英语人>词典>汉英 : 最下的 的英文翻译,例句
最下的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bottommost  ·  undermost  ·  ima

更多网络例句与最下的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brachium of inferior colliculus...下丘核|| nucleus of inferior colliculus ...下丘连合||commissure of inferior colliculus3. inferior colliculus,ic

下丘核( inferior colliculus,ic )是最重要的听中枢皮层下汇聚站,在声信号处理过程中起着至关重要的作用[1]。。。。

At least some of the lowermost cauline leaves verticillate, other leaves opposite and/or alternate.


Basal and lowermost cauline leaves compound, 5-9-foliolate; petiole (3-)8-15(-20) cm; leaflets broadly oblong, ovate, or lanceolate,(2-)4-7(-10)×(1-)2-3(-4) cm, base oblique, cuneate, or subtruncate, margin coarsely serrate with a distinct mucro at tooth apex, apex obtusely acuminate with a distinct mucro; petiolule 1-5(-20) mm. Upper cauline leaves 3- or 5-foliolate, becoming gradually smaller and narrower upward.

基部和最下的茎生叶复合,5-9具小叶;叶柄(3-)8-15(-20)厘米;小叶宽长圆形,卵形,或披针形,( 2-)4-7(-10)*(1-)2-3(-4)厘米,基部偏斜,楔形,或近截形,有粗锯齿的边缘具离生短尖头钝在齿先端,先端时候渐尖具离生短尖头;小叶柄1-5(-20)上面的毫米茎生叶3-或者具5小叶,向上变得逐渐更小和更狭窄。

Branches 10–40 per node, subequal, slender, secondary branching only from lowermost branches.

分枝10-40 每节,近等长,纤细,只从最下的分枝的次生分枝。

Fruit (9-)12-25(-32)× 0.5-0.9(-1) mm, uniform in width; petals 3-5(-8) mm; seeds uniseriate; racemes bracteate along lowermost portion, rarely throughout

果 ( 9-)12-25(-32)* 0.5-0.9(-1)毫米,相同宽;花瓣3-5(-8)毫米;种子单列;沿着最下的部分具苞片的总状花序,很少全部 1 N。

Racemes ebracteate or only lowermost few flowers bracteate; fruit 1-2 mm wide; seeds 0.8-3 mm.

总状花序无苞片的或只最下的很少花具苞片;果1-2毫米宽;种子0.8-3毫米 14

Racemes terminal and lateral, many flowered; lowermost flowers sometimes bracteate.


Racemes few to many flowered, ebracteate or rarely lowermost flowers bracteate, elongated in fruit.


Lowermost leaf sheath retrorsely strigose at base, uppermost sheaths closed 1/6–1/3 of length; blade grayish green, flat, folded, or involute, papery, 2–8 mm wide, abaxially smooth, adaxially nearly smooth to densely scabrid along prominent veins, apex slender prow-tipped; ligule white or off white to brownish or yellowish, membranous-papery.


Basal and lowermost leaves coarsely dentate; stigma subentire; fruit (5-)8-11 cm; Sichuan, Xizang, and Yunnan

基部和最下的叶粗牙齿;柱头近全缘;果(5-)8-11厘米;四川,西藏和云南 3 E。 wardii 具苞糖芥

更多网络解释与最下的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the best of times:(即使)在最有利的情况下

do sth. for the best 一番好意; 好心(even) | at the best of times (即使)在最有利的情况下 | get the best of 胜过...; 对...占优势 从...中得到最大的好处

at worst:在最坏的情况下;就最不利的一方面看

18.at best 充其量,至多;从乐观的方面看 | 19.at worst 在最坏的情况下;就最不利的一方面看 | 20.letter to the editor 给编辑的信

bottommost:最低的, 最下的

bottomless | 无底的, 难解的 | bottommost | 最低的, 最下的 | Bottoms up. | 干杯.


lowest working water level 最低工作水位 | lowest 最下的 | lowitz arc 日珥


nether /下面的/ | nethermost /最底下的/最下面的/ | netherward /向下/


suboperculum /下鳃盖骨/ | suboptimal /欠佳/亚最佳/最适度下的/ | suboptimality /次优性/


undermine 破坏 | undermost 最下的 | underneath 在下面


undermodulation /欠调变/ | undermost /最下的/最低的/ | undermounted /车架下悬挂的/

iLLS :i:作业在非赶工考 下的最晚开工时间

iEEF :i 作业在非赶工考 下的最早完工时间. | iLLS :i 作业在非赶工考 下的最晚开工时间. | iLLF :i 作业在非赶工考 下的最晚完工时间.

I picked the reddest apple from the tree:我取下樹上最紅的蘋果

Just for you只獻給你 | I picked the reddest apple from the tree我取下樹上最紅的蘋果 | It was the finest one that I could see那是我所見到最棒的一粒蘋果