英语人>词典>汉英 : 最高部的 的英文翻译,例句
最高部的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
treble  ·  trebled  ·  trebles

更多网络例句与最高部的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Ghost blowlamp" is the Department of Masterpieces, the history of the novel's first four authors Tomb Menpai - touch gold, unloading Ridge, hair hills, moving mountains, of which payment is touching the highest technological content, most rules Men Pai.


"Ghost blowlamp" is the Department of Masterpieces, the history of the novel's first four authors Tomb Menpai - touch gold, unloading Ridge, hair hills, moving mountains, of which touch the highest content of gold in technology, the most Menpai rules.


Tang Dynasty's political system and further establishing the central administrative body for the six provinces of the bureaucratic system in order to censorate the highest for the central monitoring body to monitor the 5 9 Temple affairs agencies; local administration to implement state, county and 2 system, and gradually to the Road, state and county levels of transition.


The uppermost part of an entablature.


Confidence in France increased for a fourth straight month, according to a survey by INSEE, the national statistics agency.


Community correction is a kind of punishment contrast with prison correction, and it is a main method to punish criminals in western counties. On July 10, 2003, the going into effect of and issued by the Supreme Court, the Supreme Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security, and Ministry of Justice, emblematizes the community correction system has been started to practice in China.


The TN and TP concentrations in the sediments were higher in the middle stretch but lower in the two edges of the Bay. The maximum value of TN concentration 1.08 mgg^(-1 appeared in the middle part of the Bay, and the minimum 0.89 mgg^(-1 curred at the adjacent areas to the river mouth; while the maximum value of TP concentration 1.07 mgg^(-1 appeared in the middle, and the minimum 0.80 mgg^(-1 was in the edges of the Bay.

结果表明:香溪河库湾底泥中TN、TP含量均表现为&中间高,两头低&的空间分布规律,其中,TN含量最高值为1.08mgg^(-1),出现在库湾中部区域,最低值为0.89mgg^(-1),出现在河口附近区域;TP含量最高值为1.07 mgg^(-1),最低值为0.80mgg^(-1),分别出现在库湾中部和库尾。

Paradise Harbor·Kinjie is built along Shanghai International Golf Country Club 1 kilometer, with 2000Mu green landscape, surrounded by numerous noble leisure facilities , such as Oriental Boat which is the most high standard Teen-age Activity Center of China, with 5550Mu green land. The biggest Aquatic Center of Shanghai. The north neighbor is silport Golf Club which is the Asia Top Ten Golf Club. Sun-island International Golf Club, Dianshan Lake Yacht Club, International Horse Racing Centre are all within 10 kilometers.


Paradise Harbor·Kinjie is built along Shanghai International Golf Country Club 1 kilometer, with 2000Mu green landscape, surrounded by numerous noble leisure facilities , such as Oriental Boat which is the most high standard Teen-age Activity Center of China, with 5550Mu green land. The biggest Aquatic Center of Shanghai. The north neighbor is silport Golf Club which is the Asia Top Ten Golf Club. Sun-island International Golf Club, Dianshan Lake Yacht Club, International Horse Racing Centre are all within 10 kilometers.


In observatory weather forecast will weigh new network in the center of report on November 7, in Mongolia state-owned a stronger cold air is in east move south below, predicting future will affect river of Chinese the Huaihe River 3 days with area of Beijing University ministry, these areas will appear fresh gale drops in temperature weather, partial area has pluvial snow.


更多网络解释与最高部的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Astronomy Tower:占星塔 霍格华兹最高的地方

魔法部 Ministry of Magic | Astronomy Tower 占星塔 霍格华兹最高的地方. | Forbidden Forest 禁忌森林 霍格华资学生们的禁地,人马、独角兽等奇兽居住其中.

Astronomy Tower:占星塔 霍格沃茨最高的地方

魔法部 Ministry of Magic | Astronomy Tower 占星塔 霍格沃茨最高的地方. | Forbidden Forest 禁忌森林 霍格沃茨学生们的禁地,人马、独角兽等奇兽居住其中.

Batman Begins:侠影之谜

"迪士尼自然"推出的第一部影片就是全境展现地球胜景的纪录 ...BBC出品华纳担任标题制作和发行)、>(Batman Begins)和>(Happy Feet).同时HD DVD版和BD版的>是累计总销售额最高的高清标题.<<斯

bending stress:屈曲应力

从结构方面考虑,较深的加强筋可增加产品的刚性及强度而无须大幅增加重量,但与此同时,产品的最高和最低点的屈曲应力(bending stress)随着增加,产品设计员须计算并肯定此部份的屈曲应力不会超出可接受的范围.


州法自治行政体(municipality)是指在县内或独立于县的、拥有自身行政和税收权的市、镇、村. 自治部(department): 美国联邦政府中的最高行政部门,与议会制政体国家中的部(ministry)相等. 美国政府各部是根

The Public Enemy:国民公敌

其中,最为著名的两部影片是同时在1931年上映的> (Little Caesar) 和> (The Public Enemy). 两部影片的主角凯撒.恩里科.班多罗和汤姆鲍尔都是为了爬到帮派的最高地位而杀人越货、无恶不作的歹徒. 和以后黑帮片中的主人公相比,

Flirting Scholar:唐伯虎点秋香

电影>(Flirting Scholar)香港历来最高票房的50部...又经过一番曲折,唐伯虎终于与心爱的秋香拜堂成婚. 然而历史上并没有唐伯虎点秋香一说,秋香比唐伯虎早出生了...

season ticket:季票

"附加费"(surcharge) 指最高相等于不时有效的普通等单程车票最高票价50倍之款项; (2000年第214号法律公告)"季票"(season ticket) 指根据本附例的条文和依据本附例第II部发出的季票;


1998年,他出版了自己的第三部小说>(Spell),一部关于男同性恋的喜剧. 布克奖(TheMan BookerPrize)是当代英语小说界的最高奖项,也是在世界文坛上享有盛誉的文学大奖. 该奖颁给在过去12个月内出版的英国、爱尔兰和英联邦国家作家的小说作品.

Flirting Scholar:唐伯虎点秋香

电影<<唐伯虎点秋香>>(Flirting Scholar)香港历来最高票房的50部...又经过一番曲折,唐伯虎终于与心爱的秋香拜堂成婚. 然而历史上并没有唐伯虎点秋香一说,秋香比唐伯虎早出生了...