英语人>词典>汉英 : 有两个主要部分的 的英文翻译,例句
有两个主要部分的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bicorporal  ·  bicorporeal

更多网络例句与有两个主要部分的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are two emphases in the paper, namely, theoretic calculation and design of experiment.


In Chapter 2,I consider a queuing system in which there are two exponential servers, each having his own queue, and arriving customers will join the two queues separately, and analyze the two-dimensional Markov process representing the numbers of jobs in the two stations. A functional equation for the generating function of the stationary distribution of this two-dimensional process is derived and solved through the theory of Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems. In Chapter 3, I consider the system with two parallel queues, in which arrivals join the shorter queue.I describe the problem of coupling and show that the generating function Fcan be continued as a meromorphic function to the whole complex plane.

全文包括三大部分:第一章介绍了基本的背景、研究进展和文章主要采用的方法;第二章研究的是有两个服务员共享的简单的排队方式的模型,即每个服务员有各自的队列,两队队长互不相关,分析了代表两个队长的二维马尔柯夫过程,推导出了二维过程的平稳分布的母函数的方程,并运用Riemann—Hilbert边值问题理论解出了母函数的表达式;第三章研究的是JSQ-PS模型(the joining the shortest queue model with processor sharing),模型是组合了加入最短队模型和处理器共享模型而成的有用排队模型。

There are two primary components of the SDK that we'll need in order to compile our code.


B29 Each of these main divisions will have its subdivisions, the separate reasons for which we cannot here particularize.

Smith 这两个主要部分的每一个又将有自己的次级划分,当然划分的根据在这里还不可能展示出来。

There are two main parts to Smatch. The first is a patch to the gcc sources to print out a lot of information. The second part is a collection of Perl scripts and libraries to analyze the information.

它有两个主要的部分,第一个是gcc 源的补丁,用于打印许多信息;第二个是Perl脚本和库的集合,用于分析信息。

It consists of two main parts, the first containing moral admonitions to several Christian churches in Asia Minor, and the second composed of extraordinary visions, allegories, and symbols that have been the subject of varying interpretations throughout history.


It consists of two main parts, the first containing moral admonitions to several Christian churches in Asia Minor, and the second composed of extraordinary visions, allegories, and symbols that have been the subject of varying interpretations throughout history.


THERE was a chance that this week would mark a turning-point in an ever-deepening global slump, as Barack Obama produced the two main parts of his rescue plan.


DMCA Title I, the WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act has two major portions.


DMCA Title I, the WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act has two major portions.


更多网络解释与有两个主要部分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

risk aversion:风险厌恶

博尔奇(Borch,1962)提出了第一个最优保险合约的正式模型,有两个主要贡献:一是为帕累托最优风险交易提供了条件;二是论证了怎样用保险人风险厌恶(Risk Aversion)来解释部分保险.


中世纪西欧城市的粮食供应主要有两个渠道:即"农业腹地"(hinterland)和"长途贸易". "农业腹地"是指城市周围的乡村郊区. 它受到城市生活的直接影响,生产结构完全依赖城市生活的需要而发生相应改变,生产的组织和销售已经完全或部分地市场化,


Pocket Piano主要有两个功能,一是"弹奏"(Play) 一是"音感测验"(Quiz). 选择弹奏时,您只要用触控笔在钢琴键盘的黑键和白键上轻轻点触,就可以奏出美妙的音乐. 而第二部分的音感测验,可是音痴的救星了. 一开始,您可从最简单的级次入手,


神经管的前体最初膨胀成三个主要腔体,即前脑(prosencephalon)、中脑(mesencephalon)和后脑(rhombencephalon). 而后,前脑和后脑各自再次分化成两部分,这样就形成了我们通常所见的标准的脑的五部分(图14-1,14-2):目前,已知有若干NGF的亚型和类NGF因子,

Scorpion venom:蝎毒素

蝎毒主要由蛋白质和非蛋白质两部分组成,蝎毒的主要活性成分是蛋白质,活性蛋白质按作用不同又分为毒性蛋白(蝎毒素)和酶,蝎毒素(Scorpion venom)是一类由20-80个氨基酸组成的含有C、H、O、N、S等元素的毒性蛋白,毒素有很高的专一性,含硫量高,


一般来说,在游戏界,模拟器一词是相对于仿真机(simulator) 而言,仿真机主要指大部分用硬件模仿,模拟器主要指大部分用软件代码模仿,不过这两个词未标准化,在某些学术界可能也有部分人将两个词反过使来的,请注意它们的差别.


音调调节:有相当部分产品设置有低音(BASS)、高音(TWEETER)调节,可分别在45HZ、10KHZ两个频率...能令重播的低音更加丰满、深沉,高音更加清晰、透明. 由此进入攻放产品交易市场此设置主要用于低音扬声器. 其中有一些还设置为分频点可调式,

bicornuous:双角的, 新月状的

bicornuate | 双角的, 新月状的 | bicornuous | 双角的, 新月状的 | bicorporal | 有两个身体的,有两个主要部分的


bicornuous | 双角的, 新月状的 | bicorporal | 有两个身体的,有两个主要部分的 | bicorporeal | 有两个身体的,有两个主要部分的


bicorporal | 有两个身体的,有两个主要部分的 | bicorporeal | 有两个身体的,有两个主要部分的 | bicummyl | 联枯