英语人>词典>汉英 : 期中假 的英文翻译,例句
期中假 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与期中假相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The leader of the three is Kim Larsen, pretty, popular, restless, whiling away her days working at the local Conoco, drinking beer with her friends, dreaming of what the future holds.

。 三人中为首的是Kim Larsen。她容貌姣好、交游很广而且不愿安于现状。假期中,她便在当地的科诺克公司打工,和朋友们喝酒,憧憬未来。

Vacation is hit by , I get rid of together with the family dry slippery park ice.


But another reason could lie in the recession itself (the fair also coincided with a half-term holiday).


Not only do English state schools have almost identical holidays; they also have their three half-term breaks at the same time.


It is during half-term, when urban traffic flows unusually freely, that you realise how much congestion comes from children travelling to school at the same time.


Schools in Britain have three terms a year, each with a short half-term break in the middle, and longer holidays at Christmas and Easter and in the summer.


During my holiday I spent 10 days on the Maldives and five days in Spain as well.


During the gait cycle, forces are directed against the prosthetic femoral head from a polar angle between 15 and 25 degrees anterior to the sagittal plane of the prosthesis.


During the vacation, I made a clean sweep of all my old books.


Find a dark sky to watch the seasonal attraction, for the Geminid shower is sure to add to the holiday lighting this weekend.


更多网络解释与期中假相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be on holiday:在假期中

be on fire 在......着火 | be on holiday 在假期中 | be on show 展览


神经管管壁最初是由一层较厚的假复层上皮组成,称为神经上皮(neuroepithelium). 神经上皮不断增殖的同时细胞也逐渐开始进行迁移和分化,逐渐形成三层结构的管壁,由内向外依次为室管膜层,套层和边缘层. 在此过程中,神经上皮细胞处于活跃的细胞增殖周期中,