英语人>词典>汉英 : 有机体系 的英文翻译,例句
有机体系 的英文翻译、例句


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Reductive dechlorination of chlorinated Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Water by metallic catalytic reduction was studied for further understanding the application of palladiumized iron-scrap bimetallic catalytic reduction technology in treating high molecular weight and structure complicated refractory chlorinated organic pollutans, especially, the reductive dechlorination reaction of the three chlorinated EDCs: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D), Hexachlorocyclohexane, and chlordane.


However, these two should be complementary in terms of function and they form a scientific organic system based on coordination and consistence.


However, these two should be complementary in terms of function and they form a scientific organic system based on coordinafion and consistence.


By critical inheritance from structuralism Culler developed deconstructionism greatly inputting the two on the same level to set up an organic system.


It combines inorganic bentonites excellent dilatability, adsorption and dispersion with huge hydrophobic area, so it has very good affinity for organic substance, has been widely used in all kinds of organic system.


The effects of electrodeposition parameters,such as morphology of membrane,temperature,thickness of the coating are investigated.


Compared with HA in water-contained organic solvents, the pigment in micelle had higher pKa value and higher fluorescence quantum yield. Moreover, the quantum yield of active species produced from photosensitization, 1O2 and ·OH, increased as well. As a result, the photosensitivity of HA was enhanced.

相对于含水有机体系,HA在胶束中基态的 pKa值升高,荧光量子产率增大,光敏反应产生的活性中间体1O2 和·OH的产额增加,从而提高了其光敏活性,这在光敏损伤作用中具有重要的生物学意义。

Viewing from the integrative harmonism :aAny value of economic law is not homomallous but multidimensional .The unilateral understandings will not reflect the value but to castrate it.


We find that, during the course of coating, thermodynamic cortrol can influence efficiency and life for column more effectively than kinetic cortrol; the rinse and laying out after coated zwitterionic surfactant can also influence the thickness and uniformity of layer coated.

三。探索了 EIC 体系的实际应用在 EIC 体系的应用方面研究了无机、有机电解质和极性化合物在该体系的色谱保留行为,探索了一些无机、有机阴离子和极性有机分子在 EIC 体系的色谱分离。

Firstly, the different effect of rectorite modification for the mechanical property of E-51 system were compared; the effect of organic clay for the viscosity and Gel-time of pure E-51 epoxy resin were checked separately; the influence of organic clay for hardening process was studied with FTIR technology; And, the infection of organic rectorite content in matrix for the mechanical property thermal-wet tolerance property aging resistance property and medium endure property for the both of two system were studied relatively. The effect of organization for the inter-layer distance of clay was denoted by XRD technology; To probe into the thermodynamics status about reaction, we investigated the heat discharging of reaction system in the help of DSC. The impact and crooking of solidifying system was observed with the SEM to investigate the decentralization of organic clay, and, at the base of this ,we discuss the mechanism of clay toughing-buildup polymer matrix.


更多网络解释与有机体系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adult education:教育

从百度网上搜索的结果可以看出,成人教育(adult education)是由那些具有成人特质的人承受的教育过程. 这是成人教育有别于普通教育的根本所在. 成人教育是终身教育体系的有机组成部分. 它与普通教育是一种相互依存、相互完善的关系.





distribution ratio:分配比

fenPejbj 分配比(distribution ratio)在溶剂萃取过 程中,当萃取体系达到平衡后,被萃物在有机相的总浓 度和在水相的总浓度之比,以D表示:. _直丛担生丝笙巫鱼鱼迫笙度 ~一水相中被萃取物的总浓度 分配比由实验测定.

Organic farming:有机农业

有别于有机农业(Organic Farming),常规农业生产中,允许有人为污染如农药和化肥的投入. 但是,由于加拿大非常重视环境保护和食品安全,所以对农药和化肥的使用都控制在适量的范围内,加拿大基本不存在农产品公害问题. 其原因是:1、有完备的法律体系.

Organic farming:有机农耕

而"有机农耕(Organic Farming)"的概念是二十世纪三十年代艾尔伯特.霍华德提出的,并被广泛使用. 在后来的传播发展过程中最初的生物动力农业(Biodynamic Agriculture)其内在的东西也被简化或者说变易. 因为最初的体系是很复杂的而且其内涵和追求层次是很高的,


松耦合( Loosely Coupled)连结必须在任何可能的情况下替代硬连线(hardwired)连结. 这样个别模块可以在系统内迅速适应新的情况,而不必重新设计整个系统. 这种体系是一个由下而上(bottom-up)、有机的方法,它优于那种由上而下(top-down)的、机械的方法.

rubber latex:胶乳

b.胶乳(Rubber Latex)是高分子化合物的微粒分散在水中形成的稳定的水乳液体系的总称. 主要分树脂胶乳和橡胶胶乳两大类,也包括固体橡胶溶在有机溶剂中,然后再分散到水系介质中的体系. 胶乳可以看成是固-液分散体系.

organic food:有机食品

有机食品(organic food)可称为生态或生物食品,是指遵守自然资源循环永续用原则,允许使用合成化学物质,强调水土资源保育与生态平衡之有机农业生产体系生产,根据国际农业生产要求和相应标准加工方法制造,并透过独立的有机食品认证机构认证的一切农副产品,

standard system:标准体系

标准体系(Standard System)是一定范围内的标准按其内在联系形成的科学的有机整体.我国果蔬加工国家标准由国家质检总局发布,行业标准分散在六个行业制定发布,赋予了六个行业标准号,即林业(LY)、农业(NY)、商检(SN)、商业(SB)、供销(GH)、轻工(QB).标准体系存在的问题主要体现在以下几方面: