palsy:假性延髓麻痹

假性延髓麻痹(Pseudobulbar palsy)是脑卒中重要并发症之一,临床以吞咽障碍、构音障碍、言语障碍、情感障碍为主要特征. 祖国医学将其归属于"中风"、"★痱"、"喉痹(闭)"等范畴.