英语人>词典>汉英 : 木筏 的英文翻译,例句
木筏 的英文翻译、例句


log canoe · wooden raft · log raft · timber float
更多网络例句与木筏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, the air tank commonly worn on scuba divers back, is attached to a specially designed raft floating on the surface of the water.


The batsman and catcher stand on the big raft.


One is "escape". Huck escapes from the hypocrisy and corruptness of civilization, Jim escapes to freedom. Another is "awakening". The journey down the river for Huck is a voyage of growth in realization and morality, a journey of learning.


A scow or a raft went by so close we could hear them talking and cussing and laughing -- heard them plain; but we couldn't see no sign of them; it made you feel crawly; it was like spirits carrying on that way in the air.


Besides the dinosaur raft, there have been race car rafts, a Snoopy raft and a Dumbo raft.


One party points to a rowboat and says, That boat is a ship.


Well, the second night a fog begun to come on, and we made for a towhead to tie to, for it wouldn't do to try to run in a fog; but when I paddled ahead in the canoe, with the line to make fast, there warn't anything but little saplings to tie to.


This vegetable cable wasfastened to the after-part of the raft, and the sailor held it in his handwhile Herbert, pushing off the raft with a long pole, kept it in thecurrent.


Huck describes the trip:It was lovely to live on the raft. Other places seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don't.


If you were to enter a rafting contest, what would your raft look like?


更多网络解释与木筏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's about the size of the raft:它大概有木筏那么大

Some of the contents of his backpack are quite surprising:|他背包中有些东... | That's about the size of the raft:|它大概有木筏那么大 | How quickly can you leave? Oh, I am always ready:|你能多快离开? 我...

balsa raft:轻木筏

ballpoint pen 圆珠笔 | balsa raft 轻木筏 | balsa wood 轻木

He gotta go,pole the pirogue down the bayou:去把木筏推进河流

Good-bye Joe, he gotta go, me oh my oh 就要走了,Joe | He gotta go-pole the pirogue down the bayou去把木筏推进河流 | His Yvonne the sweetest one, me oh my oh亲爱的Yvonne

Settle down far from town, get him a pirogue:远远离开城镇,给他一支木筏

Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou. 哇,我们会在河湾里度... | Settle down far from town, get him a pirogue 远远离开城镇,给他一支木筏 | And he'll catch all the fish in the bayou 他会抓住河湾里...

Settle down far from town, get him a pirogue:远离城市,给他一支木筏

Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou让我们在美丽的河流里尽情... | Settle down far from town get him a pirogue远离城市,给他一支木筏 | And he'll catch all the fish in the bayou他会抓到河湾里所有...


我把"父亲"(father)这个词拆开,看见父亲变成了一艘"木筏"(raft),载着全家浮在水面上向前航行. 我再拆开"母亲"(mother)这个词,看见我的母亲不停围绕着我们飞舞,像只"飞蛾"(moth). 现在,我发觉自己又玩起这个游戏了.

disembarking raft:终点木筏

114.固定出发点:fixed starting point | 115.终点木筏:disembarking raft | 116.发令台:starter's tower

embarking raft:出发木筏

112.登陆码头:landing pier | 113.出发木筏:embarking raft | 114.固定出发点:fixed starting point

log driver:木筏工人

log drag ==> 原木刮路器,圆木路刮 | log driver ==> 木筏工人 | log drum ==> 记录鼓

log canoe:木筏

"计程仪吊杆","log boom" | "木筏","log canoe" | "木材船","log carrier"