英语人>词典>汉英 : 未建立的 的英文翻译,例句
未建立的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未建立的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The invention relates to an arbitration method of exchange network, wherein each input buffer inputs one exchange request to arbitrator; based on exchange allowance, building connection allowance with relative output unit; on the idle input buffer and output unit without connection, arbitrator uses random distribution to build one-to-one connection with all input buffer and output unit.


Under toxic load shocking, The PGANN found by the database of UASB acclimated by the toxicant could be applied to predict the dynamic variation of the UASB been not acclimated. The PGANN found by the database of the UASB been not acclimated could also be applied to predict the dynamic variation of the UASB acclimated by the toxicant.


Housing depreciable lives and the absence of an employee's length of service housing provident fund houses are calculated to 1999, housing provident fund has been established workers purchase of a service discount to the former housing provident fund.


The results showed that the sera samples got from the pigs immunized with Hog cholera haplized virus using bursin as adjuvant have higher antibody titers than those without using adjuvant according to the criterion established here, which is conform to the previous study. This study lay on foundation for standarding the I-ELISA assay established here.


Results toxic test and ld 50 test showed that nata de coco strain was free from toxin.quality control system has not been established and sanitary facilities were incomplete in most fac-tories.totally54samples of nata de coco were hygienically determined.the pollution level of elements of pb,as,nitrate and nitrite was low,but chromium was relatively higher.no aflatoxin b 1 and pathogenic bacteria were detected.the residual hydrogen peroxide were detected from15out of the18samples detected.

结果 菌种毒力试验和急性毒性试验(ld 50 )显示为无毒物;多数企业未建立卫生管理制度,卫生设施不完善;采集54份椰果样品做卫生学检测,铅、砷等重金属元素、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐污染水平较低,铬含量相对较高,未发现黄曲霉毒素b 1 和致病菌的污染;18份椰果样品中有15份残留过氧化氢。

Not establishing a management system for network security and protection

一 未建立安全保护管理制度的

I learned some more directory but not enough to build a circuit.


The conclusions are drawn as follows: the region is lacking of the social consciousness and atmosphere of non-polluted vegetable standardization production and consumption; the quality and efficiency of production is low; the marketing mechanisms for "high price and good quality" is not built yet; the systems of supervision and measure mechanisms for non-polluted vegetable is not established; extension service and industrialization governance can not be offered for the greenhouses vegetable production; the production scale and trade mark for local products need to be perfected; farmers low quality in science and technology and so on.


The FNN built by database of unacclimated UASB reactor shocked by toxic load did not adapt to predict UASB reactor acclimated by toxicant, The FNN built by database of UASB reactor acclimated by toxicant also did not adapt to predict unacclimated UASB reactor.


The full significance of a fact remained often undetected so long as an archaic framework remained intact, a new one unconstructed.


更多网络解释与未建立的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

advisory opinion:咨询意见

(2) 对于第二种情况--提供咨询意见(advisory opinion),这实际上并不是司法职能的行使,且如此给予的意见也没有司法权的性质. [20] 对这个问题的唯一例外和未说明理由的意见一度在革命高潮时期出现于缅因州,[21] 而科罗拉多州也出现了建立于州宪特殊考虑的理论,

Social disorganization:社会解组

社会解组(social disorganization)社会规范和制度对社会成员的约束力减弱、社会凝聚力降低的一种社会状态. 当社会发生急剧变迁时,旧的规范不适用了,新的规范又未建立起来,或某些规范功能发挥受到阻碍,或几种规范体系互相冲突,人们失去了行为准则,

founder effect:奠基者效应

奠基者效应(founder effect)是遗传漂变的一种形式,指由带有亲代群体中部分等位基因的少数个体重新建立新的群体,这个群体后来的数量虽然会增加,但因未与其他生物群体交配繁殖,彼此之间基因的差异性甚小.




CA 建立一个证书的过程是对嵌入在证书签名请求(CSR)中的:明文(plaintext)就是未加密的原始消息内容用于解密由公钥加密的密文(CipherText)以及进行签名


IMAP服务器在会话期间总是处于以下4个状态之一:未认证(nonauthenticated)、已认证(authenticated)、已选择(selected)和注销(1ogout). 未认证状态是连接刚建立时的初始状合,这种状态下,用户必须提供一个用户名和口令对才能发出更多的命令.


unbuild拆毁 | unbuilt未兴建的 | upbuild 建立

unleash vt.1:发泄,发出 2.解带子放开

unfortunately ad.遗憾的是,可惜的是 | unfounded a.没有理由的, 无事实根据的, 未建立的 | unleash vt.1.发泄,发出 2.解带子放开


在英语中,"弗吉尼亚"与"处女"(virgin)一词相似. 以此命名有双重的含义:一是表示该地为英国女王所有,因伊丽莎白一世终身未嫁,有"处女女王"之称;二是以此来比喻新占领的土地有待开垦. 英国人在北美建立的另一块殖民地是"普利茅斯"(Plymouth).


IMAP服务器在会话期间总是处于以下4个状态之一:未认证(nonauthenticated)、已认证(authenticated)、已选择(selected)和注销(1ogout). 未认证状态是连接刚建立时的初始状合,这种状态下,用户必须提供一个用户名和口令对才能发出更多的命令.