英语人>词典>汉英 : 最高阶段 的英文翻译,例句
最高阶段 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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When the possessive civilization system developed to the capitalist times, it had reached to the supreme stage and there was no more room for the development of the production capacity. The unlimited expansion of the production capacity became too heavy a burden for the production relationship to bear, so sign of decay became to appear in the possessive civilization system.


So there is no definite boundary between Capital Form and Social democracy Form.


In Joyce's opinion, the artist, who wants to reach the highest stage and to gain the insights necessary for the creation of dramatic art, should rise to the position of a godlike objectivity; he should have the complete conscious control over the creative process and depersonalize his own emotion in the artistic creation.


Owing to the rising of Christianity and the concourse of Hellenisrn with Hebraism, the Western culture has hereupon arrived on the stratosphere of the consciousness of tragedy.


The reform open, the economic development of China obtained the achievement that the whole world focus attention, but at the same time, the pollution of the environment is also very serious, a lot of ecosystem of place depravation, the acid rain, water pollution, soil run off, the hungriness turn, the air pollution etc.


Villa is the highest stage of living forms, even the economy villas, luxury apartment building than a higher level.


So long as one is attached to worldly or heavenly pleasures, Panna, meaning the development of highest and advanced level okf intelligence doesn't take place in mind is focused on deliverance or redemption.


The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.


The highest possble stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.


The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts .


更多网络解释与最高阶段相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


你可以通过SCSI总线上的5种信号判断出当前的阶段. 这8个阶段是:ARB99vRATION (仲裁)一个SCSI设备试图得到SCSI总线的控制权,它在地址管脚上声明(assert)它的SCSI标识符. 最高编号的SCSI标识符成功.

heavenly bodies:天体

教育最高阶段的课程是"神世",其核心章节是"神"的证明,其证成是通由天体(heavenly bodies)的运动. 这构成哲人教育,它与前述旨在培育勇敢德性的"武士教育"息息相关:武士的德性"勇敢"及其根基"thumos"(愤怒)和哲人的智慧及审慎(sophrosune)组成一套完整的教程规划.


在软件开发生命周期的每个阶段,国际程序员都有可能参与,但是程序编写(coding) 和检测(testing)是两大最主要的任务. 由于国际程序员是国内程序员中综合素质最高的一族,在真实和虚拟世界中来往于世界各发达国家之间,

technological innovation:技术创新

"技术创新"(technological innovation)在不同的发展阶段其来源可以不一样. 最发达的国家,其企业在生产上所用的技术已在最高的水平,它的技术创新就只能来自于新的技术发明(invention),不投入资金、人力去从事研究和开发(R&D)发明新技术,

technological innovation:创新

在不同的发展阶段,"技术创新"(technological innovation)来源可以不同. 最发达国家的企业采用的技术已在最高水平,其技术创新就只能来自于新的技术发明(invention),投入资金和人力去从事研究和开发(R&D)以发明新技术,才可能有技术创新.


HBO电影频道投拍新片>(Recount),回顾了2000年美国总统大选阶段闹得天翻地覆的佛州计票风波. 影片剧本由曾出演>和>的演员丹尼斯特朗创作,故事从选举日当天发生的事说起,讲到五周后佛罗里达州最高法院做出裁决,

stationary phase:稳定期

所有分裂形成的新细胞都生活旺盛.这一阶段的突出特点是细菌数以几何级数增加,代时稳定,细菌数目的增加与原生质总量的增加,与菌液混浊度的增加均呈正相关性.(三) 稳定期(stationary phase) 又称恒定期或最高生长期.处于稳定期的微生物,

stratospheric:同温层的, 平流层的 (形)

stratosphere 同温层, 最高阶段, 最上层 (名) | stratospheric 同温层的, 平流层的 (形) | stratum 层; 组织层; 地层; 社会阶层 (名)

Survival rate:活存率

以恒温变盐成长最高;三缸平均2060.42%,其次为变温变恒温恒盐 第二阶段换肉率(FCR)方面第二阶段活存率(Survival rate)方面(一) 成长率(Growth r ate)方面,

stratocumulus:层积云 (名)

stratigraphy 地层学; 地层成层情况 (名) | stratocumulus 层积云 (名) | stratosphere 同温层, 最高阶段, 最上层 (名)