英语人>词典>汉英 : 朝内 的英文翻译,例句
朝内 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与朝内相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Together they model the structure of DNA as a 2 chain helical, with antiparallel properties and the bases facing inward paired to hold the molecule together.....


Root of will double palm is put in rachis both sides, inside palm root face, outside finger tip face, press to extrapolate forcibly at the same time.


We systematically discussed impurity species, impurity resources, and impurity recycling by way, gave several impurities influx. and analyzed the results of impurity controlling experiment (Titanium guttering and boronization) on HT-6M.


Suitable style: over the shoulder length hair, a little bit, not too long hair as a whole into the arc, North Korea Neice slightly bent; even if the hair is not very neat endings, nor have no sense of modesty; red Although they are warm, Department of But the deep red wine was able to give the feeling of cold, this mysterious hair-style, if there is a dark-colored clothing with the words, it is the standard cool crush - Scorpio!


He who is neither inward-wise, nor outward-wise, nor both inward- and outward-wise, nor wisdom self-gathered, nor possessed of wisdom, nor unpossessed of wisdom, He Who is unseen and incommunicable, unseizable, featureless, unthinkable, and unnameable, Whose essentiality is awareness of the Self in its single existence, in Whom all phenomena dissolve, Who is Calm, Who is Good, Who is the One than Whom there is no other, Him they deem the fourth ; He is the Self, He is the object of Knowledge.

七 图力亚是第四个状态。意识在这个状态既不朝内亦不朝外,并且内外皆不转。它无分别,超越了知见与非知见的范畴。此状态无法由感官来体验、比较或推理而得知;它不可思议的、超越想象,并无法以言语表达。这是纯意识,这是真正的大我。它断绝了一切外在的现象,它是寂静、完全的喜悦,是唯—不二的。吾人必须了悟这个真正的大我。

If it points inwards, it may be there to remind him that he has a nice family – should he ever care to go home to see them.


Tied-in elbows or being "out at the elbows" interfere with free movement and are serious faults.


Tied-in elbows or being"out at the elbows"interfere with free movement and are serious faults.


Should be moving in the street in an alley near the watercress, a lot of cars that you can click directly on-line search.


Gold of the river'. Auriferous sand was placed in a bag made of a fleece with the woolly side inwards; water was then added and the bag vigorously shaken by two men.


更多网络解释与朝内相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Close Championship:非公开赛(参加者限特定人员)

Close 朝内 | Close Championship 非公开赛(参加者限特定人员) | Close stance 封闭站姿 - 左脚稍向前,左奔站姿,挥杆时右脚略拉向后方姿势

Close Championship:非公开赛



睑内翻(entropion)是指眼睑的睑缘部朝眼球方向卷曲的一种位置异常. 内翻到一定程度睫毛可刺激角膜,称为倒睫.

Fuck off:滚蛋

因此,做这一手势时务必记住把手心朝外、手背朝内,在英国尤其要注意这点,因为在英联邦大多数国家,做手背朝外、手心朝内的 "V"形手势是表示让人"滚蛋"(fuck off)的意思

tympanic membrane:鼓膜

鼓膜:鼓膜(tympanic membrane)介于鼓室与外耳道之间,为向内凹入、椭圆形、半透明的膜性结构;高约9mm、宽约8mm、厚约0.1mm. 鼓膜的前下方朝内倾斜,与外耳道底约成45°~50°,故外耳道的前下壁较后上壁为长. 新生儿鼓膜的倾斜度尤为明显.

lt's in the root cellar:它在地窖地下

We used it in the foundation when we built the barn.|我们建谷仓的时候用它来做地基... | lt's in the root cellar.|它在地窖地下 | We faced it inward. You can still see it.|我们把它的正面朝内了 你仍然可以看...

smile at sb:朝某人微笑

in the shortest time 在最短时间内 | smile at sb 朝某人微笑 | have a competition 进行竞赛

Close stance:封闭站姿 - 左脚稍向前,左奔站姿,挥杆时右脚略拉向后方姿势

Close Championship 非公开赛(参加者限特定人员) | Close stance 封闭站姿 - 左脚稍向前,左奔站姿,挥杆时右脚略拉向后方姿势 | Close stuce 朝内站姿

Close tee:球停在草坪地带短草上

Close stuce 朝内站姿 | Close tee 球停在草坪地带短草上 | Closed stance 闭合式击球姿势

femoral triangle:[股三角]

在外伤、炎症、水肿等病理情况下,管内的结构可能受压和损伤,造成手功能障碍◆股三角(femoral triangle)在大腿前面的上部,为底朝上、尖朝下的三角形. 上界为腹股沟韧带,内侧界为长收肌内侧缘,外侧界为缝匠肌的内侧缘. 三角内有神经、血管和淋巴结等.