英语人>词典>汉英 : 有利位置 的英文翻译,例句
有利位置 的英文翻译、例句


vantage point
更多网络例句与有利位置相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Politics could have been the destructive element for Graham, since he started his rise in the age of Eisenhower and for a time was a fervent red hunter, an admirer of Senator Joe McCarthy and an overall basher of the left, as here in a radio broadcast of 1953:"While nobody likes a watchdog, and for that reason many investigation committees are unpopular, I thank God for men who, in the face of public denouncement and ridicule, go loyally on in their work of exposing the pinks, the lavenders and the reds who have sought refuge beneath the wings of the American eagle and from that vantage point try in every subtle, undercover way to bring comfort, aid and help to the greatest enemy we have ever known - communism."

自从Graham在艾森豪时代的崛起,而且一度是位狂热的激进主义者,他一直摆脱不出政治的纠缠,他崇拜参议员Joe McCarthy并且赞同对左派的痛击,就像他在1953年的广播节目中所说的:"当没有人喜欢看门狗的时候,许多检调单位将不受欢迎,我认为上帝对一个面对公众谴责与悉落的人来说,忠诚地出现在他们接触左派思想的工作上,同时对于在美国这头巨鹰的双翼下找寻庇护以及在微细处找寻有利位置的人而言,暗中替他们带来信心,以及帮助我们面对前所未有的敌人—共产主义。"

Under their theory, it is in these biofilms in the appendix, well positioned to avoid pathogens in the rest of the gut, that commensal bacteria take refuge.


You will gain the upper hand if you proceed slowly, for Mercury will retrograde in your financial house.


The main functions of the modern fuse: fuse safety control to ensure before the scheduled detonation time, does not work, ensure the ammunition storage, transport, processing and transmission of security; initiation control in the most favorable position relative to the target or the time to completely detonate or ...


As you prepare to scry, be sure that your vantage point for viewing the object is at good eye level. Remember that you will turn the object many times to see different things within it.


American Georgia Gould got the hole shot going into the first turn, but the pace was brutal and unfortunately she could not hold the position.

由于暴雨被推迟的女子组于今天上午十时开始,美国选手Georgia Gould挺入第一轮,但是速度极快而且她无法占据有利位置

In this sense, diving is no different than sneakily elbowing an opponent or pulling his/her shirt to obtain a competitive advantage.


It is an overhead pass used to change the direction of the dig and put the ball in a good position for the spiker.


Without Tibet, China would be but a rump--and India would add a northern zone to its subcontinental power base.


Dr Kroo and his team modelled what would happen if three passenger jets departing from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas were to rendezvous over Utah, assume an inverted V-formation, occasionally swap places so all could have a turn in the most favourable positions, and proceed to London.

克鲁教授和他的团队模拟了三架分别从洛杉矶,旧金山和拉斯维加斯起飞的客机在犹他州集合,采用反 V 字形状并偶尔换一下位置以便所有飞机轮流利用最有利位置,最后飞到伦敦。

更多网络解释与有利位置相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

advantageous position:有利位置

調整姿勢 adjust one's position | 有利位置 advantageous position | 全力進攻 all-out attack

advantageous circumstances:有利的情况

advantaged | ,得天独厚的,有利的, 占有利位置的 | advantageous circumstances | 有利的情况 | advantageous exchange | 有利交换

advantageous situation:有利情况

advantageous fire support position 有利火力支援位置 | advantageous situation 有利情况 | advantages and disadvantages 有利和不利

In the catbird seat:处于极有利的位置

downsizing n. 精减,裁员 | in the catbird seat 处于极有利的位置 | zero-sum a. (赌赛胜负双方)一方得利引起另一方损失的


中局是开局(Opening)和残局(Endgame)之间的对局阶段,但是和这两个阶段之间没有明显的界限,一般出现在十二到十六轮. 中局是棋局的中心阶段,也是最复杂和困难的阶段. 此时对局双方都已完成布局,并谨慎地利用己方剩余棋子进行进攻和防守来占据棋盘上的有利位置,

Hershey Foods:好时食品

这种情况将外部董事置于潜在的有利位置,好时食品(Hershey Foods)和道琼斯(Dow Jones)就是这样的例子,如果他们对经理的能力或不能廉洁奉公不满意,他们就可以直接向所有者(也可能在董事会中)抱怨.

upper hand:优势,上风,有利位置

stretched拉伸的 | upper hand优势,上风,有利位置 | suburb市郊,郊区,边缘

Vantage Point:有利位置

其实,犹豫不决会让人觉得很难搞,太过执著於某些事情,同样会造成伤害,在选择自己的立足点时,要如何才能占到有利位置(Vantage Point)是一个没有对错的问题,片中主导暗杀事件的人主导了吗?

advantaged:得天独厚的,有利的, 占有利位置的

advantage | 优势, 有利条件, 利益 | advantaged | ,得天独厚的,有利的, 占有利位置的 | advantageous circumstances | 有利的情况

sit pretty:处于有利位置

sit out 袖手旁观 | sit pretty 处于有利位置 | sit through 看完