英语人>词典>汉英 : 朔望的 的英文翻译,例句
朔望的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In the astronomy aspect, in 1672 Newton has formulated the reflecting telescope; He also explained not only the tide phenomenon, points out the tide the size the same lunar month related, moreover also has the relations with sun's attraction; Moreover, Newton extrapolated theoretically Earth is not a spheroid, but is the two-pole is slightly flat, the equator slightly drum, and explained the year old bad phenomenon from this and so on.


Perhaps it is an order of nature first discovered by Chinese that earthquake strikes most frequently and violently on syzygy.

地震(de0 zhen4)强活动的朔望特点,或为中国人最早发现的自然规律。

Because of the error in this approximation by a fraction , and because of the higher-order terms in the polynomial for the moment of mean syzygy, the accumulator needs to be corrected by subtracting 1 once every 65 years or so.


It is a basic fact that earthquake occurrence can be modulated and triggered by the syzygial tide.

郭增建 ,秦保燕朔望潮触发和调制地震的发生已是一个基本事实。

On the basis of that,the authors of this paper consider that it is better to determine the instability of seismic source process by use of the syzygial tide than by use of the semi-diurnal tide only;the method can avoid many complex problems of seismic sources without affecting the efficacy of earthquake prediction.


As the value of the syzygial tide is large,the seven sorts of effects on seismic source process of the syzygial tide affecting the seismic source system are great,and therefore the correlation between the syzygial tide and earthquakes is relatively good.


Synodic period is related to the phase of the moon, and two new moons are separated by this same amount of time.


The synodic month is the time from one new Moon to the next. It ranges from 29.27 days to 29.84 days with a mean of 29.53 days.


A good longer period spans 55 cycles or rather 767 synodic months, which is not only very close to an integer number of synodic and anomalistic months, but also when reckoned in synodic months is close to an integer number of days and an integer number of years


Synodic month 朔望月 The time taken for the moon to reappear at the same ecliptic longitude of the Sun as seen from Earth, which averages 29.53 days.

月球连续两次到达与太阳相同黄经的时间。一个朔望月平均有 29.53 日。

更多网络解释与朔望的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




月亮的外观每晚都有变化,在一个朔望月中,月相的变化 (lunation)可由上面这张行时,它会发生称为天平动 (libration)的微小晃动. 所以,在视觉上月亮的大小会有微也会有些不同. 一个完整的朔望月大约是 29.5 天,

lunar month:朔望月

凡五个太阳年(一瑜伽,yuga)有60个太阳月(Solar month),61个世间月(karmamonth),62个朔望月(lunar month),67个星宿月(naksatra month). 由此可以推算出一太阳月=日,一世间月=30日,一朔望月=日,一星宿月=日. 这样,一个有闰月的太阴年=日,

lunar month:太阴月

如果由第一次新月(朔)开始到第二次新月(朔),叫做"朔望月"(Synodic Month)或太阴月(Lunar Month),约为29日12小时44分2.8秒,简说为29.53日. 为什么朔望月大于恒星月?当月球在轨道上已完成一个恒星月,地球星在它自己的轨道上也前进29°的角距.


一个完整的朔望月 (lunation)大约是 29.5 天. 上弦和下弦月则是从侧面所见的月球形状 月相变化时序动画 月食 当太阳、地球、月球成一条直线,而地球﹒正好在太阳和月球之间时,则会发生月食,地球的直径约是月球的4倍,所以地球的阴影很大,


一個完整的朔望月大約是 29.5 天,所以英文中 "月" (month) 就是從moon-th演繹出來的. 說明:NGC 2359是個奇特的發射星雲,而且有個引人注目的暱稱--雷神的頭盔 (Thor's Helmet). 當然有人會認為它翼狀的側邊讓它較像鴨子星雲,

solar month:太阳月

凡五个太阳年(一瑜伽,yuga)有60个太阳月(Solar month),61个世间月(karmamonth),62个朔望月(lunar month),67个星宿月(naksatra month). 由此可以推算出一太阳月=日,一世间月=30日,一朔望月=日,一星宿月=日. 这样,一个有闰月的太阴年=日,


诺兰正本策画将公司命名为"朔望"(Syzygy),只是这个名字已经被一家蜡烛创造商登记过了. 因而,他便决计改用"雅达利"(Atari)作为新公司的正式名称. 这个词取自诺兰纵容的围棋行动,是棋手围困并吃掉对方棋子时的用语,


systemize v.系统化;规则化 | systyle 两径间排柱式(两柱间距等于柱直径两倍) | syzygial a.朔望的

synodic month:朔望月

而月定义为朔望月(synodic month),朔望月是月球绕地球一周回到原来的月相(moon phase)的时间,朔望月平均周期是29.5306日. 所有历法都围绕这两个周期去订定.