英语人>词典>汉英 : 极权国家 的英文翻译,例句
极权国家 的英文翻译、例句


police state
更多网络例句与极权国家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The requirement to fight piracy is one of the oldest bits of international law. The idea that any country may take action against pirates is the precursor to the idea of "universal jurisdiction" used to prosecute heinous crimes such as genocide. In Latin legalese, pirates are termed hostis humani generis (an "enemy of mankind"). Moreover, the UN's Convention on the Law of the Sea stretches the definition to include crewing a pirate ship and inciting or "intentionally facilitating" attacks.

打击海盗的义务本是国际法最古老的成分之一;任何国家都有权采取行动对抗海盗的理念也是"普遍管辖权"的前身(这种权利被用来起诉一些极恶的罪行,如种族灭绝);在拉丁法律术语中,海盗被称为hostis humani generis,即人类之敌;而且联合国海洋法公约中也界定了包括充当海盗、煽动或"有意协助"海盗袭击等行为。

Others in Pyongyang, capital of the world's last Stalinist regime, drive luxury imported cars.


China is changing: it is no democracy, but it's also no longer a totalitarian state.


This voilent and unnatural reversal of Russian policy was a transmogrification of which only totalitarian states are capable.


Some totalitarian states impose s embracive controls.


Some totalitarian states imposes embracive controls.


That could be quite a victory: May 9th is not a great day of celebration for the Baltic states, where many see it as irredeemably tainted with the Soviet view of the war, in which the three little countries bounced like shuttlecocks between two totalitarian empires.


On 10 August 2004, Chad and a very few other countries addressed a letter (A/59/194) to you, requesting that a supplementary item entitled "Question of the representation of 23 million Taiwan people in the United Nations" be included in the agenda of the fifty-ninth session of the General Assembly.


Even in Russia under the Tzars, it was possible for some citizens, under some circumstances, to change their jobs without getting permission from political authority because capitalism and the existence of private property provided some check to the centralized power of the state.


In Port Harcourt jail on Nigeria's coast, the executioners prepared the scaffold.


更多网络解释与极权国家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

obschon cj:虽然,即使

obrigkeitsstaat m 极权国家,专制国家 | obschon cj 虽然,即使 | Observatorium n .s; ..rien 1)观察站,观测站,2)气象台,天文台



they died from starvation and typhus in a militaristic police state:而是死于饥荒和斑疹伤寒症 军国极权的国家

Not from fighting a war,|不是死于... | they died from starvation and typhus in a militaristic police state|而是死于饥荒和斑疹伤寒症 军国极权的国家... | that suppresses freedom and human rights|镇压了自...

police state:警察国家; 极权国家

police officer 警官; 警员 | police state 警察国家; 极权国家 | police station 派出所; 警察局

Sagebrush State , Silver State:[美]内华达州(Nevada)的别名

ride a state [美](为某政党候选人或竞选运动)奔走整个州拉选票 | Sagebrush State , Silver State [美]内华达州(Nevada)的别名 | slave state (美国南北战争前)实行奴隶制的州 极权国家


他们一旦上了法庭,几乎可以肯定会被定罪(convicted)并开始遣返程序,因为他们不可能拿出证明自己身份的相关文件. 面对这样的"罪犯"大示威,美国执法当局竟然听之任之,并派出警察保驾护航. 换成中国那样的极权国家,


由于"少数民族"(minorities)移入东欧与南欧,也由于无国家的人民被迫涌人中欧与西欧,一项全新的解离因素遂被引入战后的欧洲. 欧洲民族国家宪法制度上的无能,根本不可能保护那些丧失国家卫护者的人权,这使得剥夺国籍(Denationalization)变成极权政治最有力的武器,

slave state:(美国南北战争前)实行奴隶制的州 极权国家

Sagebrush State , Silver State [美]内华达州(Nevada)... | slave state (美国南北战争前)实行奴隶制的州 极权国家 | Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. 丹麦国里恐怕有些不可告人的坏事; 情况非常糟糕....