英语人>词典>汉英 : 服务性的 的英文翻译,例句
服务性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
service  ·  services  ·  serviced

更多网络例句与服务性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The second section focuses on discussing the inherent relationship between the system of right to know and the construction of socialist political civilization. This section points out that: it is the precedent condition for promoting and assuring civil participation as well as for realizing and assuring democracy to keep information open and satisfy civil right to know; assuring the right to know is the essence of the ideology of supremacy in citizen and the important motive for promoting the formulation of our constitutional state; assuring civil right to know plays a crucial role in improving the credit of government and realizing the government management of standard and service; disclosure of government information is benefit to set a mechanism of anti-corruption and control, and to integrate the interest between government and the civil in order to realize the public interest; installation of the system of right to know is also the prerequisite to assure our social self-government of basic level.


Ltd claimed that Mr. Q was never employed under a contract of service but under a contract for service.


All students participate in a week-long intersession in which they explore interests outside the classroom or off campus; many of these activities are service-oriented.


It is noted that the language of advertisement slogans is generally laudatory, positive, unreserved, and emphasizing the uniqueness of a product.


With 17 locations and around 700 employees, technotrans enjoys a presence in all major markets worldwide.


A group of businessmen in a town organized as a service club and to promote world peace.


But in pharmaceutical, computer, and gradually all hi-tech industries, the cost of research, development, stylizing, licenses, patents, copyrights, marketing and customer support -- the service component -- are increasingly substantial.


But in pharmaceutical, computer, and gradually all hi-tech industries, the cost of research, development, stylizing, licenses, patents, copyrights, marketing and customer support -- the service component -- are increasingly substantial.


Hence in the ninth century the list of women vowed to the service of God included these various classes: virgins, whose solemn consecration was reserved to the bishop, nuns bound by religious profession, deaconesses engaged in the service of the church, and wives or widows of men in Sacred Orders.

因此,在第九世纪名单中的妇女发誓要为天主服务的,包括这些不同的班级:处女,其庄严consecration是保留给主教,修女约束宗教界, deaconesses从事服务性的教会,和妻子或寡妇男人在神圣的命令。

People have been giving pretty short shrift to traditional telephony, but switching technology is built on standards of reliability and service ability that significantly exceed those in data networks.


更多网络解释与服务性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


生物工艺学(biotechnology)生物、生物系统或生物过程在生产或服务性行业中的应用. 其定义现已扩展到包括应用生物体、组织、细胞、细胞器或纯化的酶于转变生物物质或其它原料产生价值较高的产品的任何过程,

direct cost:直接成本

ost),直接成本(Direct Cost),间接成本(Indireet Cbst)1.第一篇 面经--理工科学生对于市场规模估计类案例(market sizing)的见解"咨询的天空"是国内第一个也是目前唯一一个由世界顶级咨询公司资深咨询顾问组成的、专注于为求职者提供咨询公司求职面试指导的服务性团队(由于必须遵守行业保密协议,


因此,美国高等学校也采取集中的(intensive)或者深入的(immersion)服务性学习模式,从而最大程度地发挥服务性学习的作用. 虽然许多人在论及集中的服务性学习与深入的服务性学习时经常混用,但二者还是有一定的区别.

mail server:邮件服务器

电子邮件所能提供的第二种增强服务是利用一些"邮件服务器"(Mail server)而得到的其它Internet服务. 所谓邮件服务器通常是指由某些机构或个人在Internet上提供的服务性主机,用户可以按规定格式把自己的要求通过电子邮件发送到这些服务器,


所谓服务性奖学金,主要是指助教(TA)、助研(RA)、校内工作(On-campus Job)等需要付出劳动的奖学金,大部分学生获得的是服务性奖学金. TA的申请条件一般有两个,一是语言能力,特别是口语能力. 大多数院校要求申请者的口语在IBT考试中达到24分.

servian:塞尔维亚[人/语] 的

servia /塞尔维亚/ | servian /塞尔维亚[人/语] 的/ | serviceability /可服务性/


我们的宗旨是:为客户提供一流的技术服务,提供具有高可靠性(Reliability),可用性(Availability),可服务性(Serviceability)的VPS主机. 我们的VPS全部位于北京的三线机房(网通,电信和铁通),无论用户身在什么地方,都能流畅访问.

Shipping agent:船务代理

船务代理(Shipping Agent)是指接受承运人的委托,代办与船舶有关的一切业务的人,主要业务有船舶进出港、货运、供应及其它服务性工作等. 船方的委托和代理人的接受以每船一次为限,称为航次代理;船方和代理人之间签订有长期代理协议,称为长期代理.

catering staffs:客船上管理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事

catering ratings 客船上管理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事 | catering staffs 客船上管理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事 | catering 给养

catering staffs:客船上治理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事

catering ratings 客船上治理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事 | catering staffs 客船上治理伙食和其它服务性工作的人员(如管事 | catering 给养