英语人>词典>汉英 : 机会论 的英文翻译,例句
机会论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与机会论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Examining it, you will be right 99.99% of the time.


But let''s get one thing straight…pheromones alone won"t get you across the line with a woman. Maybe some of you are thinking…"Heck, I just want to get the opportunity to get into a meaningful conversation with a girl let alone hit a home run!


Japan and China will more and more depend on each other because of the comparative advantage, and the opportunity of cooperation will surpass the competition. Accordingly the author puts forward the Mutual Benefit Statement. The economic development and increasing of China will bring more opportunities for the development of Japan. And China's political policy will do favor to the trade development simultaneously.


The exaggerations of a few Probabilists who went too far in their laxity, gave an opportunity to the Jansenists to attack the system, and soon a number of scholars, notably among the Dominicans abandoned Probabilism, which they had defended till then, attacked it and stood up for Probabiliorism; some Jesuits also opposed Probabilism.

的夸张少数Probabilists谁走的太远的松懈,给了一个机会向詹森主义者攻击的系统,不久的一些学者,特别是在被遗弃的或然论道明,他们到了捍卫然后,攻击,并站起来为Probabiliorism ;一些耶稣也反对或然论。

3Effective history principle gives the chance for the translators of the different ages to retranslate the same source, from which three re-translation strategy are standardized: corrective retranslation strategy; reconstruction retranslation strategy; proselytizing retranslation strategy. Gadamer also puts forward a non-translatable hermeneutics principle. But this does.not mean his negation to translation. The model of conversation in understanding proposed by Gadamer points out that translation is not the monologue of the translator but a process of dialogues between translator and source which leads to mutual understanding.


As well as a variety of explanations , the crime has set off an orgy of conspiracy theories , some of them opportunistic calumnies and intentional disinformation .


J.C. Shepherd, The Law of Fiduciaries, Canada, The Carswell Company Limited Toronto


Jim said he would "jis''s soon have tobacker in his coffee;" and found so much fault with it, and with the work and bother of raising the mullen, and jews-harping the rats, and petting and flattering up the snakes and spiders and things, on top of all the other work he had to do on pens, and inscriptions, and journals, and things, which made it more trouble and worry and responsibility to be a prisoner than anything he ever undertook, that Tom most lost all patience with him; and said he was just loadened down with more gaudier chances than a prisoner ever had in the world to make a name for himself, and yet he didn't know enough to appreciate them, and they was just about wasted on him.


I grappled with this paradox for several years by withdrawing from anything that might lead other people.


Sadly, most people in the world will never even admit that their past experiences are emotionally handicapping them in their present lives, and therefore will never have the opportunity to experience what I call "true emotional freedom".


更多网络解释与机会论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




中古英文里这个词意指"机会"(chance)、"幸运"(fortune)和"发生"(happen). 在这个词解里,它指一系列发生在某人身上的事件的总和,如果这些事件中"好"的超过"坏"的,这个人就算"幸福"了. 如此而论,幸福不是一个得以经验认知的客体,

Hotelling model:霍特林模型

本论文通过对邮政发展的目前现状、发展环境、优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行深入细致探析;通过介绍"伯川德" 悖论(Detrand paradox)、"霍特林" 模型(Hotelling model )和引入美国人olav.Sorenson的探究成果,探析美国邮政差异化战略实施情况和成功运用差异...


山度士的左闸基巴( Kleber )同样曾获波图垂青,可惜当时他因伤关系未能通过体测;基巴现时亦坦言希望转投该支葡超班霸,但他出国机会较低. 国体会进攻中场阿历士拿菲尔( Alex Raphael )有技术、有脚头,衰在踢法独食;而论脚下功夫,

martingale theory:鞅论

这里暂时不深入这个问题,以后要有机会写到条件概率(conditional probability)和鞅论(Martingale theory)时,再去讨论这个事情. 这里只是强调一下(虽然有点空口说白话),可测性是讨论随机过程和随机分析的非常重要的概念,在实际计算和推导中也非常有用.


这就是人们通常称之为"旅行"(traveling)论的教学理论. 它围绕教师而运作,教师指点方向、带路,或者通过提供办法或机会让学生检验自己的理解力;这种教学法旨在使学生能够找到切合个人需要的学习途径. 诸如"主动地",


掌握并处理显性悖论(paradoxes)的秘诀就是适时而动. 只有随着时间的推移,一种情况的出现,矛盾才会浮现,因为在任何时刻,一方因素或另一个都会占支配地位. 这就像是跷跷板:随着时间往复,双方都有机会在空中,或在底部. 但任何时候只有一方在上,