英语人>词典>汉英 : 有理分式 的英文翻译,例句
有理分式 的英文翻译、例句


rational fraction
更多网络例句与有理分式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper presents a method of synthesizi ng non-equiripple low-pass filter based on iteration analysis,in which the rat ional fraction formed of Chebyshev polynomial is used as the filter characterist ic function.


The stress-strain curve of new-old concrete and HPRRC, are suggested to be modeled by two sections: the ascending section of the stress-strain curve is simulated by cubic parabola equation and the descending section is simulated by rational fraction, where the theoretical value is in good agreement with the test value.


Rational fraction, rational base function and homogeneous coordinate.


In accordance with the situation that the damping was the non-classical damping,the structure was asymmetric,and random wind spectrum was irrational fraction wind spectrum,the equations obtained were decoupled with the complex mode theory.


In this paper, the stationary and non-stationary random wind-induced response, dynamic reliability and optimization under the dynamic reliability constraint of structures with foundation rotation and tall building with TMD or TLD is studied systematically. Three achievements are gained. 1. According to the situation that Davenport wind spectrum is irrational fraction, the equivalent wind spectrum is generated by linear filtered process.


This article gives that several commonly rational functions are divided into the decompose summation of the partial fraction formulas and their proof.


By using methods on the theory of majorization, two refinements of an inequality for the rational fraction are established.


The two methods of model simplification are presented for large scale systems, they are the least square approximation and the rational fraction approximation.


Many researchers have devoted their work to the development of modal analysis extraction techniques in order to obtain more reliable identification of the modal parameters. There are many damping identification methods, but each one has different merit and defect. In order to find which one is the most reliable method with respect to certain characteristics, this thesis focus on how to identify structure's damping in time domain. The following works have been done in this thesis: 1. Investigate four modal analysis methods——the LSCE Method, the Ibrahim Time Domain Method, the Time Domain Collectivity Modal Parameter Method, the Rational Fraction Polynomial Method and improve on the ITD Method in arithmetic.

本文主要做了如下工作: 1、集中研究了四种常用的模态识别方法,即最小二乘复指数法、Ibrahim时域法、时域总体模态参数辨识法及有理分式多项式法,并对ITD法在算法上进行了一定的改进; 2、建立结构动力模型,利用这四种方法在具体条件下识别结构的阻尼,并绘制相应的图; 3、讨论不同的情况下,不同的识别方法对阻尼识别精确性的影响; 4、基于业已明确的阻尼识别的精确性,根据研究的需要,指出在实际的识别过程中,如何选择最佳的识别方法以及识别过程中需要注意的问题; 5、选择最为精确的阻尼识别方法,以导师李书进教授在日本京都大学防灾研究所强震反应实验室所做的一足尺木制结构房屋的动力测试实验为实测模型,识别其阻尼; 6、在本文的最后,尽作者所知,提出了一些需要改进的地方,并对未来的研究方向给出了作者的建议。

A bstract: This paper focus on virtual instrument design of modal parameters identification with curve fitting theory based on rational fraction orthogonal polynomials. Using Forsythe orthogonal polynomials solves the coefficient equation instead of normal power polynomials in order to decrease the morbidity of it, making the orders of coefficient equation reduce to half and increasing computing efficiency.

本文基于有理分式正交多项式曲线拟合理论对振动系统的模态参数辨识进行了虚拟仪器的设计,为了减少系数矩阵的病态,采用 Forsythe 正交多项式代替普通的幂多项式进行求解,使系数矩阵阶次降低近一半,提高了运算速度。

更多网络解释与有理分式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rational canonical form:有理典范形

有理点群|rational point group | 有理典范形|rational canonical form | 有理分式|rational fraction

field of rational numbers:有理数域

field of rational fractions 有理分式域 | field of rational numbers 有理数域 | f ield of rationality 有理性域

rational fractional function:有理分式函数

rational fraction 有理分式 | rational fractional function 有理分式函数 | rational function 有理函数

rational fractional function:有理分数函数

rational fraction 有理分式 | rational fractional function 有理分数函数 | rational function 有理函数

rational fraction:有理分式

cellular 细胞的 | rational fraction 有理分式 | joint mark 接合限度 接合痕迹 连接符号 模缝线, 合缝线(玻璃制品缺陷)

rational fraction interpolation:有理分式插值法

有理分数 rational fraction | 有理分式插值法 rational fraction interpolation | 有理分式函数 rational fractional function

rational fraction interpolation:有理分式插值

rational zero points 有理零点 | rational-fraction interpolation 有理分式插值 | rational-function approximation 有理函数逼近

order of a rational fraction:有理分式的阶

排列的阶 order of a permutation | 有理分式的阶 order of a rational fraction | 奇异点的阶 order of a singular point


Focus :核心 | Fractions :有理分式 | Function :函数

Partial fractions:部分有理分式

Partial differential equation :偏微分方程 | Partial fractions :部分有理分式 | Partial integration :部分积分