英语人>词典>汉英 : 有脓疱的 的英文翻译,例句
有脓疱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有脓疱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results A 19-year old boy with acue on the face and the back of chest as well as pustulosis at both axil was examined.


Rash, pustular psoriasis may also have changed. X ray showed that some patients with rheumatoid arthritis joint changes and the same may have a partial decalcification bone, joint cavity narrow, there are varying degrees of joint erosion and soft tissue swelling.


If your child has impetigo, you should keep them off school or nursery until 24 hours after starting treatment and the infected areas have stopped weeping.


Impetigo has a characteristic look to it, with inflamed red lumps leaking pus to form thick yellow crusts.


It was also considered to be a subtype of pustular psoriasis, but there are different opinions.


The pustular type, joint disease type and erythrodermic psoriasis, which are often systemic health will have varying degrees of impact.


In recent years, scholars at home and abroad pustular psoriasis and some related concepts and classifications of diseases with a new perspective, a number of formerly classified as separate diseases, such as acrodermatitis continua, palmoplantar pus herpes disease, herpes-like pus herpes disease (abscess herpes during pregnancy disease), etc.


In recent years, scholars at home and abroad pustular psoriasis and some related concepts and classifications of diseases with a new perspective, a number of formerly classified as separate diseases, such as acrodermatitis continua, palmoplantar pus herpes disease, herpes-like pus herpes disease (abscess herpes during pregnancy disease), etc.


On examination, the skin manifestations revealed multiple erythematous annular or serpiginous patches studded with tiny pustules over the trunk, groins and extremities. The histopathology disclosed subcorneal pustules infiltrated by neutrophils, and the immunofluorescent studies showed negative findings. Furthermore, the patient responded well to dapsone treatment in 3 weeks.


"On March 7, 2007, the Chicago Department of Public Health and the University of Chicago Pediatric Infectious Disease Service and Infection Control Program notified of a child with presumed eczema vaccinatum..., a life-threatening complication of vaccinia virus infection," write J. Marcinak, MD, from the University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital, in Chicago, Illinois, and colleagues."This case highlights the need for clinicians to maintain a high index of suspicion when evaluating recently vaccinated patients and their family members with vesiculopustular rash."

J。 Marcinak医师及研究同仁指出,2007年3月7日,芝加哥市公共卫生部和芝加哥大学小儿科传染病行政部暨传染控制计划单位,向美国疾病管制局通报了一名儿童推测是感染了疫苗性湿疹,一种致命的牛痘病毒感染并发症;此病例突显出,临床医师在评估近期施打疫苗的患者和其长有水疱与脓疱的家人时,应保持高度警觉性之必要性;Marcinak医师服务於伊利诺州芝加哥市芝加哥大学Comer儿童医院。

更多网络解释与有脓疱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blamable:可责备的; 有过失的 (形)

blain 脓疱; 痘; 水疱 (名) | blamable 可责备的; 有过失的 (形) | blame 责备, 归咎于 (动)

pustulant:引起脓疱的 (形)

pussyfoot 偷偷走路, 不表态, 消极行事 (动) | pustulant 引起脓疱的 (形) | pustular 脓疱的; 有小脓疱的 (形)


pustular 脓疱的 | pustular 有小脓疱的 | pustulate 生脓疱的


pussyfoot /偷偷走路/消极行事/不表态/骑墙者/禁酒/ | pustular /脓疱的/有小脓疱的/ | pustulate /(使)生脓疱/生脓疱的/

pustular:脓疱的; 有小脓疱的 (形)

pustulant 引起脓疱的 (形) | pustular 脓疱的; 有小脓疱的 (形) | pustulate 生脓疱 (动)

pustular bacterid:脓疱性细菌疹

掌跖脓疱病包括掌跖脓疱性银屑病(pustular psoriasis of thc palma and scles)和脓疱性细菌疹(pustular bacterid). 有的学者认为本病的发病与病毒感染有关. 有人证实在棘细胞内有嗜酸性包涵体,但也有人否认其存在. 有人在豚鼠身上进行接种,


⒎ 脓疱(pustule) 为含有脓液的疱. 多由化脓细菌感染所致,疱周有红晕,如脓疱;少数为非细菌性脓疱,如脓疱性银屑病. 中医认为其多由湿热或毒热炽盛所致,谓之热盛成毒.




pustular 有小脓疱的 | pustulate 生脓疱的 | pustulate 使生脓疱

pustulate:生脓疱 (动)

pustular 脓疱的; 有小脓疱的 (形) | pustulate 生脓疱 (动) | pustulation 脓疱之形成或出现; 脓疱 (名)