英语人>词典>汉英 : 有湿气的 的英文翻译,例句
有湿气的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Diseases that spread in this way include boils, abscesses, venereal diseases, and athlete' s foot.


Bedroom door: Bedroom entrance door cannot is opposite continuously backstairs, prevent gas of its damp and hot and bedroom door to flow relatively; The door cannot is opposite between Wei Yu , diffuse because the ammonia of the hydrosphere after bath and toilet is extremely angry easily to bedchamber in, and the cloth that enrages for moisture absorption more again in bedchamber is tasted, will make an environment more damp; Bedroom door is unfavorable be opposite the door of storeroom, storeroom shelters evil people and practices much vital energy having mold, easily; Bedroom door also do not answer two two-phase are right, this calls " door knife evil spirit ".


Furthermore, the east Asian monsoon climatic instability during the last deglaciation has been discussed. The significant variability within monsoon precipitation events during the last deglaciation event or even Younger Dryas id related to the interaction between cold air mass from the Siberian-Mongolian high pressure zone with warm, humid air masses from the ocean.


The perchlorates in the mud then sucked moisture out of the air until there was enough water for them to dissolve (a process known as deliquescence).


And refined bamboo charcoal with far infrared release, Huoxue Tongluo, with moisture, arthritis, omarthritis, spinal disease, a bedsore role of special treatment.


And refined bamboo charcoal with far infrared release, Huoxue Tongluo, with moisture, arthritis, omarthritis, spinal disease, bed sores have a special role of physiotherapy.


In that steamy den, stinking of sweat and urine, the voice of authority galvanizes them into life.


From draws up the medicinal bath foot to have the obvious treatment function to the foot moisture.


Drunken Angel is a bubbling mud puddle in the very heart of man, with diseases and hideous nests of mosquitoes, oozing gases and garbage, degradation and misery.


Wear well-fitting socks, without a thick toe seam, made of a material that wicks moisture away from the skin, such as acrylic or CoolMax.

穿合适的袜子,不要有粗糙的脚趾接缝,袜子的材料能吸走皮肤的湿气,例如丙烯酸纤维或者 CoolMax 涤纶纤维。

更多网络解释与有湿气的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大风吹走了周围的地表土,只有箭木(Arrowwood)的根顽强的维护着仅存的一些砂砾堆. 这是幅怪诞的景象,也有个可怕的名字:恶魔的玉蜀黍田(Devils Cornfield). 有时候风带走的土和湿气太多,箭木也无法逃脱枯死的厄运(前景).

atopic dermatitis:异位性皮炎

异位性皮炎( atopic dermatitis)又称遗传过敏性皮炎或者异位性湿气,是由遗传过敏而导致的一种慢性、再次发作性、发痒性、炎症性损容性皮炎(或者花柳病)可发生于乳儿、儿童以及成人,首要体现为湿气样麻疹一同发生痒、小我私人或者亲族中有遗传过敏史气喘、过敏性鼻炎以及特应性皮炎;


漏电(Leakage) 不同回路的导体 在一高抗的通路测试下 发生某种程度的连通情形 属于短路的一种 其发生原因 可能为离子污染及湿气 16.4 电测种类与设备及其选择 电测方式常见有三种 1.专用型(dedicated) 2.泛用型(universal) 3.飞针型 (moving probe),


专业人士评点:湿气是归属一种肉皮儿过敏征象 啥子是湿气 湿气(eczema)是一种常见的由多种表里因素导致的皮面及真皮浅层的炎症性皮炎.其独特之处为自发 剧烈发痒,皮损多形性,对于称漫衍,有渗出偏向,慢花柳病程,

Redwood National Park:红杉国家公园

在加利福尼亚红杉国家公园(Redwood National Park)的约翰逊夫人林(Lady Bird Johnson Grove),有1500年历史,超过250英尺(76米)的古老红杉高耸入云. 清晨,通常有晨雾围绕着树林,为它们提供维持生长不可缺少的湿气,特别是在干燥的夏季.


PVTG 湿气的PVT性质(有挥发油) | PVTNUM PVT区数目 | PVTO 活性油的PVT性质(有溶解气)

sogginess:湿透; 湿润 (名)

soggily 湿透地; 湿润地 (副) | sogginess 湿透; 湿润 (名) | soggy 潮湿的; 沉闷的; 有湿气的 (形)


humid 湿的,湿气重的 | tumid 肿起的,肿胀的 | gynecoid 妇女的,有女性特征的


wettest 湿的 | wettish 有湿气的 | wetwood 湿芯材


wetting /变湿/ | wettish /潮湿的/有湿气的/ | wetwood /湿芯材/