英语人>词典>汉英 : 月经病 的英文翻译,例句
月经病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
emmeniopathy  ·  menopathy

更多网络例句与月经病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By modern pharmacology research has shown that Pulsatilla Decoction can inhibit bacteria、kill the parasite entamoeba and trichomonas vaginalis, so, it can used in treatment for infection disease.


Not only it impairs patients" genital health and Quality of life, but also is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, endometrial carcinoma, hyperlipemia, hyperpiesia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Up to now, precise pathogenesy of PCOS is yet unknown. The modern medicine indicates the etiopathogenisis of PCOS related to hereditism, endocrinology, immunology, metabolism and so on. The main features are hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinemia, the correlation and between the above factors and how they inference PCOS are still unclear. In the view point of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,PCOS classifies to "menopathy","infertility" and "Zhengjia , its occurrence exists a close relationship with dysfunction of liver, kidney, spleen and further inducing deficiency, sputum, sluggish stagnant and fire. Many scholars insist that pathogenesis of PCOS is a renal deficiency plus phlegmatic hygrosis. However, after many years clinical observation.


Thickened interlobular septa'looking as the "crazy-paving"'was found in 4 cases in high-resolution CT'correspondence with edema and lymphocyte exudation in interlobular septa in pathological findings.


Emmeniopathy is a common gynecologic disease of female students, and it has impacted their study and daily life. Menses health care education service is very necessary in college.


To understand the status of emmeniopathy among medical students and the impact on their study and living, and provide evidence for reproductive health education in college.

目的 了解医专在校医学生月经病发病情况及对学习生活的影响,为高校生殖健康教育提供依据。

The majority are still in the current Emmeniopathy symptoms without curing the illness, even if the solution to the problem of infertility in older patients after delivery relapse often are in need of life-long treatment or surgery.


The specialation has five sections,dealing with the basic knowledge of emmeniopathy.


Emmeniopathy dysmenorrhea treatment for patients with multiple Chinese medicine to the temperature, gas line, Blood Circulation methods such as treatment with Chinese Herbs conditioning, restore blood smoothly, and alleviate the pain, menstrual disorders, and other improvements.


Not only it impairs patients" genital health and Quality of life, but also is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, endometrial carcinoma, hyperlipemia, hyperpiesia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Up to now, precise pathogenesy of PCOS is yet unknown. The modern medicine indicates the etiopathogenisis of PCOS related to hereditism, endocrinology, immunology, metabolism and so on. The main features are hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinemia, the correlation and between the above factors and how they inference PCOS are still unclear. In the view point of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,PCOS classifies to "menopathy","infertility" and "Zhengjia , its occurrence exists a close relationship with dysfunction of liver, kidney, spleen and further inducing deficiency, sputum, sluggish stagnant and fire. Many scholars insist that pathogenesis of PCOS is a renal deficiency plus phlegmatic hygrosis. However, after many years clinical observation.


Delayed menorrhea;delayed menstrual cycle


更多网络解释与月经病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


患有神经性厌食症(anorexianervosa)或易饿病(bulimia)的少女很可能月经中断,因为她为了长身高而减肥,使体重下降到一定程度. 这在第五章"青少年、营养和饮食紊乱"中有所论述. 当少女们打乱了阴道里正常的酸度、细菌含量时,

menstrual disorder:月经失调

月经失调(menstrual disorder)也称月经不调.妇科常见病 .表现为月经周期或出血量的异常或是月经前经期时的腹痛及全身症状.病因可能是器质性病变或是功能失常.许多全身性疾病如血液病高血压病肝病内分泌病流产宫外孕葡萄胎生殖道感染肿瘤(


emmatosextra 马拉硫磷 | emmenagogue 通经药 | emmeniopathy 月经病


emmenagogue 月经促进剂 | emmenagogue 调经剂 | emmeniopathymenopathy 月经病


emmeniopathy 月经病 | emmenology 月经学 | emmer 二粒小麦

irregular menstruation:月经不调

中医妇科中月经不调(irregular menstruation)的含义有广义与狭义之分.广义的月经不调.泛指一切月经病,狭义的月经不调仅仅指月经的周期.经色.经量.经质出现异常改变.并伴有其他症状.本篇以月经周期的异常作为本病的主要症状介绍.而经期的异常往往会伴有经量.经色.经质的异常.临证时当全面分析.月经不调可分为月经先期(经早).


emmenia 月经 | emmeniopathy 月经病 | emmenology 月经学

Disorder of menstruation; Emmeniopathy:月经病

Disorder of eye functions 视官能病 | Disorder of menstruation; Emmeniopathy 月经病 | Disorder of pregnancy 妊娠病

lepra reaction:麻风反应

但某些诱因如药物、气侯、精神因素、预防注射或接种、外伤、营养不良、酗酒、过度疲劳、月经不调、妊娠、分娩...麻风反应(lepra reaction)是在麻风病慢性过程中,不论治疗与否,突然呈现症状活跃,发生急性或亚急性病变,使原有的皮肤和神经损害炎症加剧,