英语人>词典>汉英 : 月季 的英文翻译,例句
月季 的英文翻译、例句


China rose · monthly rose · rosa chinensis
更多网络例句与月季相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compared with the control flowers kept in distilled water, application of CO donor hematin (0.001-0.01 μmol·L~-1 ) resulted in the prolonged vase life of cut rose in a dose-dependent manner.


Orientalis, Sabina,ì¨, Ligustrum vicaryi, cherry blossoms, the flower rose, Floribunda Roses, miniature rose, while the high-middle and low price of bonsai such as direct origin of the specifications: cherry,Begonia, Begonia Chaenomeles, Japan Haitang, papaya Malus, Malus micromalus, peach series, Plum series, Canton Magnolia, a variety of pomegranate flower, hibiscus, to greet the spring, forsythia,°, cannabina Hydrangea,×, red Feng, Lagerstroemia indica, Bauhinia Huangshan,·, pearl plum, Gangnam-huai,¨±, Weigela florida, Aruncus, such as woody flowers, Ligustrum vicaryi,ìé, purple leaf F Fok 20 - 40 cm ball Longbai 200,000 1.5 meters - 3.0 meters high pole Longbai 200,000 Coleus evergreen seedlings, etc. and all kinds of large-size street trees, trees flower seeds, the lowest-peer, welcome to buy!

侧柏,铺地柏,红叶小波,金叶女贞,樱花,大花月季,丰花月季,微型月季,另有高中低档盆景等产地价直销各规格:樱花、垂丝海棠、贴梗海棠、日本海棠、木瓜海棠、西府海棠、桃花系列、梅花系列、广玉兰、各种花石榴、木槿、迎春、连翘、黄馨、麻叶绣球、紫叶李、红枫、紫薇、黄山紫荆、榆叶梅、珍珠梅、江南槐、香花槐、锦带花、棣棠等木本花卉,金叶女贞、红叶小檗、紫叶女贞20--40公分龙柏球20万株 1.5米--3.0米高杆龙柏20万株等常青彩叶苗木及各种大规格行道树、林木花卉种子,价低同行,欢迎选购!

Funded bypass road to facilitate the procurement of seedlings of flowers around the visitors, we have the varieties: Jinshan Spiraea; Gold Flame Spiraea; large day lily flower; Medicago Iris; Euphorbiae; Euonymus fortunei; Ivy; Yingchun; fruit pomegranate; pomegranate flower; persimmon; wistaria; Rosaceae; sumac;úìè; Japan Cherry blossom; Sorbaria sorbifolia; lu tong; red roses; Red Prince Weigela; Prunus cistena;×; Ruby Begonia; paste Haitang rod; Malus micromalus; Diamond Begonia;Begonia;·; beauty Mei; leaves Betau; green Betau; Euonymus; Buxus microphylla; North Korea boxwood; Euonymus; Jiaodong Euonymus; Golden God vicaryi;ìé; Empoasca berbamine; clove; Ziwei; Hibiscus; phillyrin; bauhinia; gold and silver wood; honeysuckle; Huang Rosa; Phnom Penh Water Prince; Hung Shui Mu; Lamei; Taiping flower; wood Hydrangea; ping sticks Xunzi; silk wood; Floribunda Roses; large flower Rose; Mannheim Rose; red rose; Kim Mary Rose; Jintaiyang; laughter;±±èí; tower cypress; sand vulgaris;÷°; Henan cypress; cypress hodginsii ball; Xi'an cypress; Shu cypress; side cypress; tabulaeformis;¤white; cedar; Longbai; spruce; Magnolia; Dianthus plumarius; multicolored carnation; by Carnation; Phlox; Golden Caryopteris; sisal; Malanje; wood Hydrangea; Paeoniflorin; Canna; Cristata; short string of red; National Ju; Semiothisa;ú×±; acacia; Jiangnan Cassia;¨±; Amorpha fruticosa; Acacia;·¨; Paulownia;à; Chunnian 1000;÷; torch; game tree; Duzhong; Ginkgo biloba;·; Fraxinus; Xinjiang Yang; fast-growing Salix; willows; gordejevii; trowel head Liu; golden weeping willow ; bamboo: 124 varieties, such as, door-to-door if you purchase, we are very hospitable, the guests have a meticulous care, child Mindsto the bottom of the price, the best quality, best service, you Just check the number of points to check the quality of all organizations, sourcing, find a car load, are we responsible for.


