英语人>词典>汉英 : 有不同文字 的英文翻译,例句
有不同文字 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有不同文字相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three, or even more, discrete sources can be utilized, and each discrete source may also have a distinct form structure so that the variable data indicia and variable database indicia are each placed in their own distinct form structure.


A good study Bible still available within the Brotherhood is the "Interlinear"(KJV and English Revised Version side by side), but beware!

很多弟兄喜欢使用有不同文字隔行对照的圣经版本(例如钦定版 KJV 和英语修订版 English Revised Version 对照的版本)。

Also, he found that coins minted around 700 AD which had Koranic quotations, have different wordings than the current authorized canonical text of the Koran.


However, there are variations in pronunciation and word usage.


Their speech and language skills will be variably affected depending upon when the hearing loss was sustained, that is in childhood or adulthood, the degree and nature of the hearing loss, and the effectiveness of subsequent therapeutic programs.


Their speech and language skills will be variably affected depending upon when the hearing loss was sustained, that is in childhood or adulthood, the degree and nature of the hearing loss, and the effectiveness of subsequent therapeutic programs.


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Now, scientists found that the river water in victories under different words, will show different state, when there is a lucky words, no matter which country words, such as "hello" and "Buddha" and "amita-buddha" will show beautiful crystal flower, when there is "you stupid""bad" word, can form crystal flower, and state the ugly, written in the book that knows the answer of the water, global impact, physics theory.


Or the title in a header master, may need to have different title text on each page.


As is usual in early alphabets, Early Hebrew exists in a variety of local variants and also shows development over time; the oldest example of Early Hebrew writing, the Gezer Calendar, dates from the 10th century BC, and the writing used varies little from the earliest North Semitic alphabets.


更多网络解释与有不同文字相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accounts differ:金额有错误

惠请通知该支票的经过 advise fate | 金额有错误 accounts differ | 文字与数字所记载金额不同 words and figures differ

belief in:相信

我们想先退几步, 谈论M实体考虑为这个询问的一部分, 也就是信心(faith), 它与相信(belief in)不同. 我们隶属于服务无限造物者的星球联邦, 我们并不极力鼓吹对这个或那个"有信心", 因为任何可以形成文字的东西总有一天会鸣出虚假的铃声.我们在此时感谢这个器皿,

Border Collie:边境牧羊犬

"边境牧羊犬"(BORDER COLLIE)的发展应该已经有数百年之久,但却缺乏明确的文字资料,十九世纪时英国存在着很多不同类型的牧羊犬. 到了一八七三年,有了第一场正式的牧羊犬竞赛,而这种比赛间接让"边境牧羊犬"因而诞生,


它们源出自"布尔"(bourg)这个字,它的原意是贵族住的"城堡",后来扩大成为"城市"的意思. 欧洲各国文字中都有这个字,只是拼法略有不同而已. 在德文里它拼为"堡"(Burg,在英文里它拼为"堡洛"(borough).


使用图片可以更直觉及接近人类视觉感官经验来描绘(depict)教材. 虽然,相同的教材可以以文字描述及图片描绘等方式来进行,但对语文及图像表徵有不同的讯息效果. 语文及图像表徵也许彼此互补,但两者不能彼此取代.




古代中东的苏美尔文(Sumerian)和一些其他语文也有类似的表意符号. 不过,它们早已被淘汰了. 古代在地中海东岸从事航海经商的腓尼基人(Phoenician)需要有学习不同语言的捷径,终於创造出能明确地结合形、音、意的字母文字.


"文本"在英语里是text,在词源上与编织物(textile)有关系,"文本"也可以说是一种编织体. 作为术语的"文本",指的是具有层次结构的能指系统,"能指"有多种,不同的"文本"由完全不同的"能指系统"构成,文学、应用文的文本用语言文字作为能指.


中文字兼具形、音和义三者,不同於表音字母(alphabets)的只具形和音(例如:英文字母、日语假名、阿拉伯文字等),因而被称为表意文字(ideographs). 世界上仍在使用当中的表意文字,仅有汉字,可区分为中文字及衍生汉字两大类.


后来,通用公司将这一品牌改为拉美人比较喜欢的"加勒比"(Caribe)才打开市场. 由于各国的历史文化传统不同、语言文字不同,风俗习惯不同、价值观念不同、审美情趣不同,对于一个品牌的认知与联想也有很大差异. 若品牌不能超越地理文化边界的限制,