英语人>词典>汉英 : 暗指 的英文翻译,例句
暗指 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
allude  ·  allusion  ·  alluded  ·  alludes  ·  alluding  ·  allusions

hint at
更多网络例句与暗指相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rustic frequently suggests a lack of sophistication or elegance, but it may also connote artless and pleasing simplicity

Rustic 通常暗指缺乏教养或优雅,但也可以指不加修饰和令人愉快的单纯

Applied to people, it is used disparagingly of a crowd or of the masses and suggests the gregarious aspect of crowd psychology.


Applied to people,it is used disparagingly of a crowd or of the massesand suggests the gregarious aspect of crowd psychology.


Sybaritic even more strongly suggests devotion to pleasure and luxury; the term implies excess and sometimes connotes effeteness or decadence

Sybaritic 甚至更强烈地暗指热心于欢乐和奢侈;这个词暗指过分的和经常意味着枯竭或堕落

From the term"Sophist"come the words"sophistry,"or specious argument, and"sophisticated," with its connotation of clever glibness;but the Greek word sophistes denoted merely the master of a craft, a clever adept, or a wise man.


Although we tend to think of animation as implying object motions, the term computer animation generally refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene.


Rather than dealing with the deficits, Bush touts his policy of "free prescription drugs" for the elderly —— the pa engers among whom the game of shuffleboard is popular."Free lunch" alludes to the American saying "There's no such a thing as a free lunch." In other words, everything costs something and everything has to be paid for by someone; statements otherwise are ploys for gulling credulous people. But free lunch is the order of the day on the U Union②. The president is likewise a fan of NASA's project to establish a ma ed base on the moon and push on to the exploration of Mars;that " aceship" will not be cheap. And the "cash awards" for "all who don't need them" could refer to a host of Bush tax cuts.


Rather than dealing with the deficits, Bush touts his policy of "free prescription drugs" for the elderly -- the passengers among whom the game of shuffleboard is popular."Free lunch" alludes to the American saying "There's no such a thing as a free lunch." In other words, everything costs something and everything has to be paid for by someone; statements otherwise are ploys for gulling credulous people. But free lunch is the order of the day on the USS Union②. The president is likewise a fan of NASA's project to establish a manned base on the moon and push on to the exploration of Mars;that "spaceship" will not be cheap. And the "cash awards" for "all who don't need them" could refer to a host of Bush tax cuts.


Rather than dealing with the deficits, Bush touts his policy of "free prescription drugs" for the elderly -- the passengers among whom the game of shuffleboard is popular."Free lunch" alludes to the American saying "Theres no such a thing as a free lunch." In other words, everything costs something and everything has to be paid for by someone; statements otherwise are ploys for gulling credulous people. But free lunch is the order of the day on the USS Union②. The president is likewise a fan of NASAs project to establish a manned base on the moon and push on to the exploration of Mars;that "spaceship" will not be cheap. And the "cash awards" for "all who dont need them" could refer to a host of Bush tax cuts.


Lolitas involuted design refers to its structural involution, which is achieved by parody, allusion, coincidence, and the work-within-the-work.


更多网络解释与暗指相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




94. demystify 阐明 | 95. allude 暗指,直接提到 | 96. cease 停止,终了

allude to:暗指

allow for 考虑到 | allude to 暗指 | anything but 一点儿也不

allude to:提到, 暗指说的

alltropic phase | 同素异形相 | allude to | 提到, 暗指说的 | allude | 暗指, 影射, 间接提到


况且,"兴"这个词指涉诗歌并且具有"类比"(analogy)或"暗指"(allusion)的相关意义,是来源很古的. 在我看来,无视这个词的特有意义,把它译为"激发人的情感"(waley)或"启发心志"(legge),将是危险的.

allusion: n.1:暗指,间接提到 2、引用典故,典故

all the more: adv.更加,越发,格外,愈发,尤其 | allusion: n.1、暗指,间接提到 2、引用典故,典故 | ambush: v.埋伏;n.伏兵,埋伏


allusion 提及 | allusive 暗指的 | alluvial 冲积的

implication n.1:含意,暗示,暗指 2.卷入,牵连

implicate vt.1.表明(或意指)...是起因 2.卷入,牵连 3.可能的影响(作用或结果) | implication n.1.含意,暗示,暗指 2.卷入,牵连 | implicit a.1.不言明的,含蓄的 2.(in)内含的,固有的3.无疑问的,无保留的

steer clear of the word:好好驾驭这个词,暗指不要乱用

preferred 首选的 | steer clear of the word 好好驾驭这个词,暗指不要乱用 | shell 在此指自尊

allude to:提到, 暗指说的

alltropic phase || 同素异形相 | allude to || 提到, 暗指说的 | allude || 暗指, 影射, 间接提到