The results showed that the prune degree is of the upright effects in the florescence control and flowers increasing, which are integrating with the mass prune, middling prune and bit prune. The prune time is influenced by atmospheric temperature, the abloom periods and the prune degree. The bloom characters, the flower numbers and the plant resistance of the Roses are influenced by the quality and types of the fertilizers.


Gladiolus hybridus,Dianthus caryophyllus,Dendranthema morifolium and Rosa hybrida are adaptive to the environment with high level of light intensity.


There are more than 25000 cultivars in modern roses, in which less than 3000 produced in European nurseries, and the main cultivar group is floribunda.


The physiology andbiochemical mechanism of high temperature on Rosa chinensis var floribunda and thetreatment of Ca~(2+),and Salicylic acid on Rosa chinensis var floribunda under hightemperature stress were also discussed.


The effect of high temperature on the electrolytic leakage of membrance, thecontent of malondialdehyde, the activities of antioxidant enzymes, and thecontent of antioxidants of Rosa chinensis var floribunda were studied and thetreatments with Ca~(2+)and Salicylic acid were taken to induce the thermotoleranceof Rosa chinensis var floribunda under high temperature stress.


Compared to the control, the Rosachinensis var floribunda treated with CaZ+and SA maintain higher levels of antioxidantenzyme activeties, inhibited the electrolytic leakage of membrane, and diminished thecontent of MDA in Rosa chinensis var floribunda under high temperature stress.


Rosas application in the landscape includes cut flower production and soil nursing: rose, chrysanthemum, carnation and calamus are the four cut flowers in the world; soil nursing includes the basic plant and special garden construction.


更多网络解释与月季相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

var.erunbescens Rehd.et Wils Bush Tea Rose:红花香水月季

大花香水月季 var. gigantea Rehd. Et Wils Giant Tea Rose | 红花香水月季 var.erunbescens Rehd.et Wils Bush Tea Rose | 香水月季 R. odorata Sweet Tea Rose

China rose:月季

月季(China rose) 在花语中,红月季表示纯洁的爱,热恋或热情可嘉、贞节等,人们多把它作为爱情的信物,爱的代名词,是情人节首选花卉,红月季的蓓蕾还表示可爱;白月季寓意尊敬和崇高,在日本,白玫瑰(月季)像征父爱,是父亲节的主要用花;

USA: China rose:美国:月季

中国:牡丹 China: Peony | 美国:月季 USA: China rose | 英国:狗蔷薇 United Kingdom: Dog rose

Rosa odorata Sweet;tea rose:芳香月季;香水月季

七姊妹(图考);十姊妹(秘传花镜) Rosa multiflora var.platyphylla Theory | 芳香月季;香水月季 Rosa odorata Sweet;tea rose | 紫花香水月季 Rosa odorata var.erubescens Rehd.et.Wils

R. odorata Sweet Tea Rose:香水月季

红花香水月季 var.erunbescens Rehd.et Wils Bush Tea Rose | 香水月季 R. odorata Sweet Tea Rose | 白玉棠蔷薇 cv. Albo-plena Doubleflower Japanese Rose

Punica granetum:{千瓣月季}{粉红石榴}{月季}

Punica granatum {石榴}{石榴(果)} | Punica granetum {千瓣月季}{粉红石榴}{月季} | Punum silisina {山李子}

ROSA Fairy Queen ?Sperien:仙后月季二年生扦插苗

ROSA Fairy Queen ?Sperien仙后月季二年生扦插苗 | ROSA Lavender Dream?'Interlav' 月季二年生扦插苗 | ROSA Pyrenees ?Poulcov比利牛斯月季二年生扦插苗

ROSA Fleurette:弗勒莱特月季二年生扦插苗

ROSA Cristal Fairy ?Spekren克里斯特月季二年生扦插苗 | ROSA Fairy Queen ?Sperien仙后月季二年生扦插苗 | ROSA Fleurette弗勒莱特月季二年生扦插苗

ROSA Rotes Max Graf ?Kormax:伯爵月季二年生扦插苗

ROSA Marjorie Fair ?Harh玛乔丽月季二年生扦插苗 | ROSA Rotes Max Graf ?Kormax伯爵月季二年生扦插苗 | ROSA The Fairy小精灵月季二年生扦插苗

Chinese old rose:古老月季

月季砧木:Rose rootstock | 古老月季:Chinese old rose | 玫瑰香精:Rose perfume