英语人>词典>汉英 : 机能上 的英文翻译,例句
机能上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与机能上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is a kind of big burthen training with developing economy potential and something about it and it is a training of long time, high intention and big burthen.


In general, applicant is generally weak in health, or suffering from functional disability, and requires constant help in meal, dressing-up and toilet, etc, but not requires constant and intensive professional nursing care.


Care-and-Attention Home 护理安老院In general, applicant is generally weak in health, or suffering from functional disability, and requires constant help in meal, dressing-up and toilet, etc, but not requires constant and intensive professional nursing care.


The process of mitosis is dynamic and continuous but is subdivided into phases to tacilitate its study.


Some feel that the prefix "dys-" should be used where there is reasonable suspicion of "organicity" to warrant the more medical terminology. The prefix "dis-" is used to denote mislearning and more psycho-emotional components.


Some feel that the prefix "dys-" should be used where there is reasonable suspicion of "organicity" to warrant the more medical terminology. The prefix "dis-" is used to denote mislearning and more psycho-emotional com ponents.


From the narrow point of view, prenatal education mainly refers to the basis of fetal growth and development of the sensory organ the actual situation in a targeted manner, and actively take the initiative to give reasonable information to stimulate appropriate to establish a conditioned reflex the fetus, thereby promoting their brain function, somatic motor function, sensory function and sophisticated function of the nervous system.


The sub-health status is one state between health and illness for body and mind.The body doesn\'t give an obvious disease, but the person feels uncomfortable in body,mentality and human communication, displaying one kind of physiology state that thevigor, reaction ability and acclimatization ability are weakening. This state is mainlycaused by the hypofunction on physiology and metaboly. It is not yet a disease, butalready seriously affect people\'s working efficiency and living standard.


While the Addis hypothesis of work hypertrophy to excrete urea is erroneous, a more modern concept associated with glomerular hyperfiltration was proposed in the 1980s by Brenner.25 This hypothesis states that after any significant loss of renal function, surviving nephrons subsequently undergo functional and structural changes including increases in single nephron GFR and glomerular capillary pressure increases.


The baiji, or Chinese river dolphin—deemed "functionally extinct" by a team of scientists in December, 2006—was downgraded from "endangered" to "critically endangered" on the IUCN's 2007 Red List, released today.


更多网络解释与机能上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adrenal insufficiency:肾上腺机能不全

副肾 adrenal gland | 肾上腺机能不全 adrenal insufficiency | 副上肾髓质 adrenal medulla

enginery:机器, 机械类, 兵器, [喻]机能

retinene 视网醛, 维生素A醛 | enginery 机器, 机械类, 兵器, [喻]机能 | productionwise 在生产的观点上, 就生产而论


functionalization /职能化/ | functionally /机能上/ | functionary /职员/负责人员/官员/机能的/作用的/职务的/

glandular epithelium:腺上皮

2.腺上皮(glandular epithelium)由具有分泌机能的腺细胞(gland Cell)组成,大多为单层立方上皮. 有的是单独的腺细胞分散在上皮中,称为单胞腺. 有的以腺上皮为主构成腺体或腺(gland),有营状、囊状、管泡状腺等.




如果融合的两个配子在大小、形状上相似,仅生理机能上不同,则称为同形配子(isogamete),同形配子的生殖称同配生殖(isogamy). 如果融合的两个配子在大小、形状及机能上均不相同,则称异形配子(heterogamete),



adrenocortical hypofunction:肾上皮低能

\\"肾上腺皮素\\",\\"adrenocortical hormone\\" | \\"肾上皮低能\\",\\"adrenocortical hypofunction\\" | \\"肾上皮(机能)不全\\",\\"adrenocortical insufficiency\\"


临床上所谓的门静脉高压症(Portal Hypertension)实际上是指门静脉压力异常、持续升高并伴有门静脉与体循环之间交通支过度开放、脾脏肿大、甚至腹水形成这样一种临床综合征. 患者可能发生食管、胃底或消化道其它部位粘膜下静脉曲张破裂出血,腹水、脾脏肿大...1.脾肿大(Splenomegaly)、脾机能亢进(Hypersplenism)


控方的精神科医生陈家新则诊断出被告患上胸腺机能障碍(dysthymia)多年,症状是慢性抑郁情绪. 此外,被告在案发前也出现中度抑郁症.