英语人>词典>汉英 : 杯托 的英文翻译,例句
杯托 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与杯托相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A cup-shaped extension of the floral axis usually formed from the union of the basal parts of the calyx, corolla, and androecium, commonly surrounding or enclosing the pistils.

托杯,被丝托 Hypanthium 花轴的杯状延伸部分,常由花萼、花冠和雄蕊群的基部联合而成,通常包围或包裹着雌蕊。

There's ample storage space, with an upper box ahead of the front seat passenger and a box and cup holder in the centre of the console ahead of the gear lever.


Carpels (1 or)2, at base of hypanthium, apically villous; ovary ovoid-cylindric; ovule 1, pendulous; style subterminal, filiform, long exserted from hypanthium; stigma minute.


We have recommended a hot-drink/Irish Coffee/toddy glass here, as it is the most common handled glass in a regular bar.


Capsule subglobular, enclosed by hypanthium; hypanthium subglobular, apical margin irregular.


There are a lot of storage cubbies, and as much as 3 cup holders.


Longitudinal section of ovary of bisexual flower of half-inferior ovary,showing the part of under that heal with receptacle tissue.out for receptacle tisse,inside for ovary,×40


His 90-minute appearance also included meeting lucky competition winners on the FA Cup Trophy Tour, where he posed for photos and shared some of his four-time FA Cup winning memories ahead of this weekend's fifth round tie at home to Stoke City.


And maybe it just has to do with the sheer size of the Baby Boom generation, a demographic force that exerts the same gravitational pull in politics that it exerts on everything else, from the market for Viagra to the number of cup holders automakers put in their cars.


The captain's chair had massage and temperature controls—even a ridiculous feature: a cup holder.


更多网络解释与杯托相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With cupholder:杯托

With lid cupholder 带盖杯托 | With cupholder 杯托 | Cruise control 定速巡航系统

With lid cupholder:带盖杯托

Wood effect decor inlays 桃木效应内饰 | With lid cupholder 带盖杯托 | With cupholder 杯托


杯穴;小甌穴;小壺穴 cuphole | 杯狀托 cupule | 盃部;萼部 caliculum

E.G. Bushing:中托司套

Shoulder Bushings--有托杯司 | E.G. Bushing--------中托司套 | Shoulder Leader Pins--有托導邊

Tottenham Hotspur:托特納姆熱刺

6、1999年4月11日 足总杯半决赛 纽卡斯尔 2:0 托特纳姆热刺(Tottenham Hotspur) 第118分钟在老特拉福德(Old Trafford),这场足总杯半决赛已经进入了加时赛最后阶段,纽卡凭借希勒的点球1:0领先.

milk of magnesia:氧化镁乳液

可是即使坐在车里的每个家庭成员人手一瓶Slurpee和一瓶氧化镁乳液(Milk of Magnesia)以防肠胃不适,那也还有三个杯托空着. 首先可以肯定,车里不安杯托是大错特错. 几年前我读到一篇文章讲富豪(Volvo)公司的车就是因为没有杯托,

cup pessary:杯状子宫托

cup nut 杯形螺母 | cup pessary 杯状子宫托 | cup rivet 圆头铆钉

Copa Libertadores:南美解放者杯

61 南美解放者杯(Copa Libertadores)(桑托斯队) 1961 巴西杯冠军(桑托斯队) 1962 圣保罗州冠军(桑托斯队) 1962 圣保罗联赛最佳射手(37 球) 1962 南美解放者杯(桑托斯队) 1962 世界杯冠军(桑托斯队) 1962 巴西杯冠军(桑托斯队) 1963 圣保罗联赛最佳射手(22 球) 贝利 1963 世界杯冠军(桑托斯队) 1963 巴西杯冠军(桑托斯队) 19

Francesco Toldo:弗朗西斯科.托尔多

国际米兰的门将托尔多跑哪里去了,国家队没有他,俱乐部也不见了,国家队的2号门将,怎么突然消失了.姓名:弗朗西斯科-托尔多(Francesco Toldo) 国籍:意大利 场上位置:门将 出生日:1971年12月2日 身高: 196cm 体重: 90kg 现效力球队:国际米兰 在欧洲杯预选赛中,

gemma cup:胞芽杯

胞芽生于叶状体背面的胞芽杯(gemma cup)中,呈绿色圆片形,两侧有缺口,下部具柄. 成熟后自柄处脱落,萌发成新的植物体. 地钱的配子体为雌雄异株. 有性生殖时,分别在雌雄配子体上产生伞形有柄的雌器托(颈卵器托)和雄器托(精子器托).