英语人>词典>汉英 : 极限函数 的英文翻译,例句
极限函数 的英文翻译、例句


limit function
更多网络例句与极限函数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Events,Operation and Relation of Sets, Classical Probability, Geometrical Probability , Statistical Stability of a Frequency, Axioms of Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability Theorem, Bayes' Rule,Independent Events,Independent Repeated Trials, One Dimensional Random Variables, Discrete Random Variables, Distribution Function of a Random Variables , Continuous Random Variables, Normal Distribution, Distribution of a Function of a Random Variable, Multidimensional Random Variables, Joint Distribution Function, Marginal Distribution Function,Discrete Two—Dimensional Random Variables,Continuous Two—Dimensional Random Variables, Independent Random Variables, Distribution of Functions of Random Variables,Expectation,Variance, Covariance, Coefficient of Correlation, Bivariate Normal Distribution, Law of Large Numbers, The Central Limit Theorems, Sample and Population ,Chi—Squared, T and F Distributions , Sampling Distributions , Point Estimation , Interval Estimation , Testing Hypotheses , A Test of Significance for Parameters in a Single Sample From a Normally Distributed Population , A Test of Significance for Parameters in Two Sample From Normally Distributed Populations .

本课程的主要内容:概率的概念与运算、随机变量及其分布、随机变量的数字特征与极限定理、数理统计的基本概念、估计和检验的基本方法,随机事件与概率随机事件、事件的关系与运算、几何概率、统计概率等,条件概率、全概率公式、贝叶斯公式、事件的独立性、二项概率公式,随机变量的概念、离散型随机变量、随机变量的分布函数、连续型随机变量、随机变量函数的分布,多维随机变量及其分布函数、边缘分布函数、随机变量的独立性、二维随机变量函数的分布,数学期望、方差、协方差和相关系数、大数定律、中心极限定理,总体与样本, X 2-分布、 t-分布和 F-分布,统计量及抽样分布,假设检验的基本概念、单个正态总体参数的显著性检验、两个正态总体参数的显著性检验。

By getting Lebesgue characteristic of integrable function of Riemann from the definition of Gather zero measure, discussing the relation between almost continuous everywhere and existent of limit, it gets the theory which is from the function integrability to the consecution and from consecution to the limit existence .i.e. the almost limit existence is equal to the almost continuous everywhere in the integrable function of Riemann. It also gets a unified condition which has a wider range than regulated function and comes to the conclusion that the function of bounded variation is the integrable function of Riemann.


By getting Lebesgue characteristic of integrable function of Riemann from the definition of gather zero measure, it discusses the relation between almost continuous everywhere and existent of limit, and gets that the almost continuous everywhere is equal to the almost limit existence everywhere in the integrable function of Riemann.


O1 c compactness of the entropy equation; At last, coupling with Kinetic formulation, we can obtain the existence of a strong convergent sequence, then the limit function is just the entropy weak solution of the original systems.3. Existence of global entropy solutions to an inhomogeneous elastodynamics system.

o1 c紧性,最后结合Kinetic理论得到粘性解存在强收敛的子列,从而可得该极限函数即为原方程组的熵弱解。3、研究了一类非齐次弹性力学方程组整体熵解的存在性。

By using the limits of functions and the exchange limit theorem,we considered the relationship between the double limit of function with two variables and its repeated limit s.


And discussed the continuity and integrability of *uniform convergence sequence of function limit function.


Integral of one variable functions, improper integral and its convergence properties.

本课程的主要内容包括:1 各种极限运算,其中包括数列极限、函数极限以及上、下极限;2 一元函数的微分学,包括微分和导数的运算法则、微分中值定理及其应用等;3 一元函数的积分和广义积分及其收敛性;4 级数及其收敛性,包括数值级数的收敛性和函数项级数的各种运算和性质;5 多元函数的微分学及其应用,其中很多方面与一元函数的微分学近似,需要注意它们之间的区别;6 多元函数的积分学,包括多重积分的性质与计算,多重积分的的应用等;7 曲线、曲面积分及其应用;8 含参变量积分的计算与性质;9 Fourier 级数及其应用,等等。

The theory of KEM for simple soils limit analysis is dissertated in detail. Based on this, KEM has been developed to complicated soils limit analysis for the first time. Appropriate functions and variables of different engineering practice are presented, and the minimization technique for functions is adopted the conjugate gradient method.


The basic idea behind recursive subdivision is to create a function by repeatedly refining an initial piecewise-linear function f〓 to produce a sequence of increasingly detailed functions f〓, f〓...


For this purpose, from 2004 to 2006 Professor Zhang create uniform limit power function space and strong limit power function space that are large, nice spaces.


更多网络解释与极限函数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

approximate limit:近似极限

朋朋1给定的函数的对数的导数.[补注]设f:(a,b1~R是正函数,则它的对数导数等于(Inf)导数概念的一种推广,其中普通极限用近似极限(approximate limit)代替.设f(x)为单实变量x的函数,若极限f(x、一f(xn、111]1 aD

limit in the sense of pointwise convergence:点态收敛极限

limit function 极限函数 | limit in the sense of pointwise convergence 点态收敛极限 | limit of efficiency 有效极限

lower limit, inferior limit:下极限

下调和解|subharmonic solution | 下极限|lower limit, inferior limit | 下极限函数|lower limit function

limit element:极限元

limit distribution 极限分布 | limit element 极限元 | limit function 极限函数

limit function:极限函数

limit element 极限元 | limit function 极限函数 | limit in the sense of pointwise convergence 点态收敛极限

lower limit function:下极限函数

下极限|lower limit, inferior limit | 下极限函数|lower limit function | 下降法|descent method

upper limit function:上极限函数

上极限|upper limit, superior limit | 上极限函数|upper limit function | 上解|supersolution

limiting function, limit function:极限函数

极限定理|limit theorem | 极限函数|limiting function, limit function | 极限序数|limit ordinal number

upper limit on the left:左上极限

12851,"upper limit function","上极限函数" | 12852,"upper limit on the left","左上极限" | 12853,"upper limit on the right","右上极限"

upper limit, superior limit:上极限

上积|cup product | 上极限|upper limit, superior limit | 上极限函数|upper limit function