英语人>词典>汉英 : 期外收缩 的英文翻译,例句
期外收缩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
extrasystole  ·  tachysystole

premature beat · extra systole
更多网络例句与期外收缩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: The motion of parasternal papillary muscle anterior wall, inferior wall, posterior wall, and lateral wall were detected by 2DE at short axis view of left ventricle before PTCA, 3 d and 1-3 months after PTCA in 33 cases of patients with coronary heart disease, who received PTCA+stent at selected time. Peak systolic velocity of subendocardial, subepicardial and middle layer myocardium, transmural velocity difference of the same segments and Outer lateral mitral valve annulus were also detected at apical 4 chamber view by pulsed wave tissue Doppler imaging.


更多网络解释与期外收缩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


过早搏动(premature contraction)简称早搏,又称期外收缩(extrasystole)或期前收缩(presystole),是小儿最常见的心律失常,占各种心律失常的37.7%. 按其起搏点的部位,可分为房性、房室交界性(交界性)及室性,其中以室性最多,房性次之,

extrasystole:期外收缩, 额外收缩

native goods 国货 土产 | extrasystole 期外收缩, 额外收缩 | baronship 男爵之地位(身份)


extrasurplusremainingafterImeremainder 余 | extrasystole 额期外收缩 | extrasystoleproiosystole 过早搏动

extrasystole:过早搏动 过早收缩 额期外收缩

extra-superduraluminalloy超级硬铝合金 | extrasystole过早搏动 过早收缩 额期外收缩 | extraterrestrialcivilization地外文明

interpolated extrasystole:插入期外收缩

interphase 分裂间期 | interpolated extrasystole 插入期外收缩 | interposition 插补术

interpolated extrasystole:间位性早搏,插入性期外收缩

interpolated error 内插误差 | interpolated extrasystole 间位性早搏,插入性期外收缩 | interpolated interval 内插间距

atrioventricular extrasystole:房室结性期外收缩

atrioventricular escape 房室结性逸搏 | atrioventricular extrasystole 房室结性期外收缩 | atrioventricular groove 房室沟

nodal extrasystole:房室结性期外收缩

nodal escape 结性逸搏 | nodal extrasystole 房室结性期外收缩 | nodal rhythm 结性节律

ES Extrasystole:期外收缩,过早搏动

ES Energy Subtraction 能量减影 | ES Extrasystole 期外收缩,过早搏动 | ESAO European Society for Artificial Organs 欧洲人工器官学会


extrasystole 期外收缩 | extrasystolic 期外收缩的 | extratellurian 地球以外的