英语人>词典>汉英 : 未怀孕的 的英文翻译,例句
未怀孕的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
farrow  ·  farrowed  ·  farrows

更多网络例句与未怀孕的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tibet has very complex topography and falls into three geographic parts: the northern part of Tibet known as the North-Tibet Plateau, lies between Kunlun Mountain, Tonglha Mountain and Kangdese Mountain, and Nyainqentanglha Mountain;between Kangdese Mountains and Himalayas;the river valleys which the the Yarlung Tsangpo and its anabranch flow by in the southern part of Tibet and lie between the Gangdise and the Himalaya ranges; the eastern part of Tibet belongs to an area of deep gorges where a series of mountain ranges from east to west criss-crossing mountain ranges running from south to north,and is some parts of the Hengduan mountain range.


He stood in front of a large audience including South African President Thabo Mbeki. He told them that he wanted AZT, a drug used to treat AIDS patients, to be given to HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent the disease being passed on to their unborn babies.


"We found the opposite to be true," said Toni Felice, PhD, study coauthor and associate director of applied research for the Family Health Council, Inc, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."The women we followed used EC for exactly what it's intended to be used for — only in an atypical emergency situation in which they had unprotected sex and did not want to become pregnant."

研究共同作者及宾州匹茨堡家庭健康协会公司应用研究副主任Toni Felice博士表示,我们发现事实是往反方向走,我们追踪观察刻意服用EC的女性,是在她们从事未防护的性行为,根本不想怀孕的非典型紧急状况下。

It was impregnated into E glass cloth and heated to give a prepreg showing good appearance and no tack.


The non-pregnant women had the highest vagal activity in right lateral decubitus position during recumbency.


The left lateral decubitus position is therefore a better position during recumbency for late pregnant women. Aortocaval compression might be responsible for the derangement in the autonomic nervous system during recumbency in late pregnancy.


Result Activity of serum alkalinity phosphatase of cows and sheep was in a normal range. But activity of alkalinity phosphatase of mid pregnancy cows was obviously lower than before pregnancy and not pregnant and later pregnancy (P.05). Alkaline phosphatase retention was lower than 26%. It showed that serum alkalinity phosphatase of cows and sheep came from the skeleton.


In a primary care setting, 309 nonpregnant women aged 18 to 70 years seen for suspected UTI were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 different management approaches.

在初级照护阶段,309位被怀疑罹患 UTI 的18至70岁未怀孕女性,被随机分派至1到5个不同处理方法。

All in all, they identified 797 cases of PABC, which they compared with 4177 cases of breast cancer that occurred during the same time period in age-matched, nonpregnant women.


Reagents and instruments: valproic acid sodium, retinoic acid, Alcian blue GX, Alizarin red S, fluorogold were provided by Beijing Phetx Co.


更多网络解释与未怀孕的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amenorrhea | 无月经(因生病或怀孕) | amenorrhoea | 无月经(因生病或怀孕) | amensa et thoro | 夫妻未解除婚约但不共寝食的分居


以未成形体的受精卵、囊胚(Blastocyst)或怀孕周数来认定上帝承认胎儿的地位,是难以被接受的. 因为多处圣经告诉我们,在母腹里未成形体之先,祂早已认识我们. 在整体基督教伦理的立场上,我们找不到任何圣经支持堕胎的说法.

bremsstrahlung radiation:轫致辐射

通过SPECT扫描可以检测出钇-90的轫致辐射(Bremsstrahlung radiation) 来确定微球体在肝内的分布. 这是选择性检验,只用于确定微球体分布是否得当. 育龄妇女经核实未怀孕,可采用SIR-Spheres微球体疗法治疗. 孕妇和儿童使用安全与否尚不明确.


根据台湾生殖医学会之定义,不孕(infertility)指的是有正常的性行为、且未使用任何避孕的方法,经过一年以上的时间而未能怀孕或使对方怀孕. 这样的定义有包含两种状况,一为:本身生理结构的缺陷或生理机能的障碍,

male infertility:男性不育症

男性不育症(male infertility)是指由于男性因素引起的不育. 一般把婚后同居2年以上未采取任何避孕措施而女方未怀孕,称为不育症. 发生率为10%左右. 其中单属女方因素约为50%,单纯男方因素约为30%,男女共有约20%. 临床上把男性不育分为性功能障碍和性功能正常两类,

Tubal Pregnancy:输卵管怀孕

哈佛大学医学院的Michael Starnbach博士表示:"这样的患者浑然未知、且不会接受治疗,容易造成输卵管怀孕(tubal pregnancy)甚至不孕症等. 若能发展出衣原体疫苗,则会减低许多类似的风险. "由于在未感染时期的T细胞数过低,科学家一直无法观测到生殖系统中,

farseeing:目光远大的; 有远见的 (形)

farrow 未怀孕的 (形) | farseeing 目光远大的; 有远见的 (形) | farsighted 有远见的, 有先见之明的; 远视的 (形)

amensa et thoro:夫妻未解除婚约但不共寝食的分居

amenorrhoea | 无月经(因生病或怀孕) | amensa et thoro | 夫妻未解除婚约但不共寝食的分居 | ament | 柔夷花序, 智力缺陷者

Preterm labor:早产

怀孕未足周数而提早娩出的早产儿,常因器官发育未健全而可能发生呼吸窘迫或其它并发症,因此,若孕妇有早产 (Preterm Labor)迹象,如:每5至8分钟出现规律的子宫收缩而且每次持续30秒以上、子宫颈持续扩张 >2公分等,即应防范早产的发生;

open case of tuberculosis:开放型结核病

\\"开放的,未怀孕\\",\\"open\\" | \\"开放型结核病\\",\\"open case of tuberculosis\\" | \\"哆开骨折\\",\\"open fracture\\"