英语人>词典>汉英 : 未经允许的 的英文翻译,例句
未经允许的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未经允许的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As it was I took two minutes of Cruciatus for duelling without permission, and wished quite heartily when I came to that I'd been unfair and poisoned him.

尽管我在那场未经允许的决斗中花了两分钟对他使钻心刻骨咒? Cruciatus,,我是真心的希望当我到了那里的时候能够不那么公平的毒杀他。

To shoot, hunt or capture any hawk, falcon, owl or eagle except under permit.


Collections Officer, Jethro Summerwood, takes an unauthorised leave to enjoy a breath of fresh air, only to discover that while he has dressed for the appropriately for the nineteenth century, this is in fact the twenty-first century.

收藏官,Jethro Summerwood,未经允许的离开去享受新鲜空气,结果却发现虽然他穿的正是19世纪的服装,但是这里是21世纪。

Too many unexcused absences.


I don't need your approval for some crazy,unproven treatment.


It attempts to identify the true owner by hiding perceptually invisible information inside the digital data. In this thesis, for the purpose of protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of digital images, a Discrete Wavelet Transform based digital watermark algorithm is described.


Chinese press reports have suggested that as many as one out of five homes purchased in Beijing are on rural land unauthorised for such use.


The content is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced on other websites without permission.


Here " without allowing ", include an individual to allow already, also include the permission of state law code.


Sometimes clients show your letters to others without realizing they can lose the attorney-client privilege of that communication. Add this phrase at the top of the letter to remind them not to do this: CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION DO NOT COPY OR DISCLOSE TO ANYONE ELSE If the letter is written during or in anticipation of litigation, the following phrase can be used: CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT DO NOT COPY OR DISCLOSE TO ANYONE ELSE


更多网络解释与未经允许的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air curtain:风帘

5.10 安有风帘(air curtain)的地方,风帘必须时刻保持处于HI挡的开启状态,未经允许,任何时候不允许关闭.

Sorry to barge in here:对不起我闯了进来

Canvass the area see if you can get a lead on him 搜索该地区看能不能找到他的... | Sorry to barge in here.对不起我闯了进来 | If you set your foot in my office without prior consent未经我的事先允许进入我的...


但只有在如此条件下它才是被允许的:该不平等使社会上最不利的人收益. 这样,就调和了自由和平等的矛盾. 二,个人的天赋是公共财产. 因为只有个人付出了努力的结果才是"应得"(deserve)的. 天赋是未经过个人努力而拥有的,由此带来的巨大收益理应照顾到公平.

not ...in the slightest:一点也不

(6)without permission 未经允许 | (7)not in the slightest 一点也不 | (8)plenty of 许多......,足够的......

without permission:未经允许

当地时间6月4日,英超热刺俱乐部官方网站刊出惊人消息:热刺队体育主管福兰克-阿尔内森因与切尔西"未经允许" (without permission)进行接触而遭到俱乐部暂停一切职务的处罚.

I will see to it that:我会让你

If you set your foot in my office without prior consent未经我的事先允许进入我的办公室 | I will see to it that ... 我会让你...... | Something must have tipped him off.他肯定有线人.


unanalyzable 不能分析的;不可分解的 | unannealed 未焖火的;未熟炼的;不退火的 | unapproved 未经批准的;未经允许的


unannealed 未焖火的;未熟炼的;不退火的 | unapproved 未经批准的;未经允许的 | unartificial 非人工的;自然的


unapproved 未经批准的;未经允许的 | unartificial 非人工的;自然的 | unartificial yeast (非培养的)酵母

Compensatory Time Off:补假

补假(Compensatory Time Off) 指用给予加班人员额外假期的方法来代替付加班费. 财产安全保障(S e c u r i t y) 指保护企业的设施与设备不受未经允许的滥用和侵犯,同时保护在 工作场地或从事委派任务的员工. 裁员(D o w n s i z i n g) 指减少企业员工的数量.