英语人>词典>汉英 : 条件观测 的英文翻译,例句
条件观测 的英文翻译、例句


conditioned observation
更多网络例句与条件观测相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper the command drive model of observatory control of LAMOST telescope system, a national ninth-five year science project, was introduced. The drive modes and conditions of observation were discussed. The factors of effect observation were analyzed.


In the algorithm, the conditional linear state equation is first inserted into the measurement equation, which fuses the linear state process noise and the original measurement noise, whereafter the GHF is used to estimate the nonlinear states. Then the estimated means of the nonlinear states are inserted into the linear state equation and the original measurement equation to estimate the linear states by the KF. Moreover, in order to improve the accuracy of the estimates, the estimated variances of the nonlinear states are fed back to modify the estimations of the linear states using the KF.


In the Gaussian sum filter-Kalman filter algorithm, the conditional linear state equation is first inserted into the measurement equation, which fuses the linear State process noise and the original measurement noise. And the GSF is applied to the new measurement and nonlinear state equations to estimate the nonlinear states. Then the estimations of the nonlinear states are inserted into the linear state equation and the original measurement equation to estimate the linear states by the KF.

算法将模型中的条件线性状态方程代入观测方程,并融合线性状态的过程噪声和观测噪声,再与非线性状态方程联立,由高斯和滤波器(Gaussian sum filter, GSF)获得非线性状态的估计;然后将估计值代入线性状态方程与观测方程,由卡尔受滤波器(Kalman Filter, KF)获得线性状态的估计。

In this paper, a method of digital approximation is used to approach the function of crustal movement, px.y.


According to the observation experiment at the Jiufeng station where there is smaller environment noise, the conclusions are drawn as follows.In the normal atmosphere, the observed value is about 500×10-5ms-2, which is greater than theoretical value about 30×10-5ms-2, and if in the low vacuum, the observational error about 2.3×10-5ms-2 is generated. The vacuum maintaining system in falling room can not work normally, which will yield 0.1~4.1×10-5ms-2 error to the gravimetric observation. In the case of that the measurement is in the stable geological conditions and the smaller environment noise, the action of vibration isolating spring is not obvious, but it yields greater effects on measurement accuracy.


The CO2 uptake rate of plants is affected by the plant species and environmental conditions such as photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, water and nutrient contents. PAR is the most immediate environmental control on photosynthesis while air temperature affects both photorespiration and dark respiration. In the natural condition, PAR and temperature play an important role in net CO2 uptake. The effects of PAR and air temperature on the CO2 uptake of Pterocarpus macrocarpus grown in a natural habitat were studied in the present work. Due to many uncontrollable factors, a simple rectangular hyperbola could not represent the measured data. The data were divided into groups of 2℃ intervals; CO2 uptake in each group may then be related to PAR by a rectangular hyperbola function. Using the obtained functions, the effect of PAR was removed from the original data.


On the condition of remote observation and quasi- monochromatic observation,a compact image-plane interference mathematical model is deduced with OAS optical transfer function and the property of Fourier transform.


Using the observed data of spring-sowed two years fresh alfalfa growth condition and parallel climatic conditions,analysis is made of the alfalfa's growth height and the speed variation rule with time in the loess plateau area of East Gansu,and the correlation dependence of dry matter and the fresh grass with the activity accumulated temperature.


Using the relative reflection as weighting factor, the weighted mean of the surface albedo over Dunhuang Gobi in typical arid region is calculated and its values are 0.255 ± 0.021. After canceling the interference of the buildings, the mean values of the roughness length averaged with logarithm is 0.0019 ± 0.00071 m. After removing the influence of the oasis, the soil wetness factor computed with data under condition of no precipitation is 0.0045. After removing the influence of the precipitation .the mean values of the soil heat capacity over Dunhuang Gobi in typical ac-id region is 112 × 10 ~6 m~(-3)K~(-1), a bit smaller than the values observed i n HEIFE. But the soil heat diffusivity and conductivity are about one of those observed in HEIFE. The soil water content over Dunhuang Gobi in typical synoptic condition is very little and does not exceed 1% basically.

