英语人>词典>汉英 : 有颚的 的英文翻译,例句
有颚的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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With its spiked shell, beaklike jaws, and thick, scaled tail, this species is often referred to as the "dinosaur of the turtle world."


It has armor and limbs like a crustacean, but has the massive hinged jaws of other fishes.


Fishlike vertebrate with bony plates on head and upper body; dominant in seas and rivers during the Devonian; considered the earliest vertebrate with jaws.


A small, conical, fleshy mass of tissue suspended from the center of the soft palate .


Of, relating to, or being a species that is most characteristic of an ecological community and usually determines the presence, abundance, and type of other species .


But it also had the coelurosaur's long snout, bladelike teeth on the sides of its jaws, and long arms with three-fingered hands that could grasp objects.


There were not correlation between the inter-colony agonistic behavior and the secretion of frontal gland, gnathal gland and abdominal gland, or the compounds of body wall, the genetic background, the contents of microelement and protein in body, the microorgansim in intestinal cavity. The colony age and the colony individuals quantity had not effects on the inter-colony agonistic behavior. But the season change, the food kinds, the soil around colony, and the weak volatile compounds from termites would influence the agonstic behavior between colonies in a certain extent.


Thus, through phenogenetic drift, the tooth has remained a stable trait in jawed vertebrates, while evolving distinct genetic bases in teleosts and tetrapods.


Some orders of the commander, in a foreign, guttural voice, reached the !souses which seemed dead and deserted, while behind closed shutters, eyes were Watching these victorious men, masters of the city, of fortunes, of lives, through the "rights of war."


The study indicates that Geodrassus diguitusiformis Hu, 2001 should be transferred to the genus Trachelas; Clubiona heteroducta Zhang et Yin, 1998 and Clubiona xiningensis Hu, 2001 are synonymized with Clubiona gongi Zhang et al., 1997 and Clubiona neglecta O.P.


更多网络解释与有颚的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




小颚和下唇特化延伸形成口吻(Proboscis),适於液体的吸收;蜜蜂小颚的外瓣(Galea)特化呈缣状,尖端锐利. 下唇自头部中央由小颚间伸出外力,在近顶端有须状小节称为下唇须(Labial palpus). 在口吻中间有舌(Tongue)或称中舌(Glossa),


以膜与轴节相连,可稍折动. (3)外颚叶(galea)为连接在茎节端部的一个匙状,较软的构造,起握持食物之用. (4)内颚叶(lacinia)为连接在茎节端部,外颚叶内侧,较骨化,端部有齿的叶,具协助上颚刮切食物和握持食物的作用.


围口节(peristomium)是身体的第1体书,两侧各有4条细长的围口触手(Peristomial tentacle),腹面为口,吻(proboscis)可翻出,前端有一对颚,吻可分为近颚的颚环和近口的口环,划分为1-8区,上具乳突、小齿或平滑,这在鉴定属种上有重要意义.


蛭类内部的亲缘关系大体如下:除最原始的类群棘蛭目(Acanthobdellida)外,蛭类在早期即从吻的有无向两大分支发展,有吻的一类为吻蛭目( Rhynchobdellida),无吻的为颚蛭目(Gnathobdellida)和咽蛭目(Pharyngob- dellida).


flat),称颚舟叶(scaphognathite)用来激起水流. 使鳃室内外的水不断交换. 内肢也演变成不分节的小颚须. 8对胸肢的前3对为颚足,后5对系步足. 颚足是摄食的辅助器官,与一对大颚,2对小颚共同经成口器. 各对颚足原肢均有2肢节,但第一对有内叶,

temporomandibular joint:顳顎關節

本实验室先前利用重组胶原蛋白模板(collagen template)植入局部切除颞颚关节板(partial discectomy)的兔子颞颚关节(temporomandibular joint)中,在组织学上观察到有良好的愈合及组织再生的现象.

temporomandibular joint:颚関节

颚关节(Temporomandibular Joint)是位於两边耳前的关节,是下巴咀嚼或说话的运动中心. 是位於人体最上方的关节,使用次数频繁,但大家好像忘了要帮它做些运动或让它觉得舒服些. 颚关节问题 颚关节有开口、咀嚼或触压的疼痛,功能障碍(口张不开、卡住),

maxillae:下 颚

构成口腔的顶板;由二对小颚(maxillae) 构成下唇(lower lip),其中第一对小颚有小颚须. ...口器(mouth parts)和触角(antennae). 口器有由下颚(maxillae)中形成的吻管(proboscis). 脚(legs)和翅膀(wings)由胸部中长出. ...


口器包括一个上唇(upper lip),构成口腔的顶板;由二对小颚(maxillae)构成下唇(lower lip),其中第一对小颚有小颚须. 上、下唇包围口腔,其中有一对大颚(mandibles),其上有齿及刚毛. 头部的触角、2 对小颚及一对大颚是由附肢形成的,