英语人>词典>汉英 : 条线图 的英文翻译,例句
条线图 的英文翻译、例句


bar diagram
更多网络例句与条线图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If either line is broken, it may indicate a substantial move in the direction of the breakout.


The math models of the tree structure chart and the net structure chart are formed by describing the different road state abstractly.The tree structure chart model is presented without consideration of U structure and ring structure. This kind of model has a notable feature: there is a line only between the two dot in the chart, which means that there is only one road from one point to another point in expressway ,so the tree structure chart is called "single roads chart".


The field mapping of booster model dipole for SSRF is performed by taking point measure ments using the Hall probe, integrated field data is obtained by calculation of point measurement re sults, and a study of pole ends chamfering is done for the integral field errors.


Each line graph in and plots the activity of a single nerve fiber to each of the four basic taste substances.


A plane passing through the magnet and the centre of the earth would trace out on the earth's surface an imaginary line called the magnetic meridian as shown in Fig.3.1

一架从地球正中磁场穿过的飞机可以描绘出一条想象的线,这条线称为磁子午线,如图3.1 所示。

In Fig 8-8, the pendulum, consisting perhaps of a large wooden block of mass m', hangs vertically by two cords.


In diagram 2H I have simply drawn aline from the ready position in the back court to the opponent's contact spot.


Take advantage of this computer bolographic to design business card printing and membership card making graphic, as a result of very fine per mm up to 1000 lines and full of randomness, thus making it difficult to imitation.

诳骗这栽筹算机全息来安排制卡和会员卡制作图不神,由于否常粗忽,每毫米可达1000 众条线并带有随机性,不陈很难步武。

Each candle represents a day of trading with a body and two wicks, one above and another below.


Not many pixels on those teeny palmtops.


更多网络解释与条线图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bar diagram:条线图

bar construction 棒构成 | bar diagram 条线图 | bar graph 条线图

percent bar graph:百分直条图

靶心率 target heart rate | 百分直条图 percent bar graph | 半对数线图 semi-logarithmic line graph

bar graph summaries:条线图汇总

bar graph 条线图 | bar graph summaries 条线图汇总 | bar segment 模条图分割


barmagnet条形磁铁 | barchart条线图;棒形图 | barefacedtongueandgroovejoint楔槽榫


Parametric test, 参数检验 | Pareto, 直条构成线图(又称佩尔托图) | Partial correlation, 偏相关

pie chart:圆图

hart)2.圆图(pie chart)和百分比条图(percent bar chart)3.线图(line graph)4.直方图(histogram)5.统计地图(statistical map) 6.其他特殊分析图 箱式图(box plot)茎叶图(stem-leaf plot)误差条图(error bar chart)1.直条图(bar chart)用相同宽度的直条长短表示相互独立的某统计指标值的大小.直条图按直条是横放还是竖放分卧

top line:顶线

AutoCAD为文字行定义了顶线(Top line)、中线(Middle line)、基线(Base line)和底线(Bottom line)4条线,用于确定文字行的位置. 图5-10以文字串"Text Sample"为例,说明了这4条线与文字串的关系.

Bar charts:线图

柱线图(Bar charts)虽好,但可能使人误人歧途,因为它揭示是发生在每条柱线时间变化附近的价格波动,而不是柱线时间内的价格波动. 实际印刷数值必须全部绘制. 那些所谓的DJIA"开市(opening)"和"理论日内价格(Theoretical Intraday)"数值是统计上的发明,

l "Error Bar:误差条图

l "Boxplot"箱线图. | l "Error Bar"误差条图 | l "Scatter"散点图.


确定端局交换机引线接到机框中正确的用户线卡板类型(即POTS或公用电话业务的LU,或管理服务的NMC),每个LU卡板连接12条线. 图16 普通电话(POTS)和公用电话(Payphone)线路连接图1.5 调制解调器(Modem)设置提供实线通道(Metal path)以维持原用户环路线路的存在;