英语人>词典>汉英 : 构成主义 的英文翻译,例句
构成主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
constructionism  ·  constructivism

更多网络例句与构成主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since 50's, Japan designed boundary's modernism to Europe and America design to carry on history of, overall reviewing and understanding, Japanese reasonableness of design esthetics and the composing doctrine of Europe esthetics of is a nice bit of similar of place, therefore, Japan of designer, especially flat surface designer to the composing doctrine feeling have a clock only.

从50 年代开始,日本设计界对欧美的现代主义设计进行了历史的、全面的审阅和了解,日本理性的设计美学与欧洲的构成主义美学之间有相当多的类似之处,因此,日本的设计家,特别是平面设计家对构成主义情有独钟。

The works of Yuri Gulitov are inspired by various artistic and architectural styles, including brutalism, constructivism, dynamism, and a quest for freedom from establishment rules.

俄罗斯设计师Yuri Gulitov的作品深受各种艺术与建筑风格的影响,包括野兽派艺术、构成主义、物力论以及在既定规则里对自由的追求。

Accordingly, in this paper, I attempt to apply the concept of social constructionism to the study of public administration by comparing the social design approach with the perspective of science approach and the art


Hall emphasized the semiotic and the discursive approaches in the constructionist approach to"representation".


Constructivist concepts of architecture and design industry has a significant influence.


Educational psychologists distinguish individual constructivism, identified with Piaget's theory of cognitive development, from social constructivism.


Note: Vladimir Tatlin(1895—1956), the founder of Constructivism in Russia, his famous art work of 'The Model of Communist International Monument' imitated the Babel (a heaven-reaching tower) in the Bible.

注:符拉基米尔·塔特林(Vladimir Tatlin,1895—1956),俄国构成主义的奠基者,其代表作《第三国际纪念碑模型》,造型模仿《圣经》中的"巴别塔"。

Ladimir Tatlin(1895-1956), the founder of Constructivism in Russia, his famous artwork of 'The Model of Communist International Monument' imitated the Babel (a heaven-reaching tower) in the Bible.

注: 符拉基米尔·塔特林(Vladimir Tatlin,1895—1956),俄国构成主义的奠基者,其代表作《第三国际纪念碑模型》,造型模仿《圣经》中的"巴别塔"。

However, Japanese designers are more prefer to symmetric distribution rather than the dissymmetric pattern of the European constructivism, as the core symmetry is one of the components of the Japanese traditional designing. Consequently, they modulated the European constructivism by adding some of the simplified symbolic patterns, which are parts of the traditional designing, i.e. patterns of grass, animals and floras etc. into the Japanese constructive designing.

但是, 日本设计家更加喜欢对称化的布局,而不是构成主义非对称化的方式,中轴对称是日本长期的传统设计的组成部分之一,因此日本的设计对欧洲的构成主义进行了调整,把传统设计中一些简单化的象征性图案,比如花草、动物、植物纹样等等,都加入到日本式的构成主义设计中。

Constantin Brancusi, whose work had a major influence on the minimalism and was much more of a search for the purity of the form but paved the way for abstractions that were to come as named minimalism.


更多网络解释与构成主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

communism, atomism:表示"主义, 学说, 信仰, 制度, 风俗", 如

-ism [构成抽象名词] | 1.表示"主义, 学说, 信仰, 制度, 风俗", 如: communism, atomism | 2.表示"行动, 行为", 如: criticism, vandalism


constructively /建设性地/ | constructiveness /建设性/ | constructivism /构成主义/构成派/


文章摘要:一、构成学在艺术设计教学中的意义 在造型领域中,"构成"成为专门的用语,源于20世纪初期俄国的前卫艺术运动"构成主义"(Constructivism)以及德国的包豪斯设计学院所用的"构成"(Gestaltung).


contextualism /文脉主义/ | contexture /编织/织物/构成/ | conticaster /连铸机/


后世的学者以此重构了一个"伊壁鸠鲁主义"(Epicureanism),和著名的斯多亚主义(Stoicism)一起构成古希腊哲学的两大支柱. 所谓镜面映现,乃是透过一种对映或临摹对方的方式让一个人无论在文字、声音、肢体语言三方面都能和对方达成共同的沟通模式,


自苏格拉底以降,"是什么"的问题一直困扰着西方哲学家,不但成为存在论(ontology)的追问基点,也塑造了"本质主义"(essentialism)的思想模式. 典型的本质主义将事物的性质区分为本质与偶性,认为只有对本质的认识才构成"真知";



Pop Art:大眾藝術

)以二十年代为主的艺术媒体实验期、(二)以四十、五十年代为主的大众艺术( pop art )媒体期、(三)六十、七十年代以至目前的尖端科技艺术(High Technology Art)媒体期三个时期...第一期包括了立体主义、达达主义、构成主义、包浩斯等等,


1.超现实主义(Superrealism)二战之后,现代雕塑中超现实主义就像是黑暗之后的黎明曙光,引亮了艺术界. 众多的艺术家憧憬着神秘的诗歌、梦中的世界和弗洛伊德的潜意识境界. 这些作品的特征大致是没有五官表情,朦胧状态和骨架式的构成.


另一方面,亚当斯密等古典经济学家则通过倡导"自由放任主义"(Laissezfaire)发展了洛克的经济自由思想. Laissez faire(法语)的字面意思就是"让我们去干". 自由放任主义崇尚自由的经济社会,认为在一个由享有充分自由的理性经济人构成的社会中,