英语人>词典>汉英 : 月中 的英文翻译,例句
月中 的英文翻译、例句


the middle of a month
更多网络例句与月中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I've seen enough of them in just a couple of months to see that.


This project is the result of a ton of hard work over the course of months.


That is not to say that you should not enjoy the abrupt opportunities that will always appear.


A the recipient is present in the other contracting state for a period or periods not exceeding 183 days continuously or accumulatively in any calendar year


The major onseting period of blank cutworm is between middle and later of April and May in Dewu region. Often it would take 60 to 66 days of one generation from egg to larva, pupa, and imago in Dewu region.


It will take 51 to 63 days for second generetion of armyworm to develop from egg to larva, pupa, and imago in Dewu region. 5. There is evidently difference of armyworm imperilment degree in different altitude.


The reproductive development process of birch was described as follows: Male inflorescences extended from apical bud in early June. In later June, stamen primodium was differentiated in the bract of male inflorescence and the differentiation of bract was generated in female inflorescence. During July, anther layers and archesporial cell were differentiated in anther, then archesporial cell developed into mother microspore cell. Pistil primodium came into being at the same time. In early part of August the meiosis of mother microspore cell started. In later August, mono-nucleus microspore was formed. After September, both male inflorescence and female inflorescence were dormant.


The results show that Abstract Ericerus pelahas has one generation a year, overwinters by the fertilized femaleadults. It stars to feed and grow in forest march,spawning peak in second or late April.The larva are hatched in second or late May. It goes toleaves and then goes to stem in forest or second June. The male emerged in the second or late October dies after it male with it overwinters in November.

结果表明该虫1年发生1代,以受精雌成虫越冬,翌年3月上旬开始继续取食、生长, 4月中、下旬为产卵盛期,产卵期10~13 天,5月中、下旬为若虫孵化期, 6月上、中旬为若虫定叶、定杆期, 10月上、中旬雄虫羽化与雌成虫交尾后死亡,受精雌成虫11月中旬停止取食开始越冬。

Chicago important industrial city in the south, and a lot of ports. Harbor next year's mid-12 to mid-ice, obstructed navigation, but all the little lake snow, several ferry ports in the year between.


Harbor next year's mid-12 to mid-ice, obstructed navigation, but all the little lake snow, several ferry ports in the year between.


更多网络解释与月中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

moon culmination:月中天

月球 moon | 月中天 moon culmination | 月球位置摄影法 moon position camera method

Great heat:大暑

白露是九月的头一个 ...大暑简介 大暑(great heat) 农历二十四节气之一. "大暑"在每年的7月23日或24日,太阳到达黄经120°. >:"六月中,......暑,热也,就热之中分为大小,月初为小,月中为大,今则热气犹大也.

polygonum aviculare:扁蓄

1.早春发生型. 每年从3月上旬-3月中下旬出苗,3月中下旬达出苗高峰. 代表性杂草有:春蓼(Poiygonum persicaria)、扁蓄(Polygonum aviculare)、黎(Henopchloa album)等. 2.春夏发生型. 每年从3月中下旬-6月初出苗,6月中下旬达出苗高峰期.


系阿拉伯语"莱麦丹"(Ramadan)的意译. 教义规定,穆斯林在该月履行五大天命之一的斋戒功课,故名. >'云:"莱麦丹月中开始降示>,指导世人,昭示明证,以便遵循正道,分别真伪,故在此月中,你们当斋戒. "据载,斋月系穆罕默德由麦加迁

South Rim:南边

美国国家公园大峡谷分南边(South Rim)与北边(North Rim)两部分,南边比较popular,而且365天天天开放;北边的公园每年只有在5月中至10月中这段时间内开放,到了冬季很多路都关闭.

semester:学制: 学期制

美国研究所有两种学制,学期制(semester)以及学季制(quarter),学期制有有寒假 winter break, 大约是12月中到1月中,学季制就不一定了,视学校而定,以IIT去年商学院而言,他们的winter break 就是在11月到12月.

high water lunitidal:月中天高潮时

高潮线 high water line | 月中天高潮时 high water lunitidal | 太阴高潮间隔 high water lunitidal interval

in the past misted time:懵懂的岁月中

是因为太留恋because i was too reluctant to leave | 懵懂的岁月中in the past misted time | 只收藏了简单的笑脸i only collected the simple smile face


系阿拉伯语"莱麦丹"(Ramadan)的意译. 教义规定,穆斯林在该月履行五大天命之一的斋戒功课,故名. <<古兰经>>'云:"莱麦丹月中开始降示<<古兰经>>,指导世人,昭示明证,以便遵循正道,分别真伪,故在此月中,你们当斋戒. "据载,斋月系穆罕默德由麦加迁

low water lunitidal interval:月中天低潮间隙

低潮线 low water line; subtidal line | 月中天低潮间隙 low water lunitidal interval | 下子午线 lower branch