英语人>词典>汉英 : 有被果实的 的英文翻译,例句
有被果实的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Tall herb of eastern North America and Asia having blue berrylike fruit and a thick knotty rootstock formerly used medicinally.


A row of sunken dwarf willows borders the stream on one or both sides, while at a greater distance the meadow is skirted with maples, alders, and other fluviatile trees, overrun with the grape-vine, which bears fruit in its season, purple, red, white, and other grapes.


Instead of calling on some scholar, I paid many a visit to particular trees, of kinds which are rare in this neighborhood, standing far away in the middle of some pasture, or in the depths of a wood or swamp, or on a hilltop; such as the black birch, of which we have some handsome specimens two feet in diameter; its cousin, the yellow birch, with its loose golden vest, perfumed like the first; the beech, which has so neat a bole and beautifully lichen-painted, perfect in all its details, of which, excepting scattered specimens, I know but one small grove of sizable trees left in the township, supposed by some to have been planted by the pigeons that were once baited with beechnuts near by; it is worth the while to see the silver grain sparkle when you split this wood; the bass; the hornbeam; the Celtis occidentalis, or false elm, of which we have but one well-grown;some taller mast of a pine, a shingle tree, or a more perfect hemlock than usual, standing like a pagoda in the midst of the woods; and many others I could mention.

我并没有去访问哪个学者,我访问了一棵棵树,访问了在附近一带也是稀有的林木,它们或远远地耸立在牧场的中央,或长在森林、沼泽的深处,或在小山的顶上;譬如黑桦木,我就看到一些好标本,直径有两英尺:还有它们的表亲黄桦木,宽弛地穿着金袍,像前述的那种一样地散发香味,又如山毛榉,有这样清洁的树干,美丽地绘着苔藓之色,处处美妙呵,除了一些散在各地的样本,在这乡镇一带,我只知道有一个这样的小小的林子,树身已相当大了,据说还是一些被附近山毛榉的果实吸引来的鸽子播下的种子;当你劈开树木的时候,银色的细粒网闪发光,真值得鉴赏;还有,椴树,角树;还有学名为Celtis occidenta lis的假榆树,那就只有一棵是长得好的;还有,可以作挺拔的桅杆用的高高的松树,以及作木瓦用的树;还有比一般松树更美妙的我们的铁杉,像一座宝塔一样矗立在森林中;还有我能提出的许多别的树。

Graceful course observes Paasche carefully, discovered the secret that octopus cultivates eventually, original, the overgrow on its branch fructification pod, the fructification that a few belts prick is in fructification pod; Its branch is extremely rich also stretch, have very powerful pulling force; When run animal touchs branch, branch can be played come over to be twined closely go up in animal body, meanwhile, mature fructification pod is met above dissilient, if shell fragment is same,those fruit in fact that bring thorn are met deeply the skin of penetrate into animal; The animal struggles to be pestered more closely the more, because of,have a few animals this get killed, that only small boar is an unfortunate victim.


The numerous ways fruit benefits a healthy lifestyle will be broken down into the following seven popular fruit categories: apple, banana, grapefruit, mango, orange, strawberry and tomato.


A row of sunken dwarf willows borders the stream on one or both sides, while at a greater distance the meadow is skirted with maples, alders, and other fluviatile trees, overrun with the grape-vine, which bears fruit in its season, purple, red, white, and other grapes.


A southeast Asian evergreen tree Syzygium jambos widely cultivated for its showy flowers and fragrant , cream yellow , ovoid fruits that are used for jellies and confections .


Leaf blade abaxially persistently hairy; cupule rim expanded and wavily rugose at maturity; cupule bracts grayish brown tomentose from base to middle, apex reddish brown glabrous; fruit maturing on 1-year-old branchlets, nut 1.5–1.8 cm in diam.

叶片背面持续有毛;扩大的壳斗边和wavily具皱纹在成熟;壳斗苞淡灰棕色被绒毛的自基部至中部,顶带红色棕色无毛;结果实到期关于1年老枝,采坚果厘米直径 14 Q。

IN the country of Wurtemburg, in Germany, where the acacias grow by the public road, where the apple-trees and the pear-trees in autumn bend to the earth with the weight of the precious fruit, lies the little town of Marbach.


And with that the scientists began to lead the Sentinels on a circuitous tour through the dome, descending always, via tractor tubes and spiral drops where there should have been stairs, past conveyor systems and vat after vat of Fruits or pulverized stem and Flower, in and out of corridors and rooms, commo stations and rotundas, all recently vacated by soldiers and worker drones who had ceased their tasks to protect the farm.


更多网络解释与有被果实的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


同翅目(Homoptera)介壳虫总科昆虫的统称. 雌虫无翅,足和独角均退化;雄虫有一对柔翅,足和触角发达,无口器. 体外被有蜡质介壳. 卵通常埋在蜡丝块中、雌体下或雌虫分泌的介壳下. 每一种的宿主植物有一定的范围. 侵袭植物的根、树皮、叶、枝或果实.


在日本,相传有一个叫笃郎的老头,无儿无女,靠编织(knit)竹篮为生. 二皇子仓石也来求亲,山竹子对他说:"东海蓬莱山上有一棵樱桃(cherry)树,金枝银叶,结钻石果实,但被三个老虎看着,有了它我就嫁给你. "仓石跟哥哥一样找了铁匠来来打造这样一个樱桃树.


angioblastoma 成血管细胞瘤 | angiocarp 有被果性植物 | angiocarpous 有被果实的


"angio-",,"包被" | "angiocarp",,"被果" | "angiocarpous",,"被果的,果实有壳的"


angiocarp 有被果性植物 | angiocarpous 有被果实的 | angioconidium 分生孢子囊

chromotropic acid:铬变酸

用铬变酸(chromotropic acid)处理时呈紫色,可作比色定量. 自齐默尔曼(P.W.Zimmermann,1942)等发现了2,4-D的作用以来,以此物质为中心的许多合成植物生长素应用于农业有了迅速的发展. 此物质被大规模地利用为除草剂及防止果实早期脱落剂等.

diclinic flower:雌雄异花

有被瘦果;(有由花誧峖言~被的果实) diclesium | 雌雄异花 diclinic flower | 雌雄异花 diclinism