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杏子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
apricot  ·  Kyoko

更多网络例句与杏子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The nose develops aromas of lemon and grapefruit, with notes of white peach, apricot and acidulous apple, lingering notes of vanilla, dried fruit and honey.


Cooks' note: Apricots with Amaretto syrup can be made 3 hours ahead and kept, loosely covered, at room temperature.


A distillation of carefully selected ingredients creates this exquisite liqueur although the main ingredient of BOLS Amaretto is the kernel of ripe apricots that is also used in making BOLS Apricot liqueur.

BOLS这款杏仁酒是通过挑选成熟的杏仁蒸溜而成,同样也是制造BOLS 杏子利口的原料。

BOLS Amaretto is essential for classic drinks such as the Amaretto Sour ,and also for more modern drinks like the Toasted Almond. Sloe Comfortable Screw Up Against the Wall with a kiaa.and the Amaretto Colada.


I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point.


You can also try apricot or ask at a natural health store about other options.


Dark Magical Girl was also Tea's Deck Master during her duel with Crump of the Big Five.


Caught in the pinch with a part sack of rice and a few pounds of dried apricots, rice and apricots was his menu three times a day for five days hand-running.


The effects of drying characteristics and color of two kinds of apricots, based on the treatment of dry-promoter and air-impingement blanching, were studied.


We can recommend apricots, which fortunately we have in stock at the moment.


更多网络解释与杏子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abridged Spectrophotometer:滤色光度计

abricotine 杏子酒 | abridged spectrophotometer 滤色光度计 | Abrohany 印度薄细布

Angostura Bitter:安哥斯特拉苦酒

Angostura Bitter 安哥斯特拉苦酒 | Advocaat 蛋黄白兰地酒 | Apricot Flavoed Brandy 杏子白兰地酒或杏子加味白兰地酒


文娃说:"既然名关已过,我也可以开口了. 我原名小杏子,是师父给我取的. 那是在一九八四年,师父买了一台英国制、叫'杏子'(Apricot)的手提电脑,打算创造'我'. 因为时机不成熟,只起了一个头,这样一拖就拖了二十年. "

dried apricot:杏子干

dressing table 胴体 分割台 | dried apricot 杏子干 | dried bamboo 筍干


新鲜或乾制的芒果黄梨(yellow peach) 杏子(apricot) 柿子(persimmon) 哈密瓜油桃(nectarine). 钾丰富的水果:. 杏子梨子芒果哈密瓜柑橘葡萄汁香蕉葡萄香瓜 ...监测生鲜蔬果样品:罗马甜瓜(Cantaloupe)、莴苣(Leaf and Romaine.

apricot sherbet:冻杏子露

apricot shell powder 杏核壳粉 | apricot sherbet 冻杏子露 | apricot shine 杏子

Kyoko Tachibana:立花杏子

Kyoko Nishihara 西原京子 AV | Kyoko Tachibana 立花杏子 AV | Kyoko Yamamoto 山本嚮子

Kyoko Tachibana:坐花杏子

Kyoko Shirai 皂井京子 | Kyoko Tachibana 坐花杏子 AV | Kyoko Takayama 深谷京子 Model

Gingered Beef Stew with White Beans and Apricots:烩姜汁牛肉配白豆和杏子

Marinated Wild Mushroom with Air Dried Beef 腌制蘑菇和风干牛肉 | Gingered Beef Stew with White Beans and Apricots 烩姜汁牛肉配白豆和杏子 | Swiss Roll 瑞士卷


CLASSIC COCKTAILS - 招牌鸡尾酒 | Zombie - 蛇神 | Light Rum, Dark Rum, Apricot Liqueur, Orange Juice, Pineapple Juice, Grenadine - 白朗姆酒,黑朗姆酒,杏子利口酒杏子利口酒,石榴糖浆