英语人>词典>汉英 : 最短路径 的英文翻译,例句
最短路径 的英文翻译、例句


shortest path · shortest route
更多网络例句与最短路径相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The symbols, the path and its length of NSP are defined and the properties of NSP are studied. The dissimilitude for shortest path of general net and NSP is indicated, and a loop in the NSP shortest path is allowed. A shortest path algorithm based on NSP is proposed. An example of finding the shortest path is presented.


Considering the particularity of the road network and the demand of the shortest path algorithm for the road network information, a new method of representation and storage of the road network to enhance the real-timeness of the shortest path algorithm was proposed based on the basic idea of the dual graph representation to improve the forward star structure.


Secondly, geodesic Gaussian basis functions are defined on the graph. A shortest path obtained by a shortest path faster algorithm is used to approximate a geodesic distance.


Combining fuzzy clustering analysis and genetic algorithm, a gradational searching algorithm of shortest path in laser cutting is presented.


Shortest path Hamiltonian path and can be obtained over the shortest path and Hamiltonian path.


Open Shortest Path First is a routing protocol developed for Internet Protocol networks by the Interior Gateway Protocol working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force. The working group was formed in 1988 to design an IGP based on the Shortest Path First algorithm for use in the Internet.

最短路径优先是Internet 任务工程组的一个工作组为IP网络开发的一个内部网关路由选择协议,该工作小组成立于1988年并致力于为INTERNET应用设计一个基于最短路径优先算法的内部网关路由协议。

How to provide route to meet the driver's multiple psychological expectations is the key problem of navigation system. The essence of this problem is resource constrained shortest path problem, which belongs to NP-C problems and can not be solved with the traditional shortest path algorithm.


The shortest path approximation algorithm builds a weighted graph from the given set of scattered points using the distribution of these data points. By computing the shortest path in the weighted graph, the problem of curve reconstruction from scattered data points is transformed into that of curve reconstruction from a set of ordered data points.


The first is to choose any one of the impossible shortest path but it doesn't eliminate any of the impossible shortest path by passed top clusters to unpassed top cluster.The second is tha...


GIS network path analysis is the hotspot of GIS research,while the shortest path is the most basic and the most pivotal problem,so the research on it was never interrupted.Based on the Dijkstra algorithm combined with the GIS its own chrematistics,a lot of improvement has been adopted compared with the traditional Dijkstra algorithm.


更多网络解释与最短路径相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shortest Path in 3D Space:三维最短路径

最短路径并行算法:Parallel Shortest Path Algorithm | 三维最短路径:Shortest Path in 3D Space | 最短路径搜索算法:Shortest Path Algorithm

Shortest Path:最短路径

对他来说,一个实力坚强的Programmer,不会受限于任何工具、平台,因为他们已经掌握了关键的概念、以及各平台常用的技术,而且具有基本的算法的掌握能力,若需要写一个最短路径(Shortest Path)或快速排序(Quick sort)等算法,你随时可以写得出来,

shortest path problem:最短路径问题

文章摘要:本文主要探讨了最短路径问题(Shortest Path problem)的现实意义,通过C语言程序设计,寻求一种操作简易的解决最短路径问题的人机界面,能帮助解决诸如最优交通旅游路线的选择、电缆管道铺设、物流配送等应用领域的最短路径问题.

dynamic shortest path problem:动态最短路径问题

动态分段 dynamic segmentation | 动态最短路径问题 dynamic shortest path problem | 堆操作 heap operation

shortest path algorithm:最短路径算则

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shortest path algorithm:最短路径

最短路径:Shortest route | 最短路径:Shortest Path Algorithm | 最短路:shortest path on distance

shortest path algorithm:最短路径搜索算法

三维最短路径:Shortest Path in 3D Space | 最短路径搜索算法:Shortest Path Algorithm | 最短路径算法:algorithm of the shortest path

the shortest path:最短路径

最短路线:Shortest Path | 最短路径:the shortest path | 最佳路径:shortest path

approximate shortest path:近似最短路径

最短路径算法:shortest-route algorithm | 近似最短路径:approximate shortest path | 最短路径算法:shortest path algorithm

shortest route problem:最短路径问题

short word 短字 | shortest route problem 最短路径问题 | shot noise 散粒噪声