英语人>词典>汉英 : 有长鼻的 的英文翻译,例句
有长鼻的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Any of several large, terrestrial African and Asian monkeys of the family Cercopithecidae, especially of the genus Papio or Chaeropithecus and related genera, characterized by an elongated, doglike muzzle, a short tail, and bare calluses on the buttocks.

狒狒:一种猕猴科的大型、陆生的非洲和亚洲的猴子,尤指狒狒属或 Chaeropithecus 及相关的种属,其特征为有一长的象狗一样的口鼻和短尾,臀部有一裸露的胼胝

Baboon Any of several large, terrestrial African and Asian monkeys of the family Cercopithecidae, especially of the genus Papio or Chaeropithecus and related genera, characterized by an elongated, doglike muzzle, a short tail, and bare calluses on the buttocks.

狒狒:一种猕猴科的大型、陆生的非洲和亚洲的猴子,尤指狒狒属或 Chaeropithecus 及相关的种属,其特征为有一长的象狗一样的口鼻和短尾,臀部有一裸露的胼胝

There is proboscidean view of the past down to the "double as" For wings and fly "goshawk" simple and honest naughty "Panda", recline the mountain,"Tigers", revealed the fierce look,"Lei" angry "Buffalo "," Moon rhinoceros "," double-grass off the sheep,"" Lions Zhenhai "landscape.


The Proboscis Monkey is also known as the Monyet Belanda in Malay, the Bekantan in Indonesian or simply the Long-nose Monkey. It has a reddish-brown long nose which makes it unique.

"长鼻猴"–在马来语中也称为"Monyet",在亚洲的热带雨林中的印尼- Bekantan 生存,它有一个红褐色的长鼻子,使独特的。

The Proboscis Monkey is also known as the Monyet Belanda in Malay, the Bekantan in Indonesian or simply the Long-nose Monkey. It has a reddish-brown long nose which makes it unique.

&长鼻猴&–在马来语中也称为&Monyet&,在亚洲的热带雨林中的印尼- Bekantan 生存,它有一个红褐色的长鼻子,使独特的。

Any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the genera Nasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States, related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail.


Any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the genera Nasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States,related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail.


Any of several ratlike marsupials of the family Peramelidae, of Australia and adjacent islands, that feed on insects and plants and have a long, tapering snout and elongated hind legs.


Any of several ratlike marsupials of the family Peramelidae,of Australia and adjacent islands,th at feed on insects and plants and have a long,tapering snout and elong at ed hind legs.


Any of several ratlike marsupials of the Peramelidae , of Australia and adjacent islands , th at feed on insects and plants and have a long , tapering snout and elong at ed hind legs .


更多网络解释与有长鼻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aquiline nose:鹰钩鼻

鹰钩鼻(aquiline nose)主要表现为鼻尖过长下垂面部表情及运动时下垂更明显鹰钩鼻往往伴有驼峰鼻畸形其产生的主要原因有鼻翼软骨中间脚向下过度生长或内侧脚过长鼻中隔软骨过长鼻中隔降肌肥大通常东方人的鹰钩鼻畸形以中间脚过长为多


他们在雷歌雷阿利(Regaleali)的庄园坐拥370公顷大的葡萄园,位处海拔450-700公尺之高,最具知名度的酒款"伯爵红"(Rosso del Conte)力度够、单宁紧细,果味在又清新,余韵长,是各大指南的常胜军;另一款"天鹅"(Cygnus)有由加利与黑胡椒的鼻香,

glossopharyngeal neuralgia:舌咽神经痛

舌咽神经痛(glossopharyngeal neuralgia)是一种少见的痛性抽搐,好发于40岁以上的成人,无性别差异. 本病确切病因尚不清楚. 25%的舌咽神经痛伴有桥小脑角或鼻咽部肿瘤. 其他的原因有颈部弹片伤、椎动脉硬化、椎动脉动脉瘤、残留舌下动脉等血管病变以及蛛网膜炎、茎突过长、茎突舌骨韧带骨化等.

nasal septum:鼻中隔

由皮肤覆盖,富有皮脂腺和汗腺,并长有鼻毛,鼻前庭皮肤与固有鼻腔粘膜交界处称为鼻阈或鼻内孔. 鼻的解剖二)固有鼻腔 通称鼻腔,有内,外,顶,底四壁. 1.内壁:即鼻中隔(nasal septum),由鼻中隔软骨(...


⑦ 地鼠(shrew),即鼩鼱,也作"shrewmouse",一种食虫的小哺乳动物,类似老鼠,有长而尖的口鼻、小眼睛和小耳朵. ⑧ 林鼠(wood rat):也作"trade rat",一种北美小啮齿动物,喜欢在窝里及其周围收集一大堆各种各样的小东西.


长吻长舌叶口蝠(Glossophaga longirostris)吸血蝠科(Desmodontidae):体形小,体重在30~40g,上门齿特大,上门齿成刀状,均有锐利的"刀口",拇指长而有力,后肢也强大,能在地面上迅速跑动,甚至能短距离跳跃,飞行力强,无尾,具鼻叶,每晚定时吸血,

maned wolf:鬃狼

01.鬃狼(MANED WOLF) 因为拥有深色修长的四肢,有时也被形容为采高跷的红狐,黑色的脚看起来就像 穿了长袜一样.毛皮红黄色,颈背到背部之间有一道深色斑纹,鬃毛挺立,口鼻 部深色.长而多毛的尾巴大都为深色,


墨西哥渔蝠(Noctilio leporinus)叶口蝠科(Phyllostomatidae):鼻端有毛状鼻叶,下唇有瘤状皮褶,上门齿发达. 长吻长舌叶口蝠(Glossophaga longirostris)吸血蝠科(Desmodontidae):体形小,体重在30~40g,上门齿特大,上门齿成刀状,均有锐利的"刀口",


鸭嘴龙(hadrosaurs) 为一类较大型的鸟臀类恐龙,最大的有15米多长. 鸭嘴龙的吻部由于前上颌骨和前齿骨的延伸和横向扩展,构成了宽阔的鸭状吻端,故名. 所有鸭嘴龙的头骨皆显高,其枕部宽大,面部加长,前上颌骨和鼻骨也前后伸长,嘴部宽扁,

Sarawak Museum:沙捞越博物馆

沙捞越博物馆(Sarawak museum)里人可真多. 当地人、外国游客都不少. 一层一层看下来,真后悔没早点来. 这博物馆里展示的东西太全了,基本上把我们想看但没看到的全补上了. 长鼻猴、大王花、长屋......连怎么在海上开采石油都有介绍. 穿过一片野草,