英语人>词典>汉英 : 机械损伤 的英文翻译,例句
机械损伤 的英文翻译、例句


mechanical damage
更多网络例句与机械损伤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article describes the difference of mobility between N type indium antimonide ingot and the rectaugular sample, which was cut from the ingot on the position where we want to measure the mobility of ingot.


The mechanical construction is a development of a system which has proven in the past to be resistant to mechanical damage.


Fatigue vibration is one of the key factors causing fruit bruising during transportation.


The relationship with a coefficient of determination of 0.7214 is found between the mechanical properties and the degree of mechanical damage of tomato. The peak force has the most significant relationship with the degree of mechanical damage.


Nonlinear harmonics inspection method is based on the fundamental principle of magnetoelastic effect and electromagnetic induction.


In order to be deformed, the sections must be made with resins of high elongation at break.


The cable drum should be place erectly, not flatwise, the bump or mechanical damage to the cable should be prevented.


Now, there are mainly two potential method under research in overseas, magnetic flux leakage method and nonlinear harmonics method.


Get the neonate Sprague-Dawley rats medulla spinalis, through the conventional primary cell culture procedure, we use the method of difference adherence time and get the motor neurons of anterior spinal cord. When the neuron is in maturity, we make the mechanical injury model in vitro. All the models were divided into four groups: group A is control group; group B is 100μM ATP group; group C is 100μM ATP+20μg/ml suramin group and group D is 100μM ATP+10μM ouabain+10μg/ml Thapsigargin group. Culture the four groups neurons, after one day, we count the motor neuron, observe the survival and activity of neurons through MTT shade selection experiment, use flow cytometry to analyze the percentage of apoptosis of motor neurons of anterior spinal cord and detect the expression of protein p-GSK-3β(ser9) through Western-Blot technology.

方法取新生大鼠脊髓,通过常规的原代细胞培养程序,采用差速贴壁法分离出大鼠脊髓前角运动神经元,培养成熟后制作神经元机械损伤体外模型,分为A组:对照组、B组:100μMATP组、C组:100gMATP+20μg/ml Suramin组和D组:100μM ATP+IOμM Ouabain+10μg/ml Thapsigargin组,对各组机械损伤的运动神经元进行培养,1天后分别进行运动神经元计数、MTT比色实验观察运动神经元的存活及活性、流式细胞仪分析机械损伤的脊髓前角运动神经元凋亡百分率和Werstern Blot技术检测p-GSK-3β(ser9)的表达。

The present study is designed to seek the evidences of regeneration of auditory epithelia and acoustic nerve in the postnatal chick, By using the methods of tissue cultures, scanning electron microscopy, autoradiography and the cell image analysis technique, we observed the regeneration of auditory hair cell after intense sound exposure, and also neuron repair following a mechanical injury with either in vivo or in vitro.


更多网络解释与机械损伤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bitter almond:苦杏仁

值得一提的有苦杏仁(bitter almond)它在苹果和李的种子里有,木薯的块根也有,这些植物又是许多部落的食物. 植物军备竞赛的升级方式很多而且变化很大. 有些植物在受到机械损伤之前只有很少的防御性毒素,受伤之后毒素立即聚集在受伤的部位和附近.

bruise resistance:抗机械损伤性能

bruise 机械损伤 | bruise resistance 抗机械损伤性能 | Brune synthesis of resistance-inductance-capactance network RLC 网络

mechanical deaeration:机械除气

mechanical damage 机械损伤 | mechanical deaeration 机械除气 | mechanical degradation 机械降解

surface dehumidifier:表面除(减)湿器

surface damage 表面损伤,机械损伤 | surface dehumidifier 表面除(减)湿器 | surface diffusion 表面扩散


第七章 损伤(Injury) 第一节 概述 一、损伤的定义及其重要性 损伤是指人体受各种致伤因子作用后发生组织结构破坏和功能障碍. 由机械因素所致的损伤称之为创伤. 在战争条件下所发生的损伤称为战伤. 无论平时或战时,损伤均多见,故在外科领域中占有重要地位...

Insect attack:腐烂、虫害、风化和机械损伤

data error checking 数据错误校验 | decay, insect attack, weathering, and mechanical damage 腐烂、虫害、风化和机械损伤 | defense technology 国防技术



opportunistic infection:机会性感染

但这种平衡是相对的,当某些因素导致宿主的免疫功能受损(艾滋病)或机械损伤使寄生物离开其固有寄生部位而到达非正常寄生的部位,如大肠杆菌进入腹腔、血流、尿道时,平衡不复存在而引起宿主的损伤,则可产生机会性感染(opportunistic infection).


unmachinable 不能机械加工的 | unmarred 未损伤的;未污染的 | unmeasurable 不可测量的


妒鱼得细菌病表现为烂鳃病、杆菌病(Colum neris)、链球菌病(Strepococcosis)和弧菌病(Vibriosis). 细菌性烂鳃和杆菌病是由于机械损伤和相互咬尾致伤所引起的. 这些都是外伤,但可导致全身细菌性疾病. 可采用下列洗浴法和口服法进行治疗.