并且利用相对反射为权重加权平均,计算得到典型干旱区敦煌荒漠戈壁的平均反射率为0.255±0.021;剔除建筑物干扰后,利用对数平均法计算的粗糙度长度平均值为0,0019±0.00071 m;剔除绿洲影响后,用无降水影响的资料确定出土壤湿度影响因子为0.0045;剔除降水影响后,用观测资料计算的敦煌典型干旱区荒漠戈壁的热容量平均值为1.12×10~6m~(-3)K~(-1),比&黑河试验&在戈壁和在其它沙漠观测的有关值略小一些,但热扩散率和热传导率都比&黑河试验&在戈壁观测的值小一倍左右;观测的敦煌戈壁典型天气条件下的土壤含水量非常小,基本上不超过1%。

Since there are some disadvantages, such as magnitudes, reference systems and difficulties in observing an asteroid during its motion in its whole orbit, etc., when the asteroid is observed simply by means of the meridian or photograph methods, a new method for observing asteroids with a lower latitude meridian circle and a CCD measuring device is proposed according to the conditions of the geographic latitude of the Yunnan Observatory which can be used to observe the whole orbit of an asteroid.


更多网络解释与条件观测相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

conditionally well posed problems:条件适定的问题

conditionally convergent series 条件收敛级数 | conditionally well posed problems 条件适定的问题 | conditioned observation 条件观测

conditioned observation:条件观测

conditionally well posed problems 条件适定的问题 | conditioned observation 条件观测 | conditioning number 条件数

conditioning number:条件数

conditioned observation 条件观测 | conditioning number 条件数 | conditions of similarity 相似条件

contour prism:等高棱镜采用棱镜等高法观测的经纬仪附件

signal lamp标志灯又称"回光灯". 在能见度差的条件下用于照准的发光器具. | helioscope,helios回照器用平面镜反射日光以供观测照准用的司光器具. | contour prism等高棱镜采用棱镜等高法观测的经纬仪附件.

equilibrium state:平衡态

热力学所研究的就是热力学系统宏观状态(macroscopic state)的变化规律. 热力学系统的平衡态(equilibrium state)是指在不受外界影响的条件下,系统所有可观测的热现象的宏观性质都不随时间变化的状态.

helioscope, helios:回照器用平面镜反射日光以供观测照准用的司光器具

signal lamp标志灯又称"回光灯". 在能见度差的条件下用于照准的发光器具. | helioscope,helios回照器用平面镜反射日光以供观测照准用的司光器具. | contour prism等高棱镜采用棱镜等高法观测的经纬仪附件.

helioscope, helio:回照器用平面镜反射日光以供观测照准用的司光器具

signal lam 标志灯又称"回光灯". 在能见度差的条件下用于照准的发光器具. | helioscope, helio 回照器用平面镜反射日光以供观测照准用的司光器具. | contour prism 等高棱镜采用棱镜等高法观测的经纬仪附件.

The Leonid meteor shower:狮子座流星雨

[ 网易科技讯] 近日据天文学家介绍,在下周的夜空中,著名的狮子座流星雨(The Leonid Meteor Shower)将再次莅临地球,流星雨量将能达到每小时数十到上百颗,最佳观测时间在本月19日前后,夜空中的观测条件为近年最佳.

observable condition:可观测条件

observability 可观测性 | observable condition 可观测条件 | observance 惯例


4号小行星灶神星(Vesta)于2007年5月31日冲日,它是最亮的小行星. 此次冲日条件很好,最大亮度达到5.4等,在远离城市灯光的理想观测条件下肉眼可以看到,这是唯一一个肉眼可见的小行星. 每次冲日,由于和地球的距离远近不同,