英语人>词典>汉英 : 有效方向 的英文翻译,例句
有效方向 的英文翻译、例句


useful direction
更多网络例句与有效方向相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bimodality appeared at high frequency which depends on the method used may be a false phenomenon, and which appeared at low frequency of swell can be attributed to the too weak nonlinear interaction between waves to transfer energy among different directions effectively.


The results indicate that: the cavity radius becomes stable at approximately 6000μs;the blasting pressure waves mainly are transmitted horizontally;the peak pressure has a negative logarithm relationship with distance perpendicular to the charging bisector;and the valid influence area r.


Although the panel logit models verify the effects of the explanatory variables consistently with the theory, the prediction accuracy is not as good as that of neuro fuzzy. In addition to the better out-sample prediction accuracy, neuro fuzzy also provides a more detailed and complicated relationship among the variables through the rule base mid 3-dimension graphics, which could be used for further theory development or modification Overall, the banking crises ca be predictable; however, each country needs different forecasting model. The mapping between the forecasting model mid data set characteristics ca be further developed for the future research.

实证结果显示,虽然Panel Logit之固定效果与随机效果模型皆验证了过去理论上各变数对银行危机之影响方向,但整体而言,其预测准确度并不比类神经模糊好;而类神经模糊除了提供更准确的样本外预测之外,其所建构的规则库与3D图提供较以往更为细腻的变数关系,此关系可作为未来理论发展之基础;整体而言银行危机可以被有效的预测,然而单一国家的预测结果显示不同的国家适用不同的预测工具,没有一项工具能够适用於所有的国家;而资料集属性与预测工具之对应关系可作为未来之研究方向。

The external fixator was a good, economical, effective and simple method in the treatment of femoral neck fracture. The three pins used in fixation of femoral neck fracture are important. The placement of the pins should be in accordance with the compressive trabeculae and clingy to the femoral calcar.


The main job and contribution of this paper are as follows:Based on narrowband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, compute the cross-correlation function of FH signals from multichannels, then we get the cross power spectral density matrixCSDM Secondly, select the hops of FH signals from the CSDM via processing and analyzing the CSDM, meanwhile reduce the influence coming from noise, fixed frequency signal and other interferences; Lastly, estimating the DOA of every hop and according to the DOA, we can separate the hops, get the number of FH signals and their parameters. Propose a new method for designing the threshold in FH signal detection. This method makes it easy to get the threshold by theoretic computing and it can extremely reduce the interference of non-FH signals.Based on broadband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, get the DOA of the signals by wideband spatial spectrum estimation; secondly, separate the signals by spatial filtering using wideband beamformer; Lastly, we propose two methods for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation, one is for several constant hop-rate FH signals whose dwell-time are different and another is for a single FH signal whose hop-rate is alterable.By employing spatial interpolation in broadband signal beamforming, it can reduce the number of antenna elements and corresponding RF modules, A/D converters, etc. It can also eliminate the mutual coupling between antenna elements while getting the narrower main beamwidth and lower sidelobe level.


So we suggest a new method for the measurement of d〓 according to the SHG conversion efficiency at some non-phase-matching direction, the optimum focus parameter ofNPM SHG was given also.

在KTP晶体球中第Ⅰ类PM SHG实验中,我们通过转动晶体球,直接根据谐波输出的强度得到了SHG的相位匹配方向,从而避免了折射率测量或色散方程计算的误差,并得到了精确的KTP晶体完整的第Ⅰ类PM曲线,以及相应PM方向的有效非线性系数d〓,根据这个测量结果,我们对文献报道的六组色散方程进行了比较,认为由Vanherzeele和Bierlein给出的色散方程拟合精度最高。

The projection gradient method will be a possible way to solve the problem that we just get. It has been shown that the projections of the every directions, of which is the boundary point in linear restraint problems, are the possible decent directions, and the projection of negative grads direction is a decent direction. In 1960, Rosen proposed the basic idea of projection gradient methods, and then lots of researchers have been tried to find the convergence of this method. But most of them get the convergence with the condition to amend the convergence itself.


It is easy to generate this new directional filterbanks by tensor product of analysis filterbanks of DFT modulated filterbanks, and easy to extend the number of directional subbands.


This Thesis is presented as reference to an efficient hydrologic forecast.


The proposed robust road main direction detection method consists of initial main direction extraction based on the direction histogram of structure tensor and precise direction detection on vectorized edge image. Experiment results demonstrate its robustness and precise. The proposed Gibbs-sampling-based method models road network with marked point process and can effectively extract road network with initial configuration. However it is slow and still can not deal with single and isolated road segment. These problems can be solved by the real-time method. And experiments verify that the real-time method is fast during extracting road segment.


更多网络解释与有效方向相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


辩护方向检控方需要展示的首先是证明被告人不在犯罪现场(alibi)的证据. 具体说来,在法庭审判之前,辩护方只要在适当的时间并以适当的方式,将有关不在犯罪现场的证据展示给检控方,使得检控方能够进行有效的调查,其展示证据的义务即告完成.


D."频带宽度"(Bandwidth)、"频差容限"(frequency tolerance) 具有电信公约给予该等词的涵义. A.有效辐射功率(ERP)是将供应天线的功率乘以该天线在某特定方向的相对增益. 有效辐射功率在顾及所使用的发射类别下,

solar cell:光伏电池

九十五年起茂矽规划新的事业体----光伏电池(Solar Cell)及无线辨别(RFID). 在Solar Cell方面,初期由设备厂商提供完整之技术转移,中长期将专注于降低晶片厚度与提高转换效率方向努力,以有效降低成本提高竞争力,同时亦与技术伙伴合作开发薄膜光伏的技术,



effective area:有效区域(有效范围)

Size:型号(大小) | Effective area:有效区域(有效范围) | Actuator orientation:执行器安装方向(不太确定)

anisotropic effective mass:各向异性有效质量

anisotropic conductivity 各向异性传导率 | anisotropic effective mass 各向异性有效质量 | anisotropic filter 方向滤波器

efficient market:有效市场

尽管"完全市场"(perfect)和"有效市场"(efficient market)的理论已不断成熟,国际资本市场也正在逐步向一体化方向迈进,但实际上,当今的国际资本市场还仍然达不到"完全市场"的标准.


由于教会渴望人们置身于娼妓关系之外和所生的子女成为婚生子女,由于教会担心人们会因不承认非正式婚姻而放弃基督教,所以教会承认很多秘密的结合(clandestine unions)有效,并朝着有效的方向推定不规则的(irregular)结合".

upper variation:正变差

upper value of game 对策上方值 | upper variation 正变差 | useful direction 有效方向

useful direction:有效方向

upper variation 正变差 | useful direction 有效方向 | utility 效用