英语人>词典>汉英 : 最时髦的人 的英文翻译,例句
最时髦的人 的英文翻译、例句


smart set
更多网络例句与最时髦的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It means you have the courage to be unique and to be "you ",not some carbon copy of the latest fashion model on the cover of a magazine .


It means you have the courage to be unique and to be "you ," not some carbon copy of the lastest fashion model on the cover of a magazine.


A grumpy, angry face makes even the most stylishly dressed person look downright ugly.


At any given moment, roughly 35,000 people visit the most hyped of these communities, Second Life.


On his way back, Darius called in at the club known only as the CRC, one of the chicest venues in Tehran, where ten-pin bowling was played in a marble alley by the city's most fashion-conscious people to the background music of Frank Sinatra and Dave Brubeck.


CIS system ever was said for contemporary industry society " the modernest competition strategy ", it is identified by MI , BI identify with VI 3 parts are formed, its core depends on regarding one the individual's brains as concept identifying, the action; that directing the whole body regards one the individual's limb as behavior identifying, the operation; of the action that finish regards one the individual's facial features as visual identifying, let a person view and admire, get the core all that the concept mentioned company image thereby the position.

CIS 系统曾被称之为当代工业社会&最时髦的竞争战略&,它由 MI、BI和 VI三个部分构成,其核心在于把理念识别作为一个人的头脑,指挥着全身的行动;把行为识别作为一个人的四肢,完成行动的操作;把视觉识别作为一个人的五官,让人去观赏,从而把理念提到了企业形象的核心统领位置。

More importantly, they made it socially acceptable, something even the poshest person could aspire to.


Punk sexy flavor of dew shoulder skeleton grows T-shirt printing, design and manufacture of well-tailored long and moving out of line, a word took shape modelling of the dew shoulder emphasize overall modelling of sexy flavor, sweet the most of this year's cartoon ramming nifty skull printing allows you to reflect the most fashionable beauty, who impressed by da small skirt collocation can be very good to show melting beautiful person temperament!


What is interesting was that at that time the in fashion was to wear bellbottoms, for the men to wear frog sunglasses and the girls to wear dark shades. With pairs of us walking forward, it was like something out of a hallucination.


The most interesting thing was, at that time the bellbottoms were in great fashion. We saw men wearing goggles and women wearing sunglasses walking in pairs past us. It was all like a fantasy.


更多网络解释与最时髦的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些机器要求使用研磨得稍粗的咖啡豆. 德国人的过滤器似乎是做得最好的. 夸普斯(Krups)是最高级的;布劳恩(Braun)是最时髦的;美丽达是最贵的. 稍逊色一点的是诺韦克(Novelco)和普罗克特--西勒克斯(Proctor-Silex).

who wears male makeup. A real fashion plate:用男士化妆品, 穿着时髦的人

You're the worst kind of cool. You're the kind of guy...|你是最差... | who wears male makeup. A real fashion plate.|用男士化妆品, 穿着时髦的人. | You're living proof that those boy-toy doofuses...|你是...

Smart Money:罚金

smart from 伤心 | smart money 罚金 | smart set 最时髦的人

smart set:最时髦的人

smart money 罚金 | smart set 最时髦的人 | smart 刺痛

the smart set:最时髦的人

the shades 夜色; 阴间 | the smart set 最时髦的人 | The Stooges 傀儡, 著名美国摇滚乐队

The Shades:夜色; 阴间

the safety zone 安全地带 | the shades 夜色; 阴间 | the smart set 最时髦的人

The Stooges:傀儡, 著名美国摇滚乐队

the smart set 最时髦的人 | The Stooges 傀儡, 著名美国摇滚乐队 | the strong man 大力士; 强人


Y、年轻人(YOUNGSTERS)虽然了解许多最新式的化妆品和最时髦的发型,但有时却疏忽了对皮肤的保护. 正因为如此,不少人已遭受皮肤疾病的折磨而苦不堪言. 有的不顾健康专家有关皮肤癌的警告,晒日光浴的时间太长,让太阳光中的紫外线对皮肤造成伤害.

