英语人>词典>汉英 : 有森林的 的英文翻译,例句
有森林的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有森林的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Marcus Colchester, Director of the Forest Peoples Programme and one of the authors of the research released today, the success of efforts to address threats to local forest communities and to the global environment will depend on the actions of governments and other influential entities to recognize and strengthen property and other human rights of indigenous peoples and other local communities that live in and around vulnerable forests.


It was found that 80% of the people recognized that using scientific methods to manage our forests is necessary nod 65% of the people recognized that, if necessary, timber cutting is stilt acceptable.


No doubt, historically, uprisings have their beauty; the war of the pavements is no less grandiose, and no less pathetic, than the war of thickets: in the one there is the soul of forests, in the other the heart of cities; the one has Jean Chouan, the other has a Jeanne.


Its strength is far greater than any other sudden natural disaster of the world to the foresty . so it is very necessary to found a reasonable legal system to restrain forest harvesting.with the development of our country' economy from planned economy to the market, the forestry management is also gradually changing from traditional to modern.


Its impaction is gradual, long-term and large-scale. Its strength is far greater than any other sudden natural disaster of the world to the foresty . So it is very necessary to found a reasonable legal system to restrain forest harvesting.With the development of our country' economy from planned economy to the market, the forestry management is also gradually changing from traditional to modern.


Urban forest is the lively infrastructure of a city. As citifying process develops, it is impossible to develop large-scale green land in the downtown of a city. What s more, the efficient city ecological green-land system, which doesn't equal to the simple that expansion, requires considerable proportion of suburb green space and city forest resources, in order to deeply control the space-time development of those resources and accurately understand the various influence that natural and unnatural factors bring to those resources.


Urban forest is the lively infrastructure of a city. As citifying process develops, it is impossible to develop large-scale green land in the downtown of a city. What s more, the efficient city ecological green-land system, which doesnt equal to the simple that expansion, requires considerable proportion of suburb green space and city forest resources, in order to deeply control the space-time development of those resources and accurately understand the various influence that natural and unnatural factors bring to those resources.


Based on the comparing between traditional and modern theory of urban forest building, the Chinese traditional ideology of harmonious development between man and nature, and forest culture with rich meaning should be succeeded and developedin urban forestry, so the flamboyant ecological civilization cities syncretized with Chin...


However, along with the use in a deep going way, most users find that the forest reserves map which is built by traditional vector data models in GIS is different from the real.:In traditional forest distribution map, we give tacit consent to the fact that the forest is represented by a polygon, whose boundary is taken as a abrupt change between different types and the interior of the polygon is regarded as uniform.


It is a part of national culture. The collective unconscious, which is included in forest thought, influences the improvement of national character.


更多网络解释与有森林的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aubrey:奥布里 条顿, 有钱有势的国王;小精灵

Atwood 亚特伍德 英国 住在森林或森林中的人. | Aubrey 奥布里 条顿 有钱有势的国王;小精灵. | Augustine 奥古斯汀 拉丁 指八月出生的人.

Aubrey:奥布里 条顿 有钱有势的国王

Atwood 亚特伍德 --英国 --住在森林或森林中的人 | Aubrey 奥布里 --条顿 --有钱有势的国王 | Augustine 奥古斯汀 --拉丁 --指八月出生的人

Aubrey:条顿 有钱有势的国王

Atwood 英国 住在森林或森林中的人 | Aubrey 条顿 有钱有势的国王 | August 拉丁 神圣的、尊崇的或身份高尚的人;八月

Boyce:法国 住在森林中的独立者

Bowen 英国 有教养的贵族 | Boyce 法国 住在森林中的独立者 | Boyd 塞尔特 金发的;白种人的


dendrophysis 枝状拟侧丝 | dene 长有森林的溪谷 | denedunesandbanksandbarsowback 沙丘


dendrophysis /树状隔丝/枝状拟侧丝/ | dene /沙地/沙丘/长有森林的溪谷/ | denegation /否认/

Roscoe:有鹿的森林 男性 古挪威语

Rory 红的 男性 盖尔 | Roscoe 有鹿的森林 男性 古挪威语 | Roshan 男性 印度


Rory红的男生盖尔 | Roscoe有鹿的森林男生古挪威语 | Roshan男生印度

Sherwood Forest:舍伍德森林

此外,根据传说,曾于六百多年前在舍伍德森林(Sherwood Forest) 出没、劫富济贫的绿林好汉罗宾汉便和诺丁汉市有深远的关系. 诺丁汉市的旅游景点包括诺丁汉城堡、博物馆、艺术馆,以及风光如画的郊外.

