英语人>词典>汉英 : 有卵黄的 的英文翻译,例句
有卵黄的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lecithal  ·  lecithic

更多网络例句与有卵黄的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cytoplasm of PGCs was weak acidophilic. By transmission electron microcopy, the electron–dense bodies were observed in the vicinity of PGCs' nuclear membrance.


The yolk proteins were collected through the anatomization of the maiden eggs and the eggs in different embryo development stages. The yolk proteins were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and followed the image analysis. Over 203 protein spots were found to exist in the yolk protein of silkworm eggs. Some different patterns of yolk protein spots were found in silkworm of various varieties. While, little variation of yolk proteins was detected during different development stages of any silkworm variety.

采用直接解剖蚕卵获取卵黄蛋白,结合蛋白质双向电泳和图像分析,对家蚕处女蛾卵及不同胚胎发育阶段蚕卵的卵黄蛋白质进行了研究,发现家蚕卵黄蛋白有 203 个蛋白质斑点;不同家蚕品种之间卵黄蛋白的组成存在一些差异;同一品种不同发育时期胚胎卵黄蛋白的组成基本保持不变。

The feather of the below neck prolong and droop to breast. Remex is black. The general dissection and morphologic observation of four Demoiselle crane. It is shown that the Demoiselle crane has advanced tongue, small intestine, liver and pancreas, and its caecum is so advanced comparatively ,but its craw is wondrous undeveloped.


Under light microscope, the egg is an oblated and agglutinated demersal with a narrow perivitelline space; eggs ranged in diameter from 1.95 to 2.38 mm with a mean of 2.18 ± 0.03 mm; their membrane are smooth and they have 5 to 7 cannular keratose egg-filaments; the oil globules are multiple, ranged in diameter from 0.05 to 0.50 mm and in number from 7 to 145 with a mean of 28±2, the position of them migrate during embryonic development; the yolks are ivory-white with no segments, ranged in diameter from 1.00 to 2.30 mm with a mean of 1.90 ± 0.03 mm; the development phases of the embryo are variable. So they were identified as the eggs of one Beloniformes.


And it is found that oogenesis in Drosophila and ant is similar to theoocyte apoptosis. Yolk mainly occurred in the early stage of apoptosis, which may bedue to environmental factors such and is the adaptability of the adverse environmentalmeasures.


Egg capsule showed no clear boundary and contained only one egg. However, the scolex and suckers of R. tetragona were oval in shape, and the neck was long and thin. The ovary was flower-like. Each egg capsule contained 4-12 eggs and many calcareous corpuscles, each of which was surrounded by a membrane.


Yolk-sac larva A fish larvae which has already hatched from the egg but has not started feeding yet and still absorbs the yolk in the ventrally attached sac.


There was a center zone of dense yolk substance in the zygote, and fingerlike yolk column were given off from the center zone, and varying size yolk granules filled in the yolk column.


Yolk protens of Bombyx mandarina are also composed of vitellin, egg specific proteins and 30K proteins on the base of SDS-PAGE of egg subsracts of Bombyx mori and Bombyx mandarina.


IgY in the corresponding pathogenic microorganisms, it has played the role of the combination of immunization, Otherwise, it will swap digestion and absorption.

卵黄免疫球蛋白 IgY 在有相应的病原微生物时,就起到免疫结合的作用,否则就消化吸收掉。

更多网络解释与有卵黄的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

umbilical cord:脐带

5.脐带 脐带(umbilical cord)是连于胚胎脐部与胎盘间的索状结构. 脐带外被羊膜,内含体蒂分化的粘液性结缔组织. 结缔组织内除有闭锁的卵黄蒂和尿囊外,还有脐动脉和脐静脉. 脐血管的一端与胚胎血管相连. 另一端与胎盘绒毛血管续连.

yolk sac tumor:卵黄囊瘤

(2)生殖细胞肿瘤:腹膜后生殖细胞肿瘤多见于男性,发生于儿童者为原发性,主要有成熟性畸胎瘤(mature teratoma)和未成熟性畸胎瘤(immature teratoma),卵黄囊瘤(yolk sac tumor) 和胚胎癌,发生于成人者可以是原发的,也可以由性腺生殖细胞肿瘤转移而来,


卵的结构相当于一个大型细胞,内有核原生质(Protoplasm)和核(Nucleus)外,还包含大量的卵黄(yolk). 精子进入卵内后,与卵核结合发育成为胚胎,卵黄是胚胎发育的营养物质. 卵壳中央有一小孔叫卵孔,是精子进入卵内的通道,亦称精孔.


leching 淫荡的 | lecithal 有卵黄的 | lecithality 有卵黄

lecithal:有卵黄的 (形)

lechery 好色; 纵欲; 淫荡 (名) | lecithal 有卵黄的 (形) | lecithic 有卵黄的 (形)


lecithal 有卵黄的 | lecithality 有卵黄 | lecithic 有卵黄的


在真涡虫及一些较高等的种类,输卵管的两侧沿途有许多卵黄腺(vit-elline glands),它以小的卵黄管(vitelline duct)通入输卵管,卵黄腺的分泌物即卵黄包围卵,所以真涡虫的生殖腺(germinar-ium)与卵黄腺(vitellarium)是分离的,它的卵外

vitelline membrane:卵黄膜

使卵有一个适宜的生长发育环境.产卵于植物组织.三,卵的基本结构 昆虫的卵是一个大型细胞.最外面是起保护作用的卵壳(chorion),卵壳里面 的簿层称卵黄膜(vitelline membrane)围着原生质,卵黄及核.丰富的卵黄 充塞在原生质网络的空隙内,


lechery 好色 | leching 淫荡的 | lecithal 有卵黄的

leching Y:荡的

lechery 好色 | leching Y荡的 | lecithal 有卵黄的