英语人>词典>汉英 : 有丝状物的 的英文翻译,例句
有丝状物的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
filiferous  ·  filigerous

更多网络例句与有丝状物的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The bletilla colloid was a homogenous viscous colloid whose relative viscosity was 2324.6 mm2/s. It was easily injected through 4-F catheter and hyperattenuating under fluoroscopy, meanwhile, with good histocompatibility and hemo-compatibility, without pyrogenetic response and toxicity. In vitro, the mixture of bletilla colloid and MMC did not produce separation and suspention phenomena but released 50%of MMC at 1.8h and 100%at 3.4h. The bletilla colloid mainly embolized peripheral arteries, maintaining occlusion for 5 weeks and without formation of collateral circulation. The injuries of normal hepatic tissues were slight, without hepatic cytonecrosis.

结果 (1)白芨胶为一种均质的胶状物,有一定粘滞性,相对粘度2 324.6 mm2/s,不透X线,易经4F导管注射;(2)白芨胶具有良好的血液相容性和组织相容性,无致热原性及毒性作用;(3)白芨胶-丝裂霉素C体外混合后,无分层及悬浮现象,释放MMC 50%约需1.8小时,100%需3.4小时;(4)白芨胶主要栓塞末梢小动脉,栓塞牢靠,维持时间可达5周,不易形成侧支循环;(5)白芨胶栓塞对正常肝组织损伤轻微,未出现肝细胞坏死。

The inner filaments visible above are being ejected by strong wind of particles from the central star. The outer disk contains unusual light-year long orange filaments.


更多网络解释与有丝状物的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tarantula Nebula:蜘蛛星云

说明: 蜘蛛星云(Tarantula Nebula)位在邻近的 大麦哲伦星系(LMC)内,是一个大小有1000光年的巨大发射星云. 在这只宇宙级节肢动物的中心,有个编号为R136的年轻星团,它游离了星云的云气让星云发出明亮的辉光,也雕塑出如蜘蛛长脚般的丝状物.


filicoid 羊齿状植物 | filiety 为子之道 | filiferous 有丝状物的


filiety 为子之道 | filiferous 有丝状物的 | filiform 丝状的

zonula adherens:粘着小带

(2)中间连接(intermediate junction):又称粘着小带(zonula adherens). 这种连接多为长短不等的带状,位于紧密连接下方,环绕上皮细胞顶部. 相邻细胞之间有15-20nm的间隙,间隙中有较致密的丝状物连接相邻细胞的膜. 在胞膜的胞质面,