英语人>词典>汉英 : 景天属的植物 的英文翻译,例句
景天属的植物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sedum  ·  stonecrop

更多网络例句与景天属的植物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Contents of salidroside and tyrosol in Rhodiola roots were determined. Salidroside content was 2.147%, the highest in Rh. sacra from Tibet, then in Rh. crenulata and Rh. tibetica from Tibet, 1.763% and 1.271%, respectively; tyrosol content was 0.2985%, the highest in Rh. crenulata from Sichuan, then in Rh. tibetica and Rh. crenulata from Tibet, 0.2143% and 0.1836%, respectively; whereas both contents were very low in Rh. jistigiata and Rh. kirilowii from Sichuan with salidroside contents of only 0.034% and 0.003%, and tyrosol contents of 0.0164% and 0.0048%,respectively.


Any of several succulent plants of the genus Sedum, especially the Eurasian species S.


The High Museum has installed a green-roof system here, it's a modular system, the plants are sedum, they're drought tolerant, very little maintenance...


Monanthes is a of small, succulent, subtropical plants of the Crassulaceae family.


Susan conquered the problem by planting large, uniform patches of groundcover with foliage that contrasts in a pleasing way:'John Creech' sedum (Sedum spurium 'John Creech'), a woodland geranium, and vinca.

Susan通过种植大面积叶子覆盖的地被植物来解决,对比就成为一个善心悦目的方式:'John Creech'景天属植物,天竺葵,以及常春藤等。

Sedums are plants that need little water and often are used on green roofs.


Sedums are plants that need little water and often are used on green roofs.


One of the best groups of plants to investigate if you are planning a drought tolerant garden, are the sedums.


The researchers say the presence of native plants likely helped all the green roofs capture water better compared to sedums.


The researchers say the presence of native plants likely helped all the green roofs capture water better compared to sedums.


更多网络解释与景天属的植物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Echeveria setosa:{锦司晃}

36,锦司晃(Echeveria setosa) 景天科石莲花属植物. 原产墨西哥普埃布拉州. 莲座叶盘无茎,老株易丛生. 大的莲座叶盘由100片以上的叶组成. 叶长5-7厘米、宽2厘米,基部狭窄,先端卵形并较厚,叶正面微凹、背面圆突,叶先端有微小的钝尖. 叶绿色,

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana:长寿花

长寿花(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)是景天科伽蓝菜属的观叶和观花植物,又名矮生伽蓝菜、寿星花、假川莲. 长寿花长势强健,耐干旱,是优良的冬春季室内观赏盆花,深受人们的喜爱,市场需求量大. 利用茎尖或带腋芽茎段、叶片等为外植体进行长寿花组织培养与快速繁殖已有不少报道,

Crassula lycopodioides:{青锁龙}

22.青锁龙(Crassula lycopodioides) 景天科青锁龙属植物. 产于纳米比亚. 肉质亚灌木,高30厘米,茎细易分枝,茎和分枝通常垂直向上. 叶鳞片般三角形,在茎和分枝上排列成4棱,非常紧密,以致使人误认为只有绿色4棱的茎枝而无叶,当光线不足时叶片散乱.