英语人>词典>汉英 : 有利于 的英文翻译,例句
有利于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
avail  ·  favour  ·  vail  ·  availed  ·  availing  ·  vailed  ·  vailing  ·  vails

be beneficial to · be favorable to · in favor of · make for · to one's advantage · be propitious to
更多网络例句与有利于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To establish a secientific national food security system in the line with our countrys reality must adhere to the principle of self-oriented and market-oriented, of security priority while taking benefits into account, of advance to improve the imcome of farms, of conduce to a better enviroment.


Two specieses, Lycoris radiate and Lycoris aurea, were selected for the studying of artificial propagation in vitro. A few specieses of Lycoris, from the southeast area of China and part of locations in Japan, were chosen to research their karyotype differentiation and to measure their genetic diversity by ISSR analysis. The results could be summarized as follows.1. The vegetative propagation conditions of Lycoris aurea and L. radiate in vitro was studied by two-scaling. Different illuminate condition had an effect on the bulblet formation rate. To the species of L. radiate, the rate was higher in the state of 16h 800-12001x illumination than in the darkness. The medium also affected the new bulblet formating rate. When the culture was MS medium 0.2 mg/L NAA 4 mg/L 6-BA, the bulblet formationg rate of L. aurea was 220%;at the same time, when the medium was MS 0.2 mg/L NAA 2 mg/L 6-BA, the rate of L.

本研究选择西南部分地区及日本的几个石蒜品种,从细胞学和DNA分子角度,分析了它们的遗传多样性水平和遗传结构状况,对红花石蒜和忽地笑的离体繁殖技术进行了初步研究,得出如下结论: 1 进行了红花石蒜和黄花石蒜双鳞片快速繁殖条件的研究,结果表明:红花石蒜在16小时800-1200 lx光照下比黑暗条件下出芽率要高;黄花石蒜在MS NAA0.2mg/L 6-BA4mg/L下出芽率为220%,红花石蒜在MS NAA0.2mg/L 6-BA2mg/L下出芽率为108%;NAA比IBA有利于石蒜生根;硅藻土显著提高黄花石蒜双鳞片出芽率,活性炭起抑制作用;6%蔗糖浓度有利于红花石蒜小鳞茎增重,MS 6-BA4mg/L NAA0.5mg/L培养基有利于小鳞茎增殖,切割一刀比两刀有利于小鳞茎增殖。

It can break the headlock of the higher vocational education in the largest degree.It will benefit making the knowledge structure better,training various talented person,developing the character of the student,and improving the teaching quality.


Japan and China will more and more depend on each other because of the comparative advantage, and the opportunity of cooperation will surpass the competition. Accordingly the author puts forward the Mutual Benefit Statement. The economic development and increasing of China will bring more opportunities for the development of Japan. And China's political policy will do favor to the trade development simultaneously.


In theory, for social justice is important to individuals and society, the study of it can help cope with the social basic system construction, coordinate the relationship between social development and individual freedom; standardize the social system, purpose, principle and behavior of social domination; it can help balance dominating order, individual freedom and the indignity; it can help reflect and animadvert the individual ancl social relationship; it also can help reconstruct it under the basis of reality.


But for breed Ganlenblue, the Callus-generated and motage ratio of quickset there were no significantly difference between 50 mg/L GGR treatment and contrast.

不同激素处理中,浓度为50 mg/L的GGR激素处理有利于粉蓝插条的成活和生根,其插条愈伤组织产生率和生根率分别比对照提高42.5和33.33个百分点;浓度为50 mg/L的GGR处理对园蓝插条愈伤组织产生率和生根率最佳;100 mg/L的GGR激素处理有利于品种杰兔插条的成活和生根,其插条愈伤组织产生率和生根率分别比对照提高10.83和7.5个百分点。25mg/L的GA有利于品种S13插条的成活,其愈伤组织产生率比对照提高36.66%,但是插条扦插生根率仅比对照提高10%;100mg/L的GGR对品种S13插条产生愈伤组织没有效果,其插条愈伤组织产生率与对照无显著差异,但是有利于插条生根,其插条扦插生根率比对照提高21.66个百分点。

First, this will help cultivate the taxpayers' consciousness of paying taxes in good faith, clarify the legal responsibilities of taxpayers and enhance the compliance with tax law; second, it will help the tax authorities strengthen the administration of tax sources and the regulation of individuals with high income; third, it will help strengthen comparative analysis and further push forward the scientific and sophisticated administration of individual income tax; fourth, it will help create conditions and accumulate experience for the transition to a mixed tax system that combines global and schedular tax systems in the next step.


C. gloeosporioides mycelium grew well on media with fructose and glucose as carbon source while sorbose and starch promoted sporulation. The mycelia of C. dematium grew well with maltose as carbon source while starch promoted sporulation. Of the nitrogen sources tested, organic nitrogens were beneficial for both mycelial growth and sporulation but chemical nitrogens suppressed both growth and sporulation.


Although RMB appreciation bring adverse influences, auther hold agreeable attitude at all times, in the foundation of Consumer-producer Model of Yang xiaokai, exporter-importer model is constructed to analyse in the article. The result indicate, RMB appreciation made for improving our residenters' Consumer Surplus and upgrading our national industrial framework and optimizing our national resourceful collocation and technical innovation, diminishing earings' difference between rivalrous industries and monopolistic industries and so on.


Our country establishes limitedly forms a partnership the system to be advantageous in consummating our country the legal framework, is advantageous invests and promotes the fund optimized disposition in the encouragement, is advantageous in realizing two kind of partnership enterprise.s form superiority supplementarily, is advantageous in solving our country venture capital enterprise, the privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise, the state-owned small and medium-sized enterprise, as well as th


更多网络解释与有利于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be beneficial to:有利于,有益于

be aware of 知道,意识到,认识到 | be beneficial to 有利于,有益于 | be better off 境况富裕;更富有

Be favorable to:赞同,有利于

be familiar to熟悉 | Be favorable to赞同,有利于 | be free from无--的,不受--影响的

Be favorable to:有利于,赞成

favorable a.有利的,赞成的 | be favorable to 有利于,赞成 | wring vt.拧,扭;强求

be favourable to:有助于、有利于

be famous to sb. 在......中出名 | be favourable to 有助于、有利于 | be fit for sth. 适合......

conduce to:有助,有利于,导致

condone v. 宽恕,宽容,容忍,不咎(其过) | conduce to 有助,有利于,导致 | conduct v. 指挥

decide for:作出有利于...的决定

decide against 作出不利于...的决定; | decide for 作出有利于...的决定 | The judge decides for the plaintiff. 法官作出了有利于原告的判决.

do sb. a good turn:做有利于某人的事, 为某人效了一次劳

do sb. an ill turn 做有损于某人的事, 危害某人 | do sb. a good turn 做有利于某人的事, 为某人效了一次劳 | give a new turn to 对...给与新的说法, 给与...另外一种说法

enabling environment:有利于解决问题的工作环境;吸引人才的环境

employment package 聘用条件 | enabling environment 有利于解决问题的工作环境;吸引人才的环境 | enabling legislation 赋权法例;授予权力的法例

favourable for:有利于+动作名词

greedy for 对...渴望 | favourable for 有利于+动作名词 | account for 说明...的原因

That should favour the ground game of Chicago:这将有利于芝加哥队的本土作战

Field conditions are simply horrible.|场地条件可以说非常糟糕 | That should favour the ground game of Chicago.|这将有利于芝加哥队的本土作战 | But the real story today is the match-up|但今天的重头戏是