英语人>词典>汉英 : 暗流 的英文翻译,例句
暗流 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
undercurrent  ·  underset  ·  undersetting  ·  undercurrents  ·  undersets

dark current · subterranean flow · The Crimson Rivers
更多网络例句与暗流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has acknowledged what was previously anathema: the existence of legitimate internal "currents" within the movement.


She would have a sense of the undercurrents that flowed beneath the deceptively calm surface.


Dewar is an important component of the astronomical observation.CCD should be cooled to low temperature by Dewar,because of the noise and dark current.


He knew the hidden drifts in that part of the river.


Using stimulant is an undercurrent in our country. We are going to make fruitfully firm struggle.


For all the negativity, though, there's almost always an undercurrent of gallows humor -- a Group Laugh, if you will -- surrounding the Chinese men's national team.


There is an undercurrent of global labor movement which I think will lead the rise of 'Global Citizen'.


There was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering, and sense of waste


Cooper was a sailor -- a naval officer; yet he gravely tells us how a vessel, driving toward a lee shore in a gale, is steered for a particular spot by her skipper because he knows of an undertow there which will hold her back against the gale and save her.


Filtering the form of the flow, undercurrent, that the flow can be washed, the undercurrent can be washed and two-way cross-washing, products widely used in chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, sugar refining, metallurgy, food, ceramics, starch and other industries in the production process and All kinds of industrial waste water purification and sewage treatment.


更多网络解释与暗流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anomalous underflow 异常暗流 | anomalous 异常的 | anomaly contour 等异常线

Dire Undercurrents:湍急暗流

Godhead of Awe-敬畏神性 1E 80 | Dire Undercurrents-湍急暗流 1E 10 | Sygg, River Cutthroat-河流割喉人席格 1E 100

Wealthy Flout Birth Control:阻击富人超生"暗流

神州纵横: NATION | 阻击富人超生"暗流" Wealthy Flout Birth Control | 传统春节何去何从 Fate of a Festival




underservant /帮手/ | underset /潜流/底流/暗流/ | undersewing /反面缝纫/

underset underset:暗流

undersell 抛售 undersold undersold | underset 暗流 underset underset | undershoot 进入射程 undershot undershot

Cocked to the undertow:竖起的暗流

Sea and the rock below 大海和岩石下面 | Cocked to the undertow 竖起的暗流 | Bones blood and teeth erode, with every crashing node 骨骼和牙齿的侵蚀血液,每个节点崩溃

wavering quotation with undercurrent:隐含暗流的徘徊行情

irrational quotation不合理行情 | wavering quotation with undercurrent 隐含暗流的徘徊行情 | the characteristic of legal right合法权力性


bathybic 深海底的 | bathycurrent 海底暗流 | bathycurrent 深水流

turbulent, revolutionary undercurrents:骚动的、革命的暗流

turbulent: a turbulent period in history. 历史上的动荡时期 | turbulent, revolutionary undercurrents. 骚动的、革命的暗流 | remit: To desist from; give up. 停止;放弃