英语人>词典>汉英 : 有盈余的 的英文翻译,例句
有盈余的 的英文翻译、例句


in the money
更多网络例句与有盈余的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wal-Mart is selling organic food, and even Coca-Cola is launching a wellness drink.相关的例句It is easy to see how even a family which had had as good food as it wished and a few extras could be down to bread and scrape the barrel inside a month if the "demon drink" took hold.


Last year, however, our look-through earnings did not grow at all but rather declined by 14%. To an extent, the decline was precipitated by two forces that I discussed in last year's report and that I warned you would have a negative effect on look-through earnings.

然而去年我们的透视盈余不但没有增加,反而减少了 14%,这样的下滑主要导源于去年年报就曾经向各位提过的两项因素,那时我就曾经警告各位那对我们的透视盈余将会有负面的影响。

The estimation results show that the deferred income expense has positive relationship with earnings management, indicating that the more changes in earnings, the more possibilities that enterprise may decorate the earning level by using deferredincome tax. Additionally, the empirical result also shows that the instrument of earnings management for an enterprise usually focuses on the adjustment of recognition timing from the income and expense of the enterprise rather than the deferred income tax valuation allowances due to the temporary differences between GAAP and tax law, which is consistent with the previous studies.


Besides, I also find that firms report negative earnings for fiscal year, which have less current and future earnings response coefficient than report positive earnings, and firms report negative cash flows from operating for fiscal year, which have less current cash flow response coefficient than report positive cash flows. Indicating that firms report negative earnings or cash flow, because losses are more transitory and which stock prices less information but which future cash flow response coefficient more than report positive cash flows. Inference of this study because cash flow have substance effect, so when firms have negative cash flows investor more care about it, which have more cash flow response coefficient, and further find while distinguishing the degree of sophisiticated investor, investor the sophisiticated degree proportion is higher. Because they know information of the earnings, firms have more degree of shareholder sophistication for fiscal year, which have more current and future earnings response coefficient than which have less.


Japan has had a current-account surplus in every year since 1981, because of a surfeit of domestic saving over investment.


According to the empirical study, we get the following conclusion: a The choice of accounting methods in our country is sackless, passivity and middle b The companies have the instance of manipulating the accounting surplus by accounting estimate and their main motivation is evadable the supervise in the capital market.


Nevertheless, auditors annually certify the numbers given them by management and in their opinions unqualifiedly state that these figures "present fairly" the financial position of their clients. The auditors use this reassuring language even though they know from long and painful experience that the numbers so certified are likely to differ dramatically from the true earnings of the period. Despite this history of error, investors understandably rely upon auditors' opinions. After all, a declaration saying that "the statements present fairly" hardly sounds equivocal to the non-accountant.


It is much different from accountancy concocts ,the earnings management regulates the profits with the legal means ,the actual earnings in influence reflects with distribute in different accountancy's period .


But they are forgetting that emerging economies are the only ones with surpluses.


A country with a serious deficit,such as the United States, is not likely to import as much as if it hasa surplus.


更多网络解释与有盈余的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accrual accounting:应计制会计

就像应计制会计(accrual accounting)和谨慎性原则使得会计数据与实际情况不符一样,盈余管理后的有些会计项目也会有同样的结果. 虽然盈余管理的目的是影响报表使用者的决定或行为,但它还不足以误导报表使用者,因为盈余管理并不扭曲公司当期税前的账面价值.

bad debt loss:呆账(坏账)损失

admission temporarie 免税进口 | bad debt loss 呆账(坏账)损失 | balanced budget with surplus 收支平衡并有盈余的预算

black list:黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单

in the black 有盈余,贷方 | black list 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单 | blue chips n. 蓝筹股,绩优股

favourable balance:顺差

当收入大于支出而有盈余(Surplus)时,称为顺差(Favourable Balance) ;反之, 则称为逆差(Unfavourable Balance) ,应在逆差数字前冠以"-"号.也有人称逆差为 赤字(Deficit) ,而称顺差为黑字.三,国际收支平衡表的主要内容 (一)经常账户 经常账户(Current Account,

in the black:有盈余,贷方

black adj. 违法的 | in the black 有盈余,贷方 | black list 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单

be in the black:有盈余(反义词为be in the red 赤字,欠债)

sickness benefits 疾病补助费 | be in the black 有盈余(反义词为be in the red 赤字,欠债) | black list 黑名单(禁止与其进行贸易的公司及个人名单,通常是因为信誉不太好)

her jet-black hair:她的乌黑发亮的头发

变黑 go black | 她的乌黑发亮的头发 her jet-black hair | 有盈余 in the black

Appraised value:估定价值

appraisal surplus 估价盈余 指资产估定价值(appraised value)超过 账面价值(book value)的部分. 估价盈余属 股东产权账户. appraiser 估价员,估价师 指由有经验的专业人员作为估价专家, 向社会专门的服务, 并对财产的估定价值 提出权威性的意见;


不少人认为图表(Graphs)是很有价值的分析工具,但仅仅研究每周盈余(Weeklyprofit)或是股价(Share price)无法让你发现任何问题,所以有经验的分析师会更多的关心统计列表中的游乐设施运作费用(Ridewages)和广告宣传(Marketing)等几个方面.

Stock issued by companies whose sales and earnings growth have outpaced the market:发行公司通常有高於产业的销售与盈余成长

Growth Stocks成长型... | Stock issued by companies whose sales and earnings growth have outpaced the market发行公司通常有高於产业的销售与盈余成长 | Often are newly formed, smaller companies很多都是新